The Mandalorian/All Things Star Wars

The Clone Wars Season 5. First I can think of seeing Palpatine fighting and they did an impressive job. I feel I have a better understanding of the Mandalor background from the S5 story arc. I couldn't remember how Bo Katan figured in, now I do.

As I get to the later seasons, I'm trying to figure if any of the later series dovetail in, in anyway. Bad Bunch must fit in here somewhere?

The batch appear in S7 in a really good arc. This missing scene from the arc however should have been left in 😂

Season 7 is fresh enough in my memory I remember thinking it the best SW "movie" of them all. Just completed Fives' arc in S6. It's up there too.

So I should start the Bad Batch before season 7 of The Clone Wars? When does Revenge of the Sith fall in?
Season 7 is fresh enough in my memory I remember thinking it the best SW "movie" of them all. Just completed Fives' arc in S6. It's up there too.

So I should start the Bad Batch before season 7 of The Clone Wars? When does Revenge of the Sith fall in?

the end of season 7 of the clone wars takes place at the same time as Revenge of the Sith.
So Revenge, Last bit of Season 7 and Bad Batch all run concurrently?

Some what. The Bad Batch is introduced at the beginning of season 7 before the events of Revenge. The Bad Batch series itself starts with Order 66 and the series extends beyond the events of Revenge.
The very beginning of bad batch series takes part during order 66. We see the end of Master Bilaba and the escape of her padawan Kanann Jaraus
That will be something to look for. Really bland character, until the end. I recently read the Aftermath series, which introduced a kid character, Temmin Wexley (who rebuilt a droid rumored to be HK-47), later seen as a chubby resistance pilot against the New Order
Some what. The Bad Batch is introduced at the beginning of season 7 before the events of Revenge. The Bad Batch series itself starts with Order 66 and the series extends beyond the events of Revenge.

Thanks. After seeing BB in the S7E1, I'd been tempted to switch series.. I guess the best order is watch

The Clone Wars S7 up to the last three episodes, REALLY looking forward to this.
Tales of the Jedi (recommened earlier) then
the movie,
complete S7 The Clone Wars,
then start Bad Batch.

The next step before the original movie (A New Hope) would be Kenobi, Rebels and there was the one where they showed how they got the Deathstar plans. Is that it for the pre-New Hope?

I think I read the books of the era too, about the scientist that created it, the bad guy in charge of the project (Krennich), Tarking and there might have been some Thrawn books here that I read.
That will be something to look for. Really bland character, until the end. I recently read the Aftermath series, which introduced a kid character, Temmin Wexley (who rebuilt a droid rumored to be HK-47), later seen as a chubby resistance pilot against the New Order

Thanks. After seeing BB in the S7E1, I'd been tempted to switch series.. I guess the best order is watch

The Clone Wars S7 up to the last three episodes, REALLY looking forward to this.
Tales of the Jedi (recommened earlier) then
the movie,
complete S7 The Clone Wars,
then start Bad Batch.

The next step before the original movie (A New Hope) would be Kenobi, Rebels and there was the one where they showed how they got the Deathstar plans. Is that it for the pre-New Hope?

I think I read the books of the era too, about the scientist that created it, the bad guy in charge of the project (Krennich), Tarking and there might have been some Thrawn books here that I read.

The only episode of Tales of the Jedi relevant to this portion of the time line is the 3rd Ahsoka one. it starts after the Kenobi/Anakin duel.

The timeline post Revenge:

1)Bad Batch
2)Solo and Kenobi( happen about the same time)
3)Andor and Rebels (About the same time)
4)Rogue One
5) A New Hope
Silly little things I think you can get from rewatch. I think the writers trying to intimate that Luke and Leia a result of a little post-Clovis breakup whoopdydoo. Just after the Clovis storyline is Yoda's trip to discover post death ghosting. In that he's told there is "another Skywalker." Yoda doesn't put it together. The next episode is S7E1, in which Padma is looking a little, ... motherly. Different hairstyle. A little bump maybe?
Silly little things I think you can get from rewatch. I think the writers trying to intimate that Luke and Leia a result of a little post-Clovis breakup whoopdydoo. Just after the Clovis storyline is Yoda's trip to discover post death ghosting. In that he's told there is "another Skywalker." Yoda doesn't put it together. The next episode is S7E1, in which Padma is looking a little, ... motherly. Different hairstyle. A little bump maybe?

