2023 Glenville Football

Incorrect? It was an opinion. I believe schools should be allowed to jump 2 divisions but must maintain that division for 4 years. So just because they have a couple good teams coming up. They might get stuck 3/4 years later, when talent dries up
Haha. I was gonna say. Homeboy went nuts on what was simply an idea. You never offered it as anything factually happening haha.
How many players have transferred in from Glenville, besides the one young man from Eds, and the other from Lutheran West? Looks like these gentlemen want to be part of something special, which is great to see!
How many players have transferred in from Glenville, besides the one young man from Eds, and the other from Lutheran West? Looks like these gentlemen want to be part of something special, which is great to see!
Are they all going to Ginn Academy, because those kids have to play for their home school from what I undertstand because it is considered a public charter. Therefore, if they go to Ginn they would need to move into the Glenville school zone IIRC.
Are they all going to Ginn Academy, because those kids have to play for their home school from what I undertstand because it is considered a public charter. Therefore, if they go to Ginn they would need to move into the Glenville school zone IIRC.
Not true if you go to Ginn academy you can play for every school district you want. So basically Ginn academy gets 8 school districts to play for Glenville with zero competitive balance numbers,
All you need is an address in a Cleveland schools district and you can go to Ginn academy and play for Glenville.
And no hate to Glenville for taking advantage of the loop hole. They don’t want to play the senate and they don’t want to be D-4 . Their is just no way to move up. Only way would be count every boy at Ginn academy as 1.5 boys like they do with all other private schools boys. That would fix the problem.
Yes all you need is an address
And unlike private schools. You get free education on the city of Cleveland tax payers if you live in Cleveland or not. Just need an address and unlike if you live in westlake and tried to sneak into Avon.
their would be people checking to make sure you actually live at the address. If you say it’s your aunts house. They would not allow that. She would have to provide that the courts deemed her the parent. That’s not how it works in Cleveland nobody actually checks residency. It’s a loop hole if Cleveland doesn’t mind educating 20/30 students that pay no taxes to their district it’s on them. Not only educating them providing meals and books and teachers. Like I say it’s a loop hole.
Just make Ginn academy a private school and play by those rules. They would still get the school voucher program.
And no hate to Glenville for taking advantage of the loop hole. They don’t want to play the senate and they don’t want to be D-4 . Their is just no way to move up. Only way would be count every boy at Ginn academy as 1.5 boys like they do with all other private schools boys. That would fix the problem.
All boys attend the Ginn Academy that play football. Glenville's male students are not on the football team. The closest school to Ginn Academy with an OHSAA football team is Glenville. If Glenville/Ginn Academy didn't want to play D-4, then they would correctly report the entire male enrollment. & play D-1. As far as students in all 8 districts. Ginn Academy recruits football players from all of Northeast Ohio. Also, because the Ginn Academy plays for Glenville, they avoid being bumped up divisions with the Private School competitive balance rules. Sounds to me like they want to play D-4. Glenville should have to play an independent schedule. No more Senate League. Look at St Ignatius, St Ed's, or Benedictine's schedules. Glenville would not have the record during the season that they do. Ginn Academy plays a Steubenville type schedule. The difference is, Steubenville is a legit D-4 school.
Not true if you go to Ginn academy you can play for every school district you want. So basically Ginn academy gets 8 school districts to play for Glenville with zero competitive balance numbers,
All you need is an address in a Cleveland schools district and you can go to Ginn academy and play for Glenville.
That's not true. Ginn Academy students can ONLY play for the high school that they live closest to. For example, if you live in West Park and attend Ginn Academy, you can only play sports for John Marshall because that's the zone you live in. If you attend Glenville High, however, you can live anywhere in the city
Well if yha
That's not true. Ginn Academy students can ONLY play for the high school that they live closest to. For example, if you live in West Park and attend Ginn Academy, you can only play sports for John Marshall because that's the zone you live in. If you attend Glenville High, however, you can live anywhere in the city
If that is true, they have more fake addresses than I thought. Because I know of kids that go to Ginn academy and live in other Cleveland districts.
Let alone outside Cleveland districts. Which is cool. Every school has recruited here and their. Just not the magnitude of Ginn academy. I just don’t like them in D-4. I’m sure they would like to move up. All those fake addresses to win D4 seems like a waste. So your telling me year in and year out 8-10 D1 athletes live between east 65 street and east 110th. Or whatever their boundaries are??? Hey do what you want . It just takes the luster of championships to me.
Well if yha

If that is true, they have more fake addresses than I thought. Because I know of kids that go to Ginn academy and live in other Cleveland districts.
Let alone outside Cleveland districts. Which is cool. Every school has recruited here and their. Just not the magnitude of Ginn academy. I just don’t like them in D-4. I’m sure they would like to move up. All those fake addresses to win D4 seems like a waste. So your telling me year in and year out 8-10 D1 athletes live between east 65 street and east 110th. Or whatever their boundaries are??? Hey do what you want . It just takes the luster of championships to me.
Ginn Academy and Glenville High are two separate schools. Ginn Academy is an all-boys magnet school that doesn't offer any extracurricular activities. Glenville High is a regular high school. Kids can go to Ginn Academy and live anywhere in Cleveland or the suburbs. But if they want to play sports, they have to play for the high school that they live closest to. Only Ginn Academy students who live in the Glenville zone can play for Glenville.

