The Mandalorian/All Things Star Wars

Watched the first two episodes of Acolyte. I came away pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it.

Lots of new planets and the characters are interesting. Not a bad start to the show at all.
Ya I’ll pass on the Acoltye…..just like I have for pretty much everything else Star Wars since 2005 outside of Mandorian seasons 1 and 2

You need better sources of information lol.
Maybe but if you see the video the producers are flat out saying it as well. I also don’t have much interest in seeing women as main characters in Star Wars and kicking butt against men. It’s just too unbelievable.

Star Wars ended after ROTS
Maybe but if you see the video the producers are flat out saying it as well. I also don’t have much interest in seeing women as main characters in Star Wars and kicking butt against men. It’s just too unbelievable.

Star Wars ended after ROTS

I’ve watched the exact interview. It was completely in a joking fashion.

A journalist from The Wrap asked the director and Star (both of whom are gay) to respond to fan criticism that this will be the gayest Star Wars project yet.

The director then joked that C-3PO is obviously gay and that it’s canon that R2-D2 was a lesbian.

Anyone with half a brain could tell they were joking, yet some are using it to push their own political agenda because they know their lemmings will believe anything they say, whether it’s true or not.

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I’ve watched the exact interview. It was completely in a joking fashion.

A journalist from The Wrap asked the director and Star (both of whom are gay) to respond to fan criticism that this will be the gayest Star Wars project yet.

The director then joked that C-3PO is obviously gay and that it’s canon that R2-D2 was a lesbian.

Anyone with half a brain could tell they were joking, yet some are using it to push their own political agenda because they know their lemmings will believe anything they say, whether it’s true or not.

Joking or not there absolutely is some truth there as well. What about the white people comment? You’re missing that one.

These people are all weird AF and not the type of people I would want running a Star Wars project. They’ve already emasculated all of the main men characters in place of women who all suck as characters in these movies.
Joking or not there absolutely is some truth there as well. What about the white people comment? You’re missing that one.
These people are all weird AF and not the type of people I would want running a Star Wars project. They’ve already emasculated all of the main men characters in place of women who all suck as characters in these movies.

The coolest and strongest character in this show is literally a man lol.
And the strongest character in the updated Stars Wars universe without formal training is a woman.

She is literally shown on screen being trained by both Luke and Leia (who was also shown being trained by Like) lol.

You don’t get to just make up facts to suit your argument.

Side note, Luke used the force to blow up the Death Star with no formal training.
She is literally shown on screen being trained by both Luke and Leia (who was also shown being trained by Like) lol.

You don’t get to just make up facts to suit your argument.

Side note, Luke used the force to blow up the Death Star with no formal training.
Shown on screen and training for two weeks? LOL at training under Lea. This is not just a strong person in the force, this is a person who is now the strongest person in the Star Wars Universe.

Formal training = trained in the Jedi temple by a legit master. I don’t even consider Luke to be formally trained. That’s why the strongest characters IMO are all in the prequels outside of Palpatine.

Luke using the force to help his accuracy to fire a shot is quite different than using the force to defeat palpatine. That’s apples to a f**king house comparison.
I’ve watched the exact interview. It was completely in a joking fashion.

A journalist from The Wrap asked the director and Star (both of whom are gay) to respond to fan criticism that this will be the gayest Star Wars project yet.

The director then joked that C-3PO is obviously gay and that it’s canon that R2-D2 was a lesbian.

Anyone with half a brain could tell they were joking, yet some are using it to push their own political agenda because they know their lemmings will believe anything they say, whether it’s true or not.

I’d argue that Headlund and company need to be smart enough to avoid this. All it does is fuel the shows detractors.

Joking or not there absolutely is some truth there as well. What about the white people comment? You’re missing that one.

These people are all weird AF and not the type of people I would want running a Star Wars project. They’ve already emasculated all of the main men characters in place of women who all suck as characters in these movies.

Why are you devoting time out of your life to drag something you clearly don’t like.
Disney has brought the ridicule down on itself and damaged what should be a flagship brand of their company in two ways:

* They have injected woke elements into the casting & storytelling. You can't miss it and it's exasperated by the undisciplined and gratuitous comments of the shows creators and actors.

* The quality is lacking on most of the Star Wars stuff Disney is involved with.

I was a big Star Wars fan and vividly remember the amazing experience in the movie theater watching the original in 1977. It filled me with wonder. I have been a lifelong consumer of Science Fiction books and Star Wars was an entertaining and important element of this. That Disney has largely ruined the experience for me pisses me off.

See that’s the lame BS right there. Calling a ship on fire “a crackling campfire” because they know people will read the tweet, believe it, and not even bother to watch the “video evidence” that is not even about what they are talking about.

The video is of a ship on fire in space, something we’ve seen a hundred times in the original trilogy. Fire in space is nothing new in Star Wars, even if the science doesn’t add up. Go watch the opening scene of Revenge of the Sith and you’ll find at least ten examples.
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Disney has brought the ridicule down on itself and damaged what should be a flagship brand of their company in two ways:

* They have injected woke elements into the casting & storytelling. You can't miss it and it's exasperated by the undisciplined and gratuitous comments of the shows creators and actors.

