The Mandalorian/All Things Star Wars

Aftermath books, the scooby gang is hunting down old empire admirals. End of book two, Thrawn becomes their target. Somewhen the two scooby gangs looking for Thrawn have to meet up.
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Super cut of Order 66 from all visual canon sources. Disney should pay the person responsible for this and put it in Revenge of the Sith minus the last cut scene.

Super cut of Order 66 from all visual canon sources. Disney should pay the person responsible for this and put it in Revenge of the Sith minus the last cut scene.

While they were all good in their separate depictions, I thought that interesting too. I haven't played the more recent games to see those depictions. Looks like they made a decision to keep them looking pretty much like the old games instead of using all the modern bells and whistles. The one with Kestus (took me a bit of googling) looks about the same as Outcast with Katarn that I played years ago.
Also, I’m loving this 9pm release time as opposed to Wednesday overnight and having to try and watch an episode while I’m getting ready for work (and missing stuff) in the morning just so I don’t have to try and dodge spoilers for 12 hours.
The Clone and Mandalorian war scenes must have cost a fortune. This one stepped up the game. Also noted, most of the poorly played characters weren't in it so maybe that's not much of a compliment. Hopefully we don't have two episodes sitting inside a whale.

They'll probably use the next one to focus on the other ship. Anyone seen any previews of next episode?
The Clone and Mandalorian war scenes must have cost a fortune. This one stepped up the game. Also noted, most of the poorly played characters weren't in it so maybe that's not much of a compliment. Hopefully we don't have two episodes sitting inside a whale.

They'll probably use the next one to focus on the other ship. Anyone seen any previews of next episode?

They usually don't release anything (a clip) until the morning of the new episode.
Cool episode and the SW Geeks are loving the time jump stuff. I am not a huge fan of this aspect of epic story telling but when it is just basically two characters driving the action it is a little more believable then an entire new world. Also saw that some see a parallel to LOTR/Gandalf when Ashoka was wearing grey; then has that big life changing event happen away from everyone else then comes back sporting white robes.
Cool episode and the SW Geeks are loving the time jump stuff. I am not a huge fan of this aspect of epic story telling but when it is just basically two characters driving the action it is a little more believable then an entire new world. Also saw that some see a parallel to LOTR/Gandalf when Ashoka was wearing grey; then has that big life changing event happen away from everyone else then comes back sporting white robes.

I wouldn't really call it a time jump. It was just a vision/dream flashing back to her past.
Loved the episode but did not love the actress for young Ahsoka. It would have been a good time to dub in Ashley Eckstein.

Would have made young Ahsoka much more palatable.
Filoni in general doesn't seem to do kid actors well. Hera's kid is no better and I recall same problem in previous shows.
Cool episode and the SW Geeks are loving the time jump stuff. I am not a huge fan of this aspect of epic story telling but when it is just basically two characters driving the action it is a little more believable then an entire new world.

Notice that was mini-Asoka, not "now" Asoka. Those were recreations of scenes in the animated series when she was still a Padawan. These were shown to new audience so they can understand what happened to the Mandaloreans and why Asoka left the Jedi. They weren't the Peace Keepers she wanted to be. They were cool scenes but probably too brief and not enough force feeding to accomplish any goal.
Loved the episode but did not love the actress for young Ahsoka. It would have been a good time to dub in Ashley Eckstein.

Would have made young Ahsoka much more palatable.

Eckstein is 41 now and she would have been playing a teenager. A young teenager. Ahsoka is like 14 in that first scene.
ahh I had that thought as well, but Ariana Greenblatt was great IMO.
I'm solidly in cubs camp on that. Parts of it was just wooden crap. A voice actress might have helped but with her experience? She should have done better under any director. It mostly goes onto direction.
To me this episode felt like mostly the big reveal, we finally see live action Thrawn & Ezra Bridger. Plot didn't move too much along and in true SW tradition we get a fun connection scene with yet another cute alien race that helps the heroes on their journey. Also, does anyone else get Dune vibes on where this thing is going? Those sisters totally remind me of the Bene Gesserit and the brutish architecture of the sisters structure and stark landscape is right out of the '21 film.
I guess the big thing we're to take out of this, is that this is all a story-telling from some future droid in this galaxy. From the original, a long time ago, in the original movie's galaxy far, far away.
I guess the big thing we're to take out of this, is that this is all a story-telling from some future droid in this galaxy. From the original, a long time ago, in the original movie's galaxy far, far away.

I think that was just a fun comment added not to be taken too seriously.
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Speaking of funny... I have seen some callouts that live Thrawn has a serious dad bod while in the cartoons he is a bit more "buff".

I guess the big thing we're to take out of this, is that this is all a story-telling from some future droid in this galaxy. From the original, a long time ago, in the original movie's galaxy far, far away.
I think that was just a fun comment added not to be taken too seriously.

Still not sure what you meant by that. ? My understanding is that it's canon, 4th wall at least.

I just started the third Aftermath book. Wendig writes a good book. Not in the same class as Zahn, but good. I'm not sure how it lines up chronologically with Mandalorean and Ahsoka. Leia is pregnant. They've introduced a character that in hindsight has been at Palpatine's side, mabye since Clone Wars. I'm not sure on that either. Whether that is Snoke or not, they haven't yet said.
Still not sure what you meant by that. ? My understanding is that it's canon, 4th wall at least.

I just started the third Aftermath book. Wendig writes a good book. Not in the same class as Zahn, but good. I'm not sure how it lines up chronologically with Mandalorean and Ahsoka. Leia is pregnant. They've introduced a character that in hindsight has been at Palpatine's side, mabye since Clone Wars. I'm not sure on that either. Whether that is Snoke or not, they haven't yet said.

In the same way that most Star Wars projects include the line “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”, I think Filoni just added the line from Huyang as a fun nod to fans. I don’t think it has a deeper meaning.
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mom the same way that most Star Wars projects include the line “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”, I think Filoni just added the line from Huyang as a fun nod to fans. I don’t think it has a deeper meaning.

I'm not your mom. You having a stroke? lol, eh, are you?

It's not from Filoni. It's from Lucas. Just something in reviews I've read that say they're quoting him. IDK, I didn't make it up. The idea does make a whole lot of sense out of the opening crawl, telling a history in an oral tradition kind of way. As well other things such as the in-canon debate of droid sentience. That dark jedi's complaints about retreading the same story over and over again.

Ahsoka is now apparently/possibly set in that far-far away galaxy from which the original story is told in order to add fresh perspective instead of the copy everything that's gone on before that was the method of every additinal chapter set future or past. Same scoobies, same ships, different colors.
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