The Mandalorian/All Things Star Wars

I'm not your mom. You having a stroke? lol, eh, are you?

It's not from Filoni. It's from Lucas. Just something in reviews I've read that say they're quoting him. IDK, I didn't make it up. The idea does make a whole lot of sense out of the opening crawl, telling a history in an oral tradition kind of way. As well other things such as the in-canon debate of droid sentience. That dark jedi's complaints about retreading the same story over and over again.

Ahsoka is now apparently/possibly set in that far-far away galaxy from which the original story is told in order to add fresh perspective instead of the copy everything that's gone on before that was the method of every additinal chapter set future or past. Same scoobies, same ships, different colors.

you are massively over thinking this
you are massively over thinking this
Who says that? smh It's fiction.

AND, you are massively not able to read. I stated that I'm paraphrasing someone else's thinking that supposedly quotes Lucas himself that his original intent is that the whole story is told by some droid in the future, maybe even OUR present and Filoni is installing droids as story-tellers into canon.

Believe it. Don't believe it. Look it up. Don't look it up. I dgaf. You sound fearful, lol. It's fiction. A story. Your life won't change if it turns correct.
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Who says that? smh It's fiction.

AND, you are massively not able to read. I stated that I'm paraphrasing someone else's thinking that supposedly quotes Lucas himself that his original intent is that the whole story is told by some droid in the future, maybe even OUR present and Filoni is installing droids as story-tellers into canon.

Believe it. Don't believe it. Look it up. Don't look it up. I dgaf. You sound fearful, lol. It's fiction. A story. Your life won't change if it turns correct.

for the record, it wasn’t a droid.
Originally, I was trying to have the story be told by somebody else (an immortal being known as a Whill); there was somebody watching this whole story and recording it, somebody probably wiser than the mortal players in the actual events. I eventually dropped this idea, and the concepts behind the Whills turned into the Force. But the Whills became part of this massive amount of notes, quotes, background information that I used for the scripts; the stories were actually taken from the Journal of the Whills.GEORGE LUCAS

I’m super curious with how Baylan’s arc will end up. He seems to be being setup for some thing cool, but with the actor passing away that could all be up in the air.
I'd like to see this one on something bigger than my lap-top. Seemed very visual.

Daniels showing his age but I'm so glad they stayed with him. Wouldn't be the same otherwise.

Has there been any reason to kill any characters? The stories are still being set up. Not sure there's any character story being set up for death other than maybe Elsbeth. That would be welcome. Neither the actor nor the character seem to have any purpose beyond standing around. They might have to get creative with Baylon. His story seemed more than a one-season arc. It seems like they were going for extended canon.

Thrawn, Filoni gets. They nailed this one in all aspects. Baylon-Ahsoka fight I thought one of the coolest looking on record. Little turtle guys have grown on me. Ezra looks like I'd imagine. Translating kid to adult is a challenge but there should be something recognizable personality wise. So far, it's been pretty generic. Could put any name on that character at this point. Still, it's a better character for Sabine to play off than any of the others she's shared scene with. Time for mischief.
So while they have really been trying to include a lot of strong female characters in this series the best story lines are the dudes. What Baylan is up to and the tactical genius of Thrawn are to me the most compelling story elements that keep me engaged. Don't get me wrong, the title character is very cool and I like her arc too, (I get a chaotic good vibe from her which fits someone that was trained by Anakin) but I just don't get Sabine, Hera, Shin, and the evil witch sorority though I would like to see Sabine hook up with Mando and Grogu to form some sort of Mandalorian special "FORCEs" team :)
So while they have really been trying to include a lot of strong female characters in this series the best story lines are the dudes. What Baylan is up to and the tactical genius of Thrawn are to me the most compelling story elements that keep me engaged. Don't get me wrong, the title character is very cool and I like her arc too, (I get a chaotic good vibe from her which fits someone that was trained by Anakin) but I just don't get Sabine, Hera, Shin, and the evil witch sorority though I would like to see Sabine hook up with Mando and Grogu to form some sort of Mandalorian special "FORCEs" team :)

