Officiating, what is happening?

What does "Getting Better Games" mean?
It means where you show up to the same games year in and year out with the same officials doing the game. While other younger officials , better in most cases, get forced elsewhere because of the old boys club. And when I say old boys club that’s now literally an old boys club. Assignors and refs
Sir I respectfully disagree with your viewpoint and stance here. Politics exist, absolutely not like this though.
Politics today pale to what occurred 30 years ago.
Brand new officials shouldn't be driving 50 miles one way for a JH game.
Why not? I traveled 50+ for JH games years ago and still do today.
We need to do better to get these Class II's more opportunities on Thursdays & Saturdays
Every assigner I have been associated with and/or spoken with in the last 7 years is begging for officials on Saturday morning. The problem they have is most all of the pewee leagues pay significantly more (in cash) for those games than the JV games (or JV/Frosh DH).

Your citings may be a localized issue. However, it's not what's being experienced nationwide.
My opinion...

- The OHSAA needs to go to 6 officials with 2 back judges instead of a center judge ASAP. Older officials can no longer keep up with the speed of the game

- A more organized system needs to be established for less than varsity games. JH/JV assignments are done by local AD's thru word of mouth, associations and conferences need to handle this. It'll allow for more Year 1-2 officials to get games easier & get more experience

- Inexperienced officials are seeing Friday nights way too early anymore. You shouldn't sniff a Friday night until Year 3, it's much more hectic and a younger guy will absolutely get worked by an experienced coach. Also the diversity of formations is considerably higher than in past years.
They definitely don’t need 2 deep wings. QB play in Ohio is abysmal, collectively.
It's a huge reason to be honest with our newer officials

Sir I respectfully disagree with your viewpoint and stance here. Politics exist, absolutely not like this though. Brand new officials shouldn't be driving 50 miles one way for a JH game. We need to do better to get these Class II's more opportunities on Thursdays & Saturdays
I was offered $200 for a 7-8 double header last weekend, working with just one other official.

I said no thank you.

In our part of the state there are games every Thursday and Saturday with less than 4 officials.
We need to do better to get these Class II's more opportunities on Thursdays & Saturdays
When I had confirmed I passed the test last August, I sent an email to the ADs of a conference I was familiar with at about 9AM offering my services for Mondays, Thursdays, and a few Saturdays. I had 10 games scheduled by 2PM, including some from an AD that I did not contact. I did not have to travel more than 25 miles for any of them.

I've received multiple emails this week begging for officials for a JH double header on Saturday morning. AFAIK, they still haven't filled the positions.

There is plenty of opportunity for new officials to get games.
Maybe I am crazy, but over the last few years, it seems to me that the officiating of these games has just gotten worse and worse. What is the root cause? I am I not talking about the close borderline calls, I am talking about blatant bad calls that get called or blatant calls that just somehow not a single official sees. And why is it taking a huddle of 4 officials for every penalty to make a decision. Last night was a perfect example, I calculated that we had almost 20 minutes of just official stoppage as almost every call took a huddle of officials to spend 2 to 3 minutes to just make a decision on the flag that was thrown.

- Is it lack of training?
- Is it a lack of officials overall?

What gives?
Lack of officials has forced officials to be put in games they aren’t ready for
It means where you show up to the same games year in and year out with the same officials doing the game. While other younger officials , better in most cases, get forced elsewhere because of the old boys club. And when I say old boys club that’s now literally an old boys club. Assignors and refs
That’s not what I meant at all. You’re either a troll, delusional, or have an axe to grind for some reason. Official shortages are nationwide in every sport. Raising the pay won’t all of a sudden flip the switch, it’ll help. It won’t cure the issue.
well Lebanon had another game with bad officials. The game clock operating was definitely cheating. He was awesome through the first 3.5 quarters. Then all of a sudden he forgot how to operate it. In the last 5 min the refs met for 5 to 10 min and had to change the clock numerous times. Lebanon ended up winning despite with 1:18 left and Lebanon up 7. The refs gave West Clermont 5 downs.
Lack of officials has forced officials to be put in games they aren’t ready for
Or for a lot. Some are put in games that have passed them by.

Look if you can’t move, Get off the field. You are a detriment to the kids who have put in so much time that you haven’t to keep yourself mobile.

The Big Red game was an absolute debacle last night.
Without officials there are no games… you’ve got three options:

1) Cancel games… many HS soccer games are experiencing this now.

2) Put officials on the field that are not ready for a varsity game (they will get better with more reps)

3) Put the “older” officials out there that may miss some calls because the “the game is too fast”

Hopefully everyone complaining about the quality of officials has signed up for the next class to become one.
Without officials there are no games… you’ve got three options:

1) Cancel games… many HS soccer games are experiencing this now.

2) Put officials on the field that are not ready for a varsity game (they will get better with more reps)

3) Put the “older” officials out there that may miss some calls because the “the game is too fast”

Hopefully everyone complaining about the quality of officials has signed up for the next class to become one.
You are spot on, or they could take the class to just learn the rules.

Last night the coach and fans went wild over an "uncatchable pass." Coach earned an UNS and a fan was ejected.

And I do miss Maha Rushie, America's Truth Detector.
You are spot on, or they could take the class to just learn the rules.

Last night the coach and fans went wild over an "uncatchable pass." Coach earned an UNS and a fan was ejected.

And I do miss Maha Rushie, America's Truth Detector.

One piece of information I wish fans would learn is that not every suspect action draws a foul. There has to be suspect action with restriction that has an effect on the play to get a flag.

So yes, random guy in the stands, that was a hold, but it has no effect on the play so it doesn’t get a flag.
When I had confirmed I passed the test last August, I sent an email to the ADs of a conference I was familiar with at about 9AM offering my services for Mondays, Thursdays, and a few Saturdays. I had 10 games scheduled by 2PM, including some from an AD that I did not contact. I did not have to travel more than 25 miles for any of them.

I've received multiple emails this week begging for officials for a JH double header on Saturday morning. AFAIK, they still haven't filled the positions.

There is plenty of opportunity for new officials to get games.
That’s the problem there. What if you don’t know the AD’s? What if those games are already full at the schools you emailed?
That’s the problem there. What if you don’t know the AD’s? What if those games are already full at the schools you emailed?

The OHSAA policy is that games are assigned to officials by a certified assignor. ADs should not be assigning games.

Every conference has an assignor and when a school needs officials for a contest the assignor must find them.
There's not enough officials to work 5 man, how are we going to get enough for 6?

AD's assigning at the sub-varsity level is not the norm. Most are handled thru the assigner.

Again, there aren't enough officials to cover the games. Schools are very reluctant (as the should be) to schedule games on Thursdays and/or Saturdays. Assigners are forced to use the inexperienced officials out there in order to prevent this from happening.
Pay should be doubled in my opinion. It hasn’t really kept up with inflation

In NW Ohio it is rare for assignors to do JV/JH

It’s a sad situation for sure, but again pay more and you’ll get people willing to leave work
Not true, I’ve never had an AD assign me a sub varsity OHSAA game.

The policy applies to varsity and sub varsity games. As long as the game is governed by the OHSAA.
Incorrect. I worked in the OHSAA officiating department from 2013-2021. Games can be assigned by the AD or an assignor. There is no requirement to use an assignor, for any sports, at any level.
It means where you show up to the same games year in and year out with the same officials doing the game. While other younger officials , better in most cases, get forced elsewhere because of the old boys club. And when I say old boys club that’s now literally an old boys club. Assignors and refs
100% accurate.
That’s the problem there. What if you don’t know the AD’s? What if those games are already full at the schools you emailed?
“Hello, Mr/Mrs AD…… I’m _________. I just got my license and would love the opportunity to work JH games in your league. I have been working with (insert veteran official’s name here) on my game and he can let you know anything you need to know about me”

That’s the phone call you make to each
AD you call.
“Hello, Mr/Mrs AD…… I’m _________. I just got my license and would love the opportunity to work JH games in your league. I have been working with (insert veteran official’s name here) on my game and he can let you know anything you need to know about me”

That’s the phone call you make to each
AD you call.

Coaches have their preferred refs and assigners in their pockets. ADs are going to use those refs. Period.

Coaches have 10x the power, especially the good ones, as their ADs. The ADs do what the coaches want and typically have very little power.
Perfect example - the ref shortage has been going on for a few years now.

What have the ADs changed? They don't care as long as their coaches are getting their preferred refs.

They also know refs as a whole don't really deserve a pay raise based on their overall performance. When you suck as a group and demand more money, that doesn't sit well with administrators.
Perfect example - the ref shortage has been going on for a few years now.

What have the ADs changed? They don't care as long as their coaches are getting their preferred refs.

They also know refs as a whole don't really deserve a pay raise based on their overall performance. When you suck as a group and demand more money, that doesn't sit well with administrators.
If you can’t find quality workers for the money you’re offering, it might be time to offer more money.
If you can’t find quality workers for the money you’re offering, it might be time to offer more money.
Yet the ADs haven't offered more money. Don't you think there's a reason for that? I just gave you two:

1) Most have their preferred refs in their pocket already
2) They don't think refs, as a whole, are worthy of a pay raise