2023 Massillon Football

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Standing over guys after a tackle, running their mouths. That's not "being kids," that's emulating what they see on tv. Nate should and could have put a stop to it years ago but for some reason he continues to allow it to continue.
I said that's B's but them kids run so much for that B's I do agree about standing over ppl but I mean bruh let's be real ppl do that to us all the time.
As it should. And has. It cost us a first and goal from the 5 against St. Ed. Yeah, we scored anyway -- but come week 15 or 16, it might not work out like that. When first and goal becomes a missed FG, will folks be so cavalier about it?
From an outsider's perspective, I hope Massillon gets it done this year. They certainly have the talent to do it! I'm not one to get into the "do they or don't they" back and forth regarding the state championships. I can see both sides. Massillon has been a great program for so long and I have no doubt they were the best team in Ohio, and likely the country, a good number of those years. With Paul Brown as their coach, how could they not!?! On the other hand, there is no Massillon player who has experienced standing on the field and watching the clock tick down to zero in a state title game and, truly, feel that sense of accomplishment and triumph. My son was fortunate enough to feel that sense of pride on a couple of occasions that comes with winning a state title game with STVM, and it has to be different than what those great Massillon teams experienced. For the sake of the players on the team, for the sake of the program and its fans, I'd love to see the Tigers win it all this year.
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Perfection is a reasonable goal but an unreasonable standard.

And really, I don't care what other teams do. They want to give us free yards for acting the fool, great. No reason we have to return the favor. And "everyone else does it" is neither an excuse nor a justification.
When you played you played perfect? Not one bit of celebration? Name one team that don't celebrate bro. Again not saying you are 💯 percent wrong but come on man.

My move was a 180 reverse dunk over the goal post. Which doubled as the neighbor's clothesline. That's what kids do. Big no-no in hs. :( Is what it is gotta be smart. Not dumb. (Big ask, lol). Imagine something that selfishly stupid costing the whole season? Talk about an *** whooping I'd never show my face in Massillon again.
When you played you played perfect? Not one bit of celebration? Name one team that don't celebrate bro. Again not saying you are 💯 percent wrong but come on man.
Again, I'm not talking about celebration, (well....kinda, I'll get to that in a minute). I'm talking about standing over top of a guy after a big hit/tackle and giving him the stare down. I'm talking about running our mouths after a big play....or, at all. I'm talking about doing stuff that you KNOW is not accepted by the officials and doing it anyway. It's a "look at me" move. Doing something to draw the attention to yourself even though you know it's going to hurt the team. It's BS and it needs handled NOW. I've said for a long time that I love Nate Moore being the coach. I love what he does for the program and for the kids....but this (not the fight on Saturday) all lies at HIS feet. I believe he could have put a stop to this type of behavior before it started....with Jayden Ballard. You take a kid like Ballard with all the skill and potential in the world and after his second unsportsmanlike you sit his arse on the bench for the remainder of the game and the entirety of the following game and that would have sent a message. I'm telling you all this is eventually going to bite us in the backside....remember where you heard it first.

Now....the celebration I mentioned earlier, when they do that thing where they swim their arms as they're running off the field. When they do the thing where the td maker jumps and the lineman kinda throws him up in the air....things like that absolutely. But watching a freshman game this year, the RB (no names) was having a big day and had just busted about an 80 yard run, he gets into the endzone and spins the ball.... ....that to me is selfish. That is a "LOOK AT ME" move. He hurt the team because it is something that he absolutely knew he was gonna get flagged for....BUT DID IT ANYWAY. Those are the kinda things I'm talking about.
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Again, I'm not talking about celebration, (well....kinda, I'll get to that in a minute). I'm talking about standing over top of a guy after a big hit/tackle and giving him the stare down. I'm talking about running out mouths after a big play....or, at all. I'm talking about doing stuff that you KNOW is not accepted by the officials and doing it anyway. It's a "look at me" move. Doing something to draw the attention to yourself even though you know it's going to hurt the team. It's BS and it needs handled NOW. I've said for a long time that I love Nate Moore being the coach. I love what he does for the program and for the kids....but this (not the fight on Saturday) all lies at HIS feet. I believe he could have put a stop to this type of behavior before it started....with Jayden Ballard. You take a kid like Ballard with all the skill and potential in the world and after his second unsportsmanlike you sit his arse on the bench for the remainder of the game and the entirety of the following game a D that would have sent a message. I'm telling you all this is eventually going to bite us in the backside....remember where you heard it first.

