2023 Glenville Football

That would require an analysis of the bylaws which, admittedly, I don't have a thorough grasp of. Seems to me the primary accusation being levied against Glenville in this thread is that they aren't accurately reporting their competitive balance figures. Seems like that would be problematic, but I don't actually know if that is a violation of any written rule. I'm sure someone could chime in with that answer. You've indicated that Ginn Academy students who elect to play extracurriculars must do so for the school within their home attendance zone (whether that be city or suburb). I assume that may be a written bylaw by the OHSAA as it relates to charter/magnet schools who don't offer their own extracurricular sports, but again, someone else with knowledge of the facts could speak to that.

Another poster on this thread indicates he doesn't live in Glenville but is sending his son to Ginn Academy and will play for the Glenville football team. He also states that the entire team attends Ginn Academy. Violation of the rules? Maybe. Personally, I have no issue with kids wanting to attend the Ginn Academy and play for Glenville. But at a minimum, Glenville should be reporting a competitive balance figure of more than the "0" they reported this past year.
Great analysis great fair non accusations

just fair questions. According to something I read Glenville school has ZERO competitive numbers.
You would have to live in another district and choose to open enroll in glenville school to count as a number of 1.5. But subject to sitting out half a season of sport if you open enroll after 9th grade.
That never happens. They get an address. And no penalty. The kids that go to Ginn academy are not tied to Glenville school for sports so no competitive numbers. But according to someone that kids that go their let’s say collinwood district has to play for collinwood. I can assure you I have known plenty of collinwood kids that go to gimn academy but play football for Glenville. So it’s either an address or the poster is wrong. That they can choose any school of choice!
All of what is being said has been going on since Ted Ginn took over the football program at Glenville. on Both sides of the argument are true.
If the players on the Glenville Football Program came from only the Glenville neighborhood, the football program would be a mediocre team. Just another Senate School. Student athletes are groomed at other programs & then transfer to The Ginn Academy for their senior year. Living all over the state. Many without a Cleveland address. If transferring to Glenville helps the student athlete achieve his college goals. I get it. If it's nothing more than winning football games. Then I don't get it. The reason the people who have issues with what's happening is that The Ginn Academy should have to play by the private school rules. They don't. They play the State of Ohio loophole. Closest public school with a football team. Maybe it should be the closest Private School with a football team. LOL! You have to look at both sides of the coin. There is reality on both sides.
How come no one has presented this evidence to OHSAA? No one seems to have a response to this question, I’m guessing you don’t as well. Massillon didn’t make it to Canton, lol but clearly they have multiple transfers and have added more since the season ended? Were you and the folks in Canton making them the talk or no?
Honestly, if Massillon was in D4 and Glenville in D2 last year. I'd bet Massillon wins D4 and Glenville could but may not have won D2
Just not in Canton during Championship week. 🤝🏾 Side note, I see you have no response to the monster we’re building via Ginn Elite. My kid opening up holes and stonewalling kids for one of the best 2027 RBs and the absolute best 2027 QB around. But you guys have OTA, LMAOOOOOO
No response? Haven't I congratulated you on your.... ....nice little D4 run?
Nice little D4 run with LOADS of homegrown talent from Ginn Elite headed to The Ville, not too bad huh. I know you wish Massilon could get their hands on these young men. Best of luck trying to win that ever so elusive first title, pull up to Dowed wk 8 to watch The Ville do something your boys can’t do. Now talk football or get lost.
Homegrown? Lol. Ok.
You know Ginn, Sr literally has new staff. Not a change here or there with the same guys he had back in the day. Ginn, Jr. is on staff as well. But it’s always moving the goal posts, hilarious coming from someone whose life revolves around a high school football team that’s never won a ship. Last thing, I hope we get the Tigers on the schedule soon.
That new staff may have looked better because....YOU'RE IN DIVISION FOUR. I hope we get Glenville/Ginn Academy on the schedule too, Massillon ain't no Senate League team.
I have no problem with Glenville or how kids are allegedly flocking there, but they are no typical D4 team.
It’s simple they couldn’t get it done in div 1-2-3 so now they play tiny farm schools in the playoffs and act like it’s a some big accomplishment.