A story is only as good as the bad-guys and the female ones here are very weak. Now that Mikkleson is getting screen time, they pale even worse. They just aren't being given anything charismatic to say or do or they simply cannot act. Hera's actor is established. That boring goes on the character not having anything to do. Sabine, I think is the poor acting. Night Sisters are a cool story line but Elsbeth, smh. Bad character and it's not an actor playing the character. Two of the actors for female characters I think were chosen for their marital arts back-ground so they don't look silly doing the action scenes. Shin I get the feeling is one of those "discovers" that someone with push tries to force, even though they can't act. Like Ruby Rose that was in everything but stunk.
Rewatches are nice. I'm starting to pick up on some Ezraisms... Begging to be put in prison. Calling himself by other character names. Probably more. Some pranks will bring out the Sabine character.
WTF?!? Sorry but to me that finale sucked donkey balls.

Is swapping places a purpose for a whole season? Don't you feel there should have been the reveal of the big bad? The closest fan-boys might have gotten the references or after reading reviews. Any real though? Nope. We've seen jedi ghosts all over. Nothing to be taken from that. A mountain with a face carved in? We got one with four carved in. The ep made the whole season feel like a wasted purpose with a few good scenes. What trepidation is there for anyone that hasn't rewatched the entirety of clone-wars in the last month?

They shot too high, aimed it at the esoteric fan-boy instead of the more general Star Wars audience. They needed to fill in some details to allow them to participate. So yeah, he gave those living in mom's basement fans the thing they long for, that opportunity to act superior and gloat when someone with more of a life, questions what happened. But that's it.

The homecoming was a nice 15 second scene. Other than that, this was a whole lot of tropes and not the good ones. Let's all hundred of us stand around while this witch and jedi duke it out when our master told us to stop the jedi. Witches don't die that easy but that's the biggest cliff-hanger, the hope that character is history. Maybe they'll chop her in half and put the rest on a cart, lol.
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Is swapping places a purpose for a whole season? Don't you feel there should have been the reveal of the big bad? A mountain with a face carved in? We got one with four carved in. The ep made the whole season feel like a wasted purpose with a few good scenes. What trepidation is there?

The homecoming was a nice 15 second scene. Other than that, this was a whole lot of tropes and not the good ones. Let's all hundred of us stand around while this witch and jedi duke it out when our master told us to stop the jedi. Witches don't die that easy but that's the biggest cliff-hanger, the hope that character is history. Maybe they'll chop her in half and put the rest on a cart, lol.
I mean we know a movie is coming and probably a second season before that. They weren’t going to wrap the storylines up.

To me it was a normal season finale that setup up the future of nearly every character. That’s what you expect from a season finale.

Maybe the only thing I would have done differently is add “To Be Continued” or “Ahsoka will return” for those who don’t know that this wasn’t the end of the story.

Based on the events of last night, I’ll be shocked if there isn’t a season two.
I'm with east on this one but need to add some more points:

  • So I made fun of the Night Sisters by calling them a sorority and what do we get in the final episode but a full on sorority like initiation ritual of Morgan becoming one, I was waiting for her to bend over and say thank you sister may I have another. I was OK with this I guess because maybe she was going to turn into a decent big bad but instead her arc turns into a decoy after leveling up? What a wasted character.
  • Did we really need the Keystone Cops, I mean storm troopers becoming zombies? So not only do these guys not shoot straight alive but they cannot shoot straight while undead. That entire let's go through the front door scene didn't work for me and it was so played out they had to borrow the best saber duel move from the sequels to emphasize Sabine's new force abilities.
  • Then you have one of the best characters of the series, Baylon Skull, getting 15 seconds of screen time with no lines at the end; I mean if plot isn't going to happen in his arc this episode at least move the character's personality along just a bit.
  • Did a 6th grader write this episode? The dialogue was prequel like and I feel like a teacher introduced the concept of a cliff hanger for the 1st time to the screen writer and the student deducted it would be cool to do do a cliff hanger on a cliff.
  • Just not feeling Ezra either and his reunion with Hera was clumsy.
It was not all bad though, did like the scene of Ezra building a new light saber and also like Thrawn and the way the actor portrays him even if his body type just doesn't quite fit the character.
I'm with east on this one but need to add some more points:

