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Hey Licking, Milton-Union is returning quite a few players this year and one in particular is going to be a stud. He placed at the state track meet in 3 events. Peyton Mayfield. Also, MU grad and former NFL lineman, Wes Martin is a coach at Milton now. Maybe those would be a couple of nice articles.
If you are on twitter send them my way @HEARTLANDFAN15
Thanks for the leads.
I came across your post about the history of TRI County Football league. Do you still have a copy of the 79 page document? I would like to read it and haven't be able to find a link for it anywhere. Could you e-mail it to me? My e-mail address is: funeralsrimportant@yahoo.com
Thank you,
e-mailed this over the weekend. let me know if you didnt get it
BaseSwimParent has an axe to grind with Bly. They'll never be satisfied until Bly wins State, and even then there will be issues.
Coach isn't perfect by any means, but BaseSwimParent sounds like he is constantly making mistakes with any talent he has on the roster and isn't at the same level coaching as Held (Moeller).
Ah, thanks for the heads up. I wasn’t going to waste my time by engaging him much longer but I had to get that Parthian shot in to show that Bly did exactly what BSP thought he couldn’t.
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Obviously he’s now moving the goalposts. Yeah, CB can occasionally make some questionable moves and it would be wonderful if Mason could win that elusive State Championship, but he’s kept the program pretty strong; beating Moe 3x in the State tournament isn’t exactly a ho hum achievement.

Thanks and have a good week. 👍
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