* The quality is lacking on most of the Star Wars stuff Disney is involved with.

I was a big Star Wars fan and vividly remember the amazing experience in the movie theater watching the original in 1977. It filled me with wonder. I have been a lifelong consumer of Science Fiction books and Star Wars was an entertaining and important element of this. That Disney has largely ruined the experience for me pisses me off.

I am shocked your culture war loving self is upset with Star Wars.

I’ve noticed that the OT crowd are the people most upset with Star Wars. They have a very hard time accepting changes in Star Wars. However instead of just stopping watching Star Wars they complain about it endlessly. Constantly searching for things to complain about in frequently more aggressive and aggrieved ways.

If you’re so upset why do you keep watching? Move on
The fan boys would have a much different reaction if they'd just put the female characters in metal bikinis.
I am shocked your culture war loving self is upset with Star Wars.

I’ve noticed that the OT crowd are the people most upset with Star Wars. They have a very hard time accepting changes in Star Wars. However instead of just stopping watching Star Wars they complain about it endlessly. Constantly searching for things to complain about in frequently more aggressive and aggrieved ways.

If you’re so upset why do you keep watching? Move on

Or they claim they won’t/don’t watch the new stuff, but somehow still have plenty to review about them (this is not directed at lotr btw).

Sadly, and this isn’t restricted to just Star Wars fans, these days a lot of people base their opinion on what other people tell them, and not what they take the time to view with their own eyes.
I am shocked your culture war loving self is upset with Star Wars.

I’ve noticed that the OT crowd are the people most upset with Star Wars. They have a very hard time accepting changes in Star Wars. However instead of just stopping watching Star Wars they complain about it endlessly. Constantly searching for things to complain about in frequently more aggressive and aggrieved ways.

If you’re so upset why do you keep watching? Move on
Science fiction is one of the most, if not the most, diverse reading material out there. Trust me when I say that those of us who read a lot of science fiction have no problem dealing with change. It's the projected and imaginative changes in technology & culture that makes science fiction so fun and challenging to consume.

I think you've noticed wrong about why people are upset with Star Wars. Most of them are upset with the general decline in quality of all things Star Wars. If it ended there you would probably just see a slow and steady decline in Star Wars ratings and consumption. But those that have contributed to the dip in Star Wars quality are also the people infusing it with wokness that at best is distracting and at worse contributes to the decline in quality.

There is an arrogance about the current crop of actors & creative people behind the various Star Wars spin offs that drives much of the reaction. They routinely trash the "fan boys" who built Star Wars into the global brand it is. Why on earth would you bite the hand that feeds you?

They also constantly blather on about how the source material is so much better now that we have more people of color and women throughout. How is it better? They're doing the same thing with LOTR. Sit down Tolkien we've improved your tales inspired by Northern European myths with black Dwarfs s & Hobbits! As an aside I watch a lot of Bollywood movies. They are fantastic over the top entertainment. It would never occur to me to want to see fewer Indian Hindus and more white, black and East Asian characters in them.

BTW, this is the first time I've commented on Star Wars in a while. The last time I believe was to praise The Mandalorian which remains the best of the Disney Star Wars stuff. And for the record I don't watch the Disney Star Wars stuff anymore.
The funny thing is, the show is just good, not great so far, but not for most of the reasons it’s getting criticized for and much of the criticism is coming from people who proudly claimed to haven’t even watched it.

If you’re criticizing and critiquing something you haven’t even watched, your opinion has absolutely no value and you’re likely just trying to push an agenda.
The fan boys would have a much different reaction if they'd just put the female characters in metal bikinis.
You mean the tens of millions of fan boys who built the Star Wars franchise? The ones who poured billions of dollars into the franchise? I mean in Return of the Jedi didn't Princess Leia kill it with a bikini while kicking Jabba's butt? There is something to be said about featuring a strong and hot women in your film.

One of the great mysteries to the direction they have taken Star Wars is the way they've deliberately antagonized their core audience. It's both lazy & dumb. They're doing the same thing with LOTR. If you want to see how you expand the appeal and concept of a beloved work of sciencefiction & fantasy whoe foundation is a feircly loyal base of supporters check out Game of Throwns. Diversity is intriduced withou lectures, it just is by bringing in excellent actors to portray interesting new characters.

In the end NOT throwing a bone to the Star Wars fan boys was a big mistake by the Disney folks.
The funny thing is, the show is just good, not great so far, but not for most of the reasons it’s getting criticized for and much of the criticism is coming from people who proudly claimed to haven’t even watched it.

If you’re criticizing and critiquing something you haven’t even watched, your opinion has absolutely no value and you’re likely just trying to push an agenda.
I stopped watching pretty much anything Disney and Star Wars related. It to often let me down and I grew sick of the preaching coupled to crappy acting and lousy stories. There's to much other great stuff out there including:

* All sorts of first rate Anime.

* A lot of stuff out of Bollywood is a hoot.

* The series Monarch with Godzilla and Kurt Russel is fantastic.

* And I'm eagerly awaiting the return of the new GOT series.