It’s not known exactly when it happened but we do know it happened before Anakin left for the outer rim sieges.

It’s one of the great mysteries in Star Wars. Right up there with how do Luke and Leia find out about their mother.

The only episode of Tales of the Jedi relevant to this portion of the time line is the 3rd Ahsoka one. it starts after the Kenobi/Anakin duel.

The timeline post Revenge:

1)Bad Batch
2)Solo and Kenobi( happen about the same time)
3)Andor and Rebels (About the same time)
4)Rogue One
5) A New Hope

The last four 7th season everything I remembered and even better with the rewatch and watching them just after Revenge. Added in the last two Jedi Tails and it all becomes a lot more than laser swords. Starting Bad Batch next.

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Looks like Kathleen Kennedy is doubling down on her vision of SW. I am OK with a woman directing this thing just as long as it is good. My worry is Charmin is a novice when it comes to directing big budget films and that with a probable preachy story line if the core fans feel alienated they will stay away. The finger will then be pointed at the fan boys as not being open minded even if it is lame.
Looks like Kathleen Kennedy is doubling down on her vision of SW. I am OK with a woman directing this thing just as long as it is good. My worry is Charmin is a novice when it comes to directing big budget films and that with a probable preachy story line if the core fans feel alienated they will stay away. The finger will then be pointed at the fan boys as not being open minded even if it is lame.
Looks like Kathleen Kennedy is doubling down on her vision of SW. I am OK with a woman directing this thing just as long as it is good. My worry is Charmin is a novice when it comes to directing big budget films and that with a probable preachy story line if the core fans feel alienated they will stay away. The finger will then be pointed at the fan boys as not being open minded even if it is lame.
I think it just presumes a reader's bias, that a "woman" in the position to even be chosen as a director in one of the largest franchises in history implies they do or do not have empathy the experiences of the average women in the target audience, which is worldwide.

So as business people, are they really that stupid to make those assumptions? No. They're trying to open the market from the predominanatly male market it presently is to include the fastest rising income group in the world, women.

Anyone looking for much more in the motives beyond $, I wonder have they ever left the neighborhood? They shouldn't need to have but have they ever competed in a market place of growing diversity of income? The people making production and script decisions as individuals may have agendas. Everyone does. But in big public owned business the first order is $$$$. If this attempt loses money or doesn't have the return required, they will change tactics.
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Watched the first three episodes of the final season of Bad Batch tonight. Off to a much better start than the dreadful last season.

The Palpatine appearance and the tie into his return in the sequels is interesting.
What a night and day difference between season two and season three of the bad batch. Season two just kind of drifted aimlessly with plenty of crap. Season three is rock solid
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Star Wars: The Acolyte is a mystery-thriller that will take viewers into a galaxy of shadowy secrets and emerging dark-side powers in the final days of the High Republic era. A former Padawan reunites with her Jedi Master to investigate a series of crimes, but the forces they confront are more sinister than they ever anticipated.

The buzz surrounding Acolyte after the trailer release has the right up in arms ahead of schedule. I suppose we can expect a massive attempt to cancel Acolyte/Disney.

My favorite part is the crying about the lack of a white male in the trailer. Arnt these people supposed to be opposed to gender and racial quota’s?

The buzz surrounding Acolyte after the trailer release has the right up in arms ahead of schedule. I suppose we can expect a massive attempt to cancel Acolyte/Disney.

My favorite part is the crying about the lack of a white male in the trailer. Arnt these people supposed to be opposed to gender and racial quota’s?
These people...

I love it.
The final season of the bad batch is heading down the stretch. This season has been on par with rebels or clone wars imo. A night and day difference between the dismal season two and this one.
I was very surprised by the ending as I expected something very grim.

Season three was light years better than season two.

The new trailer for Acolyte looks promising. It will definitely be darker and grittier than anything not named Andor.