ive said it before I’ll say it again, the amount of sheer talent they have had in 25 plus years and have only 1 title in a small division is a joke. The coaching is / was is abysmal , can’t kick , and the basic fundamentals are awful……. No disrespect to coach Ginn he’s a great man and has done a lot for a lot of young players but the man can’t coach.
I can’t believe I would defend Massillon on this one but if they were able to play their cards the way Glenville has played theirs they would have a title or two to say the least. Glenville really has the same enrollment as Massillon yet cheats their way into d4. I wouldn’t be flaunting a d4 championship in the face of Massillon. That’s just pure stupidity. Keep cheating your way to be d4 and your championships will keep meaning nothing.
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It’s simple they couldn’t get it done in div 1-2-3 so now they play tiny farm schools in the playoffs and act like it’s a some big accomplishment.

ive said it before I’ll say it again, the amount of sheer talent they have had in 25 plus years and have only 1 title in a small division is a joke. The coaching is / was is abysmal , can’t kick , and the basic fundamentals are awful……. No disrespect to coach Ginn he’s a great man and has done a lot for a lot of young players but the man can’t coach.
Very well said. Hit the nail....hit the nail.
Regardless of how the season shakes out, do the Tarblooders move up to Division III for CB purposes, or are they going to remain in D4 for the foreseeable future?

I'm curious to see how this season is gonna go for them, and excited to see how the transfers are going to fit in.
If the OHSAA continues to only count the physical Glenville HS students to come up with the enrollment, they are more likely to move down to D5 before they go up.

I won't call what Glenville has as a loophole because every urban school is counted similarly and not every one of the 230 kids who attend Ginn Academy are eligible to participate in athletics for Glenville (unless it's their home district). But I do think that the Ginn Academy students who play football for Glenville should count for their enrollment purposes.

That would bump them up to D3. Right now, they are D4. For as many people mad they are in D4, there are just as many glad they aren't in D3.
Dex- Ginn Academy is using the biggest loophole you can use. By them not having to add their enrollment numbers to Glenville's numbers they get to play D-4. If the Ginn Academy petitioned to have a football team, they would have to play D-7. What's division is better? I think if you would have to combine the enrollment numbers together Glenville would be D-1 or D-2. So as you say they are perplexed at why they can't play D-1 or
D-2. Close the Ginn Academy and go back to just being Glenville. Oh wait. Then Ted Ginn couldn't recruit the state. Needs to play the private school game but doesn't have to play by all of the rules. What other private school gets to play at the local public school without some type of stipulation? The best of both worlds. They're able to: "eat the cake too" Not many others get that chance. If at all.
Ginn Academy as it's own would still be D4. It's all boys with an enrollment if about 230. D4 is between 202-269.

Ginn Academy is tricky because all of the football players go there but play under the Glenville umbrella. But not every student who goes to Ginn has ties to Glenville.

Glenville HS also has to include all 205 of their male students to the OHSAA, even though none play football for Glenville.

It's touchy for me because of course every HS in the state has students count against their enrollment whether they play sports or not, so the 205 (or whatever it is for Glenville should count). So should the "Glenville" athletes at Ginn.

Take that 205 (male students at Glenville), add to it how ever many Glenville athletes are at Ginn. There is your count. Unless Glenville's roster is over 150, they are still D3, which IMO is what their their "non-loophole" division should be.
He’s not the greatest coach, but his staff is lights out. Lombardo doesn’t want any part of The Ville.
How can you say that when Ed’s and Glenville used to play during the regular season on multiple occasions?

I would imagine Ed’s would schedule them every year instead of having to schedule out of state opponents every year.

I don’t think the division differential has anything to do with it, especially now with practically every team making the playoffs now in D1.
Ted Sr has always been a CEO type head coach. He’s not the x and o guy and in the past they typically tried to out-man teams with speed and very physical play.

The physical play is still there, but the game preparation and in game coaching is markedly better than in the past. Ted Jr and company are clearly doing a great job on the day to day and gameday coaching front. I was extremely impressed watching them at Avon last year. They were a little sloppy with pre-snap penalties early, but they were clearly well drilled on fundamentals overall, made some great in-game adjustments and had Avon scouted very well. Yes, they are going to simply overwhelm most of D4 regardless, but anyone who thinks this is the same old Glenville is wrong. The coaching is matching the talent now and it’s fun to watch. It’s a great game for Avon and the plan is to keep Glenville on the schedule for as long as Ted Sr wants to keep renewing.
Being facetious in my wording, but I do think Glenville beats Ed’s next time they play. The talent is as good as it’s ever been (according to Ted) and as has been mentioned above the staff is light years ahead of what it’s been. Like I said, if they play in 2024 The Ville wins. Hopefully you guys play us in the Fr. and or JV ranks. Best of luck to you guys this year bud.
More about the facetious comment as the casual observer will not follow your logic..,,

As far as a potential matchup in the future? Yes, Glenville can certainly beat St. Ed’s. They have a ton of talent. No doubt about it as they have had a pipeline of talent to Big 10 schools.

I only offer this. How are they going to kick extra points and not rely on going for two point conversions and kick off beyond the 30 yard line when yardage matters so much in a close game?

Honestly, hoping for the best from Glenville as they have been a great team to play against!
How can you say that when Ed’s and Glenville used to play during the regular season on multiple occasions?

I would imagine Ed’s would schedule them every year instead of having to schedule out of state opponents every year.

I don’t think the division differential has anything to do with it, especially now with practically every team making the playoffs now in D1.
It’s been literally almost 20 yrs since glenville beat Ed’s ….. 2004 if my correct soooo yea not even close.
Ted Sr has always been a CEO type head coach. He’s not the x and o guy and in the past they typically tried to out-man teams with speed and very physical play.

The physical play is still there, but the game preparation and in game coaching is markedly better than in the past. Ted Jr and company are clearly doing a great job on the day to day and gameday coaching front. I was extremely impressed watching them at Avon last year. They were a little sloppy with pre-snap penalties early, but they were clearly well drilled on fundamentals overall, made some great in-game adjustments and had Avon scouted very well. Yes, they are going to simply overwhelm most of D4 regardless, but anyone who thinks this is the same old Glenville is wrong. The coaching is matching the talent now and it’s fun to watch. It’s a great game for Avon and the plan is to keep Glenville on the schedule for as long as Ted Sr wants to keep renewing.
Not hard to say the coaching is better when they’re playing a buncha slow white kids from the sticks let’s be honest here lol.
Avon is not the sticks and neither is Olentangy Liberty. If you know anything about football it’s easy to spot the improved coaching.
Ed's being the private school go-to for football players from places like both Avon and Glenville (and beyond) has helped them shed the close-but-no-cigar label the school had carried with them pre-2010. It wasn't too long ago where Ed's was an annual "choker" in the playoffs despite having several teams that were good enough to win the D1 state title.
Ed’s is no longer the go to for Glenville. Lombardo and Fink were at plenty of Ginn Elite games and practices. Years ago they would have had the QB (he was strongly considering Ed’s) and a few our RBs among others. Those days are over. Actually Ed’s best returning skill player just transferred to The Ville.
No one’s chomping at the bit to go win a div 4 watered down title……. The ebbs and flow is glenville talent hasn’t changed their quality of playoff teams has hence why they actually won.
Just stating facts , honestly i hope glenville continues to win…… someone other then mentor needs to take the place of a powerhouse public school in NEO, but the same is true as is was 20 yrs ago glenville can’t kick , can’t punt , too many penalties pre and post snap and that won’t change.

When we played and coached against “the Ville” we knew their kids would be outta shape and mentally break in the second half and like clock work it always happened.
Interesting thread. Didn't realize Glenville is literally two schools. Doesn't seem right they're in division 4. Isn't that why OHSAA went to a competitive balance with the private schools? Cleveland is a huge city to draw your player's from. That would make one heck of a all-star team.