Now....the celebration I mentioned earlier, when they do that thing where they swim their arms as they're running off the field. When they do the thing where the td maker jumps and the lineman kinda throws him up in the air....things like that absolutely. But watching a freshman game this year, the RB (no names) was having a big day and had just busted about an 80 yard run, he gets into the endzone and spins the ball.... ....that to me is selfish. That is a "LOOK AT ME" move. He hurt the team because it is something that he absolutely knew he was gonna get flagged for....BUT DID IT ANYWAY. Those are the kinda things I'm talking about.
Exactly. No to date myself but 35 years ago 1. This crap did not take place. 2. It would not have been tolerated by the coach or officials. Play with class, Win with class, Lose with class. Not that tough...
From an outsider's perspective, I hope Massillon gets it done this year. They certainly have the talent to do it! I'm not one to get into the "do they or don't they" back and forth regarding the state championships. I can see both sides. Massillon has been a great program for so long and I have no doubt they were the best team in Ohio, and likely the country, a good number of those years. With Paul Brown as their coach, how could they not!?! On the other hand, there is no Massillon player who has experienced standing on the field and watching the clock tick down to zero in a state title game and, truly, feel that sense of accomplishment and triumph. My son was fortunate enough to feel that sense of pride on a couple of occasions that comes with winning a state title game with STVM, and it has to be different than what those great Massillon teams experienced. For the sake of the players on the team, for the sake of the program and its fans, I'd love to see the Tigers win it all this year.
Not pulling for you fellow Akron school, Hoban? Damn shame, lol
Again, I'm not talking about celebration, (well....kinda, I'll get to that in a minute). I'm talking about standing over top of a guy after a big hit/tackle and giving him the stare down. I'm talking about running our mouths after a big play....or, at all. I'm talking about doing stuff that you KNOW is not accepted by the officials and doing it anyway. It's a "look at me" move. Doing something to draw the attention to yourself even though you know it's going to hurt the team. It's BS and it needs handled NOW. I've said for a long time that I love Nate Moore being the coach. I love what he does for the program and for the kids....but this (not the fight on Saturday) all lies at HIS feet. I believe he could have put a stop to this type of behavior before it started....with Jayden Ballard. You take a kid like Ballard with all the skill and potential in the world and after his second unsportsmanlike you sit his arse on the bench for the remainder of the game and the entirety of the following game and that would have sent a message. I'm telling you all this is eventually going to bite us in the backside....remember where you heard it first.

Now....the celebration I mentioned earlier, when they do that thing where they swim their arms as they're running off the field. When they do the thing where the td maker jumps and the lineman kinda throws him up in the air....things like that absolutely. But watching a freshman game this year, the RB (no names) was having a big day and had just busted about an 80 yard run, he gets into the endzone and spins the ball.... ....that to me is selfish. That is a "LOOK AT ME" move. He hurt the team because it is something that he absolutely knew he was gonna get flagged for....BUT DID IT ANYWAY. Those are the kinda things I'm talking about.
I just watched a clip on Facebook- we hit Mck with a flea flicker from Spencer and the WR tossed his helmet and threw his arm bands and gloves into the crowd…and no the game was not over yet. So how far back are we going to point the celebration finger? Because it did not start with Ballard
I just watched a clip on Facebook- we hit Mck with a flea flicker from Spencer and the WR tossed his helmet and threw his arm bands and gloves into the crowd…and no the game was not over yet. So how far back are we going to point the celebration finger? Because it did not start with Ballard
There was no removing the helmet rule back then. It DID start with Ballard during the Moore tenure.

And listen, if you don't mind being excused from the playoffs just so some 16 and 17 year old kids can flaunt their stuff and showboat that's fine with me, just remember who warned you.
Let's just say he led the league.
He was also blatantly targeted by other teams with late hits and other antics. I’m not saying he didn’t deserve some of the penalties he got but many were due to his competitive nature and not backing down. If we’re going to single out someone who got away with actual bad behavior during the Moore era he certainly isn’t the kid I’m singling out to deride 3 years after he graduated.
I said that's B's but them kids run so much for that B's I do agree about standing over ppl but I mean bruh let's be real ppl do that to us all the time.
Other teams do it to us ... YES. And since others do it there is some justification to it that should make it ok for when our players do it .... NO NO NO
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