Glenville or Ginn Academy?

The kids that participate in sports and attend GA must play for the CMSD school nearest them. I live in a suburb of CLE and Glenville is the school nearest me. I checked with CMSD, GA, and OHSAA to triple confirm we were following all policies prior to enrolling my son at GA. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only parent that did that.
This is the confusing part. Attend a private school with no sports, play for the district you live in. Open enroll at a public with no sports and play for a different public thats close instead of the district you live in?
You nailed It. It is exhausting. But thatā€™s why these forums exist. Obviously folks want to know how a D IV school can compile an obscene level of talent. Good football teams are everywhere and there are favorites to win state titles. But none of them are a forgone conclusion. Glenville is not a favorite to win the DIV titleā€¦ā€¦. They are guaranteed to win the state championship. No ā€œattendance zoneā€ in the United States contains elite talent at every position on the field. They are in fact a City of Cleveland + all star team. The talent differential between Glenville and every other D IV team is so enormous that penciling them in as state champs prior to the first snap of the season is not so crazy. You canā€™t say that for any other team in Ohio. From purely a talent perspective they belong playing other insanely talented teams. And there are none in D IV.
Re: the statement in bold, I disagree there is a whole season to go, to many variables can come into play. There are several very competitive programs in DIV. Some people are saying the same thing about St Ed's this year. I also disagree with that for the same reasons.
Hard sayin'. Maybe they've got their act together and all these kids legitimately live in the Glenville attendance zone. Maybe they're just better at hiding it. Or maybe they just think that no one will be checking.

The question isn't whether someone will contact OHSAA; the question is whether OHSAA will take any action if they do. That may depend on who that someone is. It's probably a safe bet that some folks on here are a lot more concerned about potential violations than are the administrations at the schools and districts from which these kids transferred. Which might leave it up to schools which think that Glenville is a potential obstacle to their success. Then ask yourself: what evidence would West Holmes or Van Wert or Steubenville be able to gather and present that would compel OHSAA to investigate?
I can tell you this for certainā€¦.. No Steubenville teacher, coach, administrator Etc, would ever be the one to ā€œdrop the dimeā€. Secondly, unbeknownst to most of you Reno and Ted Ginn are close friends. And Reno has all the respect in the world for him.
I guess I just havenā€™t kept up with how secondary education has evolved even though I have 2 children that are high school teachers. One taught in charter schools in 2 different states and now is in a public school setting and the other has always taught in traditional public schools. What you are explaining seems complicated but Iā€™m old so maybe Iā€™m not supposed to understand.
I am a school board member of an urban district in NE Ohio. There are several charter schools in our district. We have fall athletes who attend 7 different schools!
Sort of sleazy, racist comment!


Which is which?
This is the confusing part. Attend a private school with no sports, play for the district you live in. Open enroll at a public with no sports and play for a different public thats close instead of the district you live in?
CMSD, the district that Glenville is apart of, is open-enrollment, both intra-district and inter-district. Any student from anywhere in Ohio can attend if they choose to. Nothing wrong with that
CMSD, the district that Glenville is apart of, is open-enrollment, both intra-district and inter-district. Any student from anywhere in Ohio can attend if they choose to. Nothing wrong with that
The question is not where you go to class, the question is where you play sports. (Perhaps) stupidly, those two questions don't always have the same answer.
CMSD, the district that Glenville is apart of, is open-enrollment, both intra-district and inter-district. Any student from anywhere in Ohio can attend if they choose to. Nothing wrong with that
I understand but thats not what I was asking.
Re: the statement in bold, I disagree there is a whole season to go, to many variables can come into play. There are several very competitive programs in DIV. Some people are saying the same thing about St Ed's this year. I also disagree with that for the same reasons.
Only one poster has guaranteed an Edā€™s state championship (PDC) which happens to be a St. Ignatius fan. Ironically, he has correctly predicted the last two. Try not to generalize and take offense to his posts. šŸ˜‚
Took two seconds. QB's father still owns a house in Twinsburg... HMMMMMMM. You want a Glenville address? You know the school isn't verifying any residence... come on now.

Now your getting it, unless the dad relinquishes parental custody to an aunt or uncle or grandmother they canā€™t just say they live in Glenville district

I had a friend ripped out of a highschool years ago,
Used a grandmaā€™s address , they sent him back to other school and sent them a 3000 dollar bill.

Its a joke
If you canā€™t beat out starter at Walsh
Just transfer to Glenville
If you not getting recognition it at Garfield grab an address
To be fair, this is a bad time to sell a house. Moving into the Glenville neighborhood would be stupid. So would selling one house to buy another. Maybe he got one decision right.

Don't convict without evidence.
Why should ā€œStudent Xā€ be playing for Twinsburg? How do you know where ā€œStudent Xā€ lives? Is ā€œStudent Xā€ ineligible to play for Glenville?

They live in twinsburg!
Two active players on team live in twinsburg

They need to give up parental custody to live in Glenville district. Not just say Iā€™m staying with grandma. When leaving a private school you are allowed to go back to your home school without penalty. This isnā€™t the college portal. And if it is. Which Iā€™m cool with. Just make it the same for everyone. Iā€™m cool with school choice, go wherever you like. But it must be universal
I am a school board member of an urban district in NE Ohio. There are several charter schools in our district. We have fall athletes who attend 7 different schools
I want to expand further on my response to you and ask a question since you are involved in education and you are a school board member. I love sports and think they teach valuable life lessons that will help children in their future life. And to be clear, both of my children participated in sports in high school and college. What is more important to you? Sports or academics? I just donā€™t see the importance that you seem to be placing on children being able to play sports when the overwhelming majority of children donā€™t even play sports. Itā€™s great they can do that but what is really important for the majority of our children?

Read this article from 2018. Numerous kids playing for Glenville wrongfully (Should have been playing for another CMSD based on their address and couldn't even obtain an address for one kid. If you this isn't happening again you are just simply naĆÆve. It's a matter of time before somebody emails Tim Stried again hopefully Glenville has the correct "addresses".

Itā€™s not just addresses they need parental custody
Kids cannot just say they live with a cousin or third cousin. They must be custodial parents. Actually takes going to courts. Otherwise this is just a free for all. Donā€™t have any problems with kids playing or switching schools. If Glenville allows this then let all schools do it. Make it free agency for all.
Because itā€™s not right only certain schools allow it.
Leave St ignatius and say you switched homes now you live in westlake. Westlake is going to say show me your parental custody.
Or Avon move to bay village say your living with an aunt. No way is that flying. They will need parental custody. Or the kid will be ineligible. Not in Glenville nobody checks. Thatā€™s the problem. And Iā€™m fine with it. If itā€™s the same rules for everyone.