If all those DI-calibre athletes from Glenville are Ginn Academy students, then yes, they live in the Glenville zone. However, if they attend Glenville High, then they do not have to live in the Glenville zone.

Why would it take the luster off of the championship? The kids worked hard, believed in each other and themselves, sacrificed, and earned it on the field. They didn't cheat
Found the loophole and its genius....Make no mistake they play in D1 or D2 they will lose like they have for the last 50 years. Enjoy D4 but its not the same. All the football minds know this and will not argue it.
I've been demonized by the fans of smaller schools for years for saying this.
Report the families and addresses to OHSAA…
Why would I do that! I have buddies that see them walk out of different neighborhoods on the daily.
That are not Cleveland or if that’s true definitely not Glenville school district. I don’t care! Not my business, I only comment on here because it’s a thread of misinformation.
Regardless of how the season shakes out, do the Tarblooders move up to Division III for CB purposes, or are they going to remain in D4 for the foreseeable future?

I'm curious to see how this season is gonna go for them, and excited to see how the transfers are going to fit in.
They play Hoban week 8 this year and reached out to Massillon as well but they couldn’t accommodate. Beat Avon and St. V last year. The talent according to Ted, Sr. is as good as it was when they were rolling and the staff is clearly much better with the additions and Sr. acting as a CEO.
I have no problem with Glenville or how kids are allegedly flocking there, but they are no typical D4 team.
Excuse me for putting my arse into this. Below is a post I made back in December and it was somewhat of a heated arguement.
Per OHSAA "**Schools marked with a ** (Glenville has **) had additional students "added back" to their base enrollment count. These "add back" students attend either an online school sponsored by the district or a non-traditional school sponsored by the district which does not offer sports. Both these classifictions (misspelling from an educational sponsored institution...hmm) of students are permitted a participation opportunity back at the assigned OHSAA member school and are therefore added back to the base enrollment count".

This statement by OHSAA would indicate they have counted students belonging to a particular school while attending another ( i guess, since I am not privy to the intricacies of the OHSAAA counting methodology), even the CB# for Glenville is 0., thus leaving one to believe the numbers registered are in fact legitimate. Therefore, I have to trust the "governing agency" to get the counts correct and that I cannot argue that Glenville is within the parameters of OHSAA for being a DIV school. But as many have pointed out, there may be some fudging "(loophole") to these numbers and arguments to made against Glenville actually being DIV. To me, I dont give a rats arse

However, considering the male enrollment drop, at Glenville, just over the last three year counting cycles compared in relation to female enrollment.

2016 -416 Male and 233 Female
2018 - 317 Male and 201 Female
2021 - 249 Male and 213 Female

Net 167 male decline and 20 female decline. At this rate Glenville will DVI is three years.

This around 41% decrease in male enrollment compared to a 9% decrease of female enrollment over a five year period and that is not in line or proportional with the decline of the Cleveland area population.

I have researched about 235 schools enrollment over the aforementioned time period and I have not been able to find one that is within a galaxy of the male HS enrollment decline to what Glenville has had over the stated time period. One person on this thread outlined the divisional breakdowns from 2007 till present and how Glenville dropped from DI to DIV... that is unprecedented. However, when did the Ginn Academy come on line? Is there a correlation? IDK, possibly. Another poster stated that not one Glenville football player attends the Ginn Academy and though I cannot argue that, the statistics do not back up that claim.


Interesting to hear from one GHS parent on Yappi, what I gather was a mother of a player, that no kids playing football for GHS attend GA. Now, according to you, every football player attends GA. If there are 249 at GHS and another 209 at GA = 458 boys may exceed the DIV threshold.

Kind of an interesting thing going on up in Cleveland with this whole counting and math thing.
Hey it's " common core Math"! lol
Funny that so many have to give qualifiers before daring to talk about Glenville.

There is no way to spin Glenville being in D4 in terms of their talent vs. the rest of D4. The Tarblooders were already loaded and then they add the most explosive player of the D1 champion from last season.