This brings up I point I think about often.
The stated mission of NATO is to protect Western Europe from Russia. Russia has always been terrible in regards to conventional warfare. Bad equipment, bad leaders, bad soldiers, and bad tactics. They only win because they are willing to send as many as it takes through the meat grinder. The giant of the nation Russia was absolutely slaughtered by Germany in WW1 & WW2 (would have much different outcomes if both weren't two front wars). Even today, they can't get the job done in Ukraine. So, from a conventional warfare standpoint, the advanced societies of Western Europe should easily be able to keep Russia from being aggressive. Nuclear war is a different animal all together and it doesn't much matter what the combatants conventional forces are. So why does the US supply arms, keep a standing force, and lead NATO from a conventional warfare standpoint? Couