Ohio State Football 2024

I can’t believe how anyone could ever pay money to see something like this. This is so boring. No tackling and offense vs defense. Spring game has been trash since Tressel left. Under Tressel it felt like a real game, this is a clown show.
I can’t believe how anyone could ever pay money to see something like this. This is so boring. No tackling and offense vs defense. Spring game has been trash since Tressel left. Under Tressel it felt like a real game, this is a clown show.
Then why do you keep watching it? Tressel hasn’t been coach since 2010
I can’t believe how anyone could ever pay money to see something like this. This is so boring. No tackling and offense vs defense. Spring game has been trash since Tressel left. Under Tressel it felt like a real game, this is a clown show.
I don’t mind watching on TV and even then I got distracted by other things because the game was so boring. My point is I would never pay money for such an insult to the fans time
The weather was perfect, the ticket prices were cheap and free to park. Maybe you have to be a fan to understand. Announced attendance of over 80,000 for a spring game. I didn't see anyone leaving unhappy.
The weather was perfect, the ticket prices were cheap and free to park. Maybe you have to be a fan to understand. Announced attendance of over 80,000 for a spring game. I didn't see anyone leaving unhappy.
I’m as much a fan as anyone else. Most people know little to nothing about sports though so ignorance is bliss.
I’m as much a fan as anyone else. Most people know little to nothing about sports though so ignorance is bliss.
You ever think maybe you don't know as much as you think you do? It was a spring game/exhibition. It was a chance for the fans to get a look at the 2024 team. I don't want to see any players get hurt in a meaningless exhibition. I have been to spring games before. I know what I am getting into. If you think most people know little to nothing about sports, why do you have a podcast? Why waste your time talking to ignorant people? If that is what you think of your listeners, maybe no one should listen to you.
You ever think maybe you don't know as much as you think you do? It was a spring game/exhibition. It was a chance for the fans to get a look at the 2024 team. I don't want to see any players get hurt in a meaningless exhibition. I have been to spring games before. I know what I am getting into. If you think most people know little to nothing about sports, why do you have a podcast? Why waste your time talking to ignorant people? If that is what you think of your listeners, maybe no one should listen to you.
Why do I have a podcast? Maybe to enlighten the audience? Just because people are ignorant doesn’t mean they cannot learn. The whole point is trying to help people learn and think deeper. Not give them the same nonsense the main stream podcasts do
Why do I have a podcast? Maybe to enlighten the audience? Just because people are ignorant doesn’t mean they cannot learn. The whole point is trying to help people learn and think deeper. Not give them the same nonsense the main stream podcasts do
You might as well brag on yourself, nobody else is going to do it.
that is ONE THING the wr at Tosu have been noted to do rather well...
It was lacking last year. Their best blocking wr last year was Fleming and he left. Several Henderson runs were cut short because of the lack of wr blocking down field.
BTW Meyer and Quinn on the call today was amazing. If Fox was smart they’d cut Gus Johnson a check and let these two do all of their big games moving forward. Pivot Johnson to basketball.
I can’t believe how anyone could ever pay money to see something like this. This is so boring. No tackling and offense vs defense. Spring game has been trash since Tressel left. Under Tressel it felt like a real game, this is a clown show.
I enjoyed the game, I thought Fox did a nice joib televising the game, Klatt did a nice job on the field asking some questions with Day, and the young lady with the players/and former players
It was lacking last year. Their best blocking wr last year was Fleming and he left. Several Henderson runs were cut short because of the lack of wr blocking down field.
yep... your thoughts on Harrison's blocking last year?
I enjoyed the game, I thought Fox did a nice joib televising the game, Klatt did a nice job on the field asking some questions with Day, and the young lady with the players/and former players
Ya I couldn’t care less about the questions either. Just didn’t like it, need to bring back the Tressel style spring games
I would think that too, might happen
Just watched replay of the first half of the scrimmage. No QB had eye popping stats, but the athleticism of Julian Sayin is off of the charts. Will Howard will likely start the season as QB1 with Sayin becoming the eventual starter. It would not be shocking if one or more of Brown, Kienholz, and even Noland hit the portal.

Elsewhere, Jeremiah Smith at WR appears to have unlimited potential, and overall team speed looked improved. The big question mark, the offensive line, remains a mystery. Just could not tell if they were improved or not given how the scrimmage was conducted.
Cleanup in Aisle 5
You know Maple we are getting nowhere. If you honestly feel Michigan is guilt free, I can't help you. The NCAA is slow to act. Harbaugh's violations during covid have just recently received notice of violations. There has been no statement that Michigan is no longer under investigation and has been acquitted. My main hope is that the 2024 football season will be
played on an even playing surface. After three years of highly questionable activities may we get back to having integrity in college football.
"Michigan football has received a notice of allegations from the NCAA related to the investigation into illicit recruiting and coaching during the COVID-19 dead period, a school spokesperson confirmed to ESPN. The program faces four Level II violations, along with a Level I allegation against coach Jim Harbaugh for misleading investigators.
Michigan has 90 days to respond to the notice of allegations, while the NCAA will have 60 additional days for a rebuttal. The timeline means that Michigan can wait until well after the College Football Playoff to finally address the allegations. There may also be an appeals process that could stretch well into the summer."

"Michigan is also under a separate investigation for coordinated sign-stealing and in-person scouting involving former analyst Connor Stalions. Harbaugh served a separate three-game suspension during the end of the regular season, which was handed down by the Big Ten in response to information the conference received from the NCAA's findings. That case is unrelated to to this set of allegations."
Would think either Brown or Kienholz will be dipping out in the next couple weeks.

Five QBs is a ton to have on the roster. Room got crowded really fast with Howard and Sayin coming in.
Kienholz and Nolan would probably be best served to leave. I haven't seen/heard any separation between Howard and Brown. Sayin will pass by Kienholz and Nolan and with another 5 star hopefully coming in next year there isn't much of a path for either one to be the starter at OSU.