  • So I made fun of the Night Sisters by calling them a sorority and what do we get in the final episode but a full on sorority like initiation ritual of Morgan becoming one, I was waiting for her to bend over and say thank you sister may I have another. I was OK with this I guess because maybe she was going to turn into a decent big bad but instead her arc turns into a decoy after leveling up? What a wasted character.
  • Did we really need the Keystone Cops, I mean storm troopers becoming zombies? So not only do these guys not shoot straight alive but they cannot shoot straight while undead. That entire let's go through the front door scene didn't work for me and it was so played out they had to borrow the best saber duel move from the sequels to emphasize Sabine's new force abilities.
  • Then you have one of the best characters of the series, Baylon Skull, getting 15 seconds of screen time with no lines at the end; I mean if plot isn't going to happen in his arc this episode at least move the character's personality along just a bit.
  • Did a 6th grader write this episode? The dialogue was prequel like and I feel like a teacher introduced the concept of a cliff hanger for the 1st time to the screen writer and the student deducted it would be cool to do do a cliff hanger on a cliff.
  • Just not feeling Ezra either and his reunion with Hera was clumsy.
It was not all bad though, did like the scene of Ezra building a new light saber and also like Thrawn and the way the actor portrays him even if his body type just doesn't quite fit the character.

Only part I’d get on board with is the zombie troopers. They’ve gone about as far as I’d like to see Star Wars delve into zombies and magik.

IMO it was time for Morgan to go. Her purpose was to bring Thrawn back and that was achieved, and her story kind of stopped there. Other than her turning good, I don’t see where else you go with her.

Only other thing I’d nitpick is it was too early for a force push. That didn’t feel earned after only using the force (as far as moving objects) for five minutes.
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Only part I’d get on bod with is the zombie troopers. They’ve gone about as far as I’d like to see Star Wars delve into zombies and magik.

IMO it was time for Morgan to go. Her purpose was to bring Thrawn back and that was achieved, and her story kind of stopped there. Other than her turning good, I don’t see where else you go with her.

Only other thing I’d nitpick is it was too early for a force push. That didn’t feel earned after only using the force (as far as moving objects) for five minutes.

With Thrawn away all this time, are these clone troopers or the next generation? I can't remember what was what when they headed out.

Either way, Troopes as fodder without some emotional reflection is another old trope and it's not even looking cool. It didn't look at any point the Troopers might get an upper hand and even when they did, they just stood around and watched.

Naw, this was badly done.

Meanwhile, according to the Aftermath books, the Empire remnants has begun collecting kids. I wonder how Thrawn will look at that. If you know his history, there's going to be some objection.
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I mean we know a movie is coming and probably a second season before that. They weren’t going to wrap the storylines up.

To me it was a normal season finale that setup up the future of nearly every character. That’s what you expect from a season finale.

Maybe the only thing I would have done differently is add “To Be Continued” or “Ahsoka will return” for those who don’t know that this wasn’t the end of the story.

Based on the events of last night, I’ll be shocked if there isn’t a season two.

There’s no confirmation as to a second Ashoka season. Given Igers desire to move Star Wars back to the big screen it may not happen at all.

We are also looking at 2027 at the earliest for a movie. Way to long
With Thrawn away all this time, are these clone troopers or the next generation? I can't remember what was what when they headed out.

Either way, Troopes as fodder without some emotional reflection is another old trope and it's not even looking cool. It didn't look at any point the Troopers might get an upper hand and even when they did, they just stood around and watched.

Naw, this was badly done.

Meanwhile, according to the Aftermath books, the Empire remnants has begun collecting kids. I wonder how Thrawn will look at that. If you know his history, there's going to be some objection.

The clones were long long gone as soldiers of the Empire before Ezra and Thrawn's disappearance. The clones are already being replaced in the events of The Bad Batch, which started as Order 66 went down. Kanan Jarrus (Jacen Syndulla's father) was the young Jedi they let go.
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The clones were long long gone before Ezra and Thrawn's disappearance. The clones are already being replaced in the events of The Bad Batch, which started as Order 66 went down. Kanan Jarrus (Jacen Syndulla's father) was the young Jedi they let go.
Right, now I'm remembering. They'd quick aged into old farts riding in the cool sand wagon. At least the orginal set from the cartoon.

I still can't remember when they started recruiting regular people. Was it a book or was in shown in one of the movies?