The Mandalorian/All Things Star Wars

I heard an interview this past Friday with a guy that is one of the producers that works with modern pop stars, he brought up the idea of creative rotation. He grew up in a city but his grandparents were farmers and he spent many summers out on the farm to learn a different way of life. An important concept he was educated on was that of crop rotation, his grandparents said if you only grow 1 crop every year it sucks the all the nutrients out of the soil that the crop needed and after a while it would get "tired" and not as good as it was that 1st season. So they would grow corn one year, soy beans the next and so on and the crops would be at their best when farmed in this manner. He uses that same concept when working with creative folks across all genres including things like music, writing, dance, etc... I really think Star Wars needs some creative rotation, they are sucking only certain elements out of the franchise by basically running the same type of shows out with the same types of creatives behind the scenes. I think Andor being so different is what made that show seem so special and Star Wars would benefit from more creative rotation but Disney is 1st about making $s so I think they will take the easy way out to maintain the cash cow.
Rewatching Rise of Skywalker, probably the 4th or 5th time.

It gets a bad wrap, and somewhat deservedly so. It has its issues, part because of writing choices, part because of the death of Carrie Fisher (who was set to have a much bigger role) that forced last minute rewrites.

That said, there’s still a lot about the movie I really like and maintain it’s closer to a “very good” movie than a “bad” movie. It just needed some tweaks here and there. Every time I watch it I find something new I like about it.

The Han/Ben Solo scene is still one of the best scenes in all of Star Wars.
No,no,no go see a doctor, you've fallen into a cult. :D There was NOTHING good about that movie. There is nothing good about the movies before it.
Star Wars problem isn’t woke anything. It was a complete lack of a cohesive narrative for the projects.
Some would disagree on the woke take and SW, mainly posted this for the dig at Kathleen Kennedy. She and Disney get roasted in this episode for altering stories to bend to a certain agenda, SW does fall into this trap too.
Some would disagree on the woke take and SW, mainly posted this for the dig at Kathleen Kennedy. She and Disney get roasted in this episode for altering stories to bend to a certain agenda, SW does fall into this trap too.
which stories got altered?
which stories got altered?
Again not much in SW but many MCU characters have been changed and especially ferry tails like the recent Little Mermaid and Snow White got a woke reboot. Maybe I should have posted elsewhere, many blame Kennedy for the lousy story arcs in the sequels so that’s why I put this here.
Finished the Aftermath book series. Effectively a no-op. A time filler to justify the New Order. Ends with Ben's birth. It sets up the Hux story and the outer-reaches. There's also one character, pro-empire, not pro-emperor, apparently out of the comics and a main in these books that headed to the outer-reaches. Supposedly in charge but since Hux exists in the movies and she doesn't, probably sets up another movie or book series.

Kind of stupid. Three books to move the character from loyal soldier to one with morals, who then knowingly takes charge of murderous children in which to form a new Empire.
She can easily appear in an Ahsoka flashback. She and Ahsoka were very close.
Ah, you said something about changing her lousy ending. You mean last scene then, right?

I don't recall her and Ahsoka being particularly close, though it would hardly be necessary for them to insert that. I'm rewatching The Clone Wars right now, perhaps it will refrsh my memory.
Ah, you said something about changing her lousy ending. You mean last scene then, right?

I don't recall her and Ahsoka being particularly close, though it would hardly be necessary for them to insert that. I'm rewatching The Clone Wars right now, perhaps it will refrsh my memory.


Lucas gave Padme a terrible death that was rather ambigious.

Lucas gave Padme a terrible death that was rather ambigious.
ambiguous? I plan watching Revenge after completing The Clone Wars. I don't off hand remember anything ambiguous about her death to leave opening to change from what I guess everyone presumes happened. I guess I'll see it when I see it.
Rewatching The Clone Wars. The Geonosian war scenes were intense, which I believe were the ones being shown so well live action in Ahsoka? Just completed the second season Mandalorian episodes, which tie in also with characters in Rebels. I'll do better keeping track of who is who and the Darksaber. I always got those confused. I noticed a certain art style on a wall also pre-saging the Mandalorian art used in Rebels and later shows.

Master Fisto is a blast. Windo was a boorish idiot, I hope he bounced a few times.

I gave the baby jedi one a chance, since chronologically it precedes the others but couldn't keep with it and jumped to Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. The Clone Wars, The Clone War animated movie and now the series. I think chronologically, I have to fit Bad Bunch in there somewhere before Revenge of the Sith.
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Rewatching The Clone Wars. The Geonosian war scenes were intense, which I believe were the ones being shown so well live action in Ahsoka? Just completed the second season Mandalorian episodes, which tie in also with characters in Rebels. I'll do better keeping track of who is who and the Darksaber. I always got those confused. I noticed a certain art style on a wall also pre-saging the Mandalorian art used in Rebels and later shows.

Master Fisto is a blast. Windo was an idiot, I hope he bounced a few times.

I gave the baby jedi one a chance, since chronologically it precedes the others but couldn't keep with it and jumped to Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. The Clone Wars, The Clone War animated movie and now the series. I think chronologically, I have to fit Bad Bunch in there somewhere before Revenge of the Sith.

The very beginning of the Bad Batch series starts with Order 66. So at least start ROTS before Bad Batch.
The last 4 episodes overlap ROTS. Anakin and Obi-Wan meet Ahsoka before they go off to rescue Palpatine. There's a scene around a hologram table that starts in ROTS that continues in Clone Wars. Order 66 happens. and the very last scene is after ROTS.

FYI, The 3rd Ahsoka episode of Tales Of The Jedi also starts during ROTS.
Just hit the Zillo Beast stories. Kind of forced and never really went anywhere, until forced again three series later. And just reminds that clones/storm troopers have the most worthless armor in fiction. You can shoot them, slive them, even punch them. For that matter, punching out droids seems to be easy.

And a side thought, why the heck did all these worlds have such built up war technology when there were no wars? Gundans. Why'd they have all that fancy stuff? This is a place I felt the franchise severely failed, when only a few one-liners would have explained some things. Dune handles this so much better.

Something I did think done well; the battle droids actually do look a bit like their creators the Geonosians.
The Clone Wars: Finished season 2. Shows Corusant underworld. Instead of all these main character led series, I think they'd do well to have a Marvels (Busiek) type series. Regular characters set in the Star Wars universe.

Season 3 Ep 1 is a flashback to the creation of Domino Squad, first seen in season 1. Also the first mention I know of "bad batch" and Trooper 99. I don't know if this ep won awards, but it should have.
The Clone Wars: Finished season 2. Shows Corusant underworld. Instead of all these main character led series, I think they'd do well to have a Marvels (Busiek) type series. Regular characters set in the Star Wars universe.

Season 3 Ep 1 is a flashback to the creation of Domino Squad, first seen in season 1. Also the first mention I know of "bad batch" and Trooper 99. I don't know if this ep won awards, but it should have.

The clone arc to start season three was great. Their Umbara arc is possibly the best one of the entire clone wars.
The Clone Wars Season 5. First I can think of seeing Palpatine fighting and they did an impressive job. I feel I have a better understanding of the Mandalor background from the S5 story arc. I couldn't remember how Bo Katan figured in, now I do.

As I get to the later seasons, I'm trying to figure if any of the later series dovetail in, in anyway. Bad Bunch must fit in here somewhere?