What's going on in the world

More locally, renacci pretty much lost any chance for my vote, done with his form of politics. Hopefully we get a competent Pub candidate.
This is new to me:

History IS revisionist. Said it back even when none of the good-ol boys could see past their blog-masters. Maybe there is more that makes sense of this. I doubt it, seems typical scratch my friends' back reason for getting into politics.

Wish someone would auction more of OUR stuff. I know there's more to that area 51 than they're telling.
Harry still humping Rick Wilson’s leg will never not be hilarious.
It wasn’t about his statement . It wad the poll that says that Trump would thump DeSantis . He is the guy that they want . Not DeSantis . You think Ronny is the guy . He isn’t right now that’s for sure and he may not last in power in his own state .
It wasn’t about his statement . It wad the poll that says that Trump would thump DeSantis . He is the guy that they want . Not DeSantis . You think Ronny is the guy . He isn’t right now that’s for sure and he may not last in power in his own state .
Who cares about the Republican 2024 candidate. We have another 3 years and 3 months of this stuff. Things won't turn out so good.
It wasn’t about his statement . It wad the poll that says that Trump would thump DeSantis . He is the guy that they want . Not DeSantis . You think Ronny is the guy . He isn’t right now that’s for sure and he may not last in power in his own state .

There’s virtually zero chance that Drumpf will be the nominee. You can relax lol.
There’s virtually zero chance that Drumpf will be the nominee. You can relax lol.

I don't see anyone spectacular stepping up.

If trump can get his ego contained and his twitter thumb reeducated, he could reasonably gain back those he once had then alienated. He might get more off their seats to the polls on his side to offset the rise in voters for the Dems. Biden/Harris didn't bring in those extra voters. Trump being a divisve jerk did that. Biden isn't going to gain voters on his present course. He might stay even. If he dies, Harris might gain a few, she might lose a lot.
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The Republicans should hold their convention as early as possible. There are going to be many upset people and they will need time to heal whomever the candidate becomes. Then they can let the Democrats hold their convention and give the Republicans a common cause to reunite against.
It wasn’t about his statement . It wad the poll that says that Trump would thump DeSantis . He is the guy that they want . Not DeSantis . You think Ronny is the guy . He isn’t right now that’s for sure and he may not last in power in his own state .
Wow a lot of crying an whining about a politician that has no effect on you . Post another 5 articles and 20 paragraphs . Obsessed much
China declares it self Gold Medal winner....Very Trumpian!!!
Stealing someone else's work is a hallmark of the Chinese. But congrats for making it about Trump.
Don't even need to do that. How many US citizens competed for a different nation based on their ancestry?

I'd thought about that too but couldn't put that it would be significant, let alone born here vs. born there and immigrated here. But went to college here? That's a lot easier because of the number of times an announcer said it. There's never a histogram when you really need one.