I met some when working on I-75, US-33, US-36, US-127, and I think US-30 over the years. When I saw Marion Local play I actually didn't talk to hardly anyone. I probably ran into about 15-20 this year in my travels for work, I didn't keep an exact count. I travel all over the state and adjacent states for work, so I meet a lot of different people. Probably the most pleasant people I met recently were on some of the islands on Lake Erie, this one nice gentleman gave me a tour around the island on his golf cart and invited me inside his house for lunch while I was waiting on the ferry. As far as Steubenville goes, I have worked extensively in the Steubenville area and adjacent towns like Rayland, Wintersville, etc. I have met a ton of Steubenville alumni, the ones that don't bring up football have been fine however, but a lot of them like to talk about the success the team has had over the years (that would be a nice way to put it I suppose).
The thing that happens usually at somepoint in all my negative experiences regardless of where someone is from, is things go downhill when they make some sort of remarks about people from Canfield, and then often they go on to say something about Canfield just got lucky and didn't deserve to win the state championship a few years ago, or in the case of Marion Local, Steubenville and Glenville alumni specifically that their team would have easily handled Canfield that year, or that Canfield is afraid to schedule ML, Steubenville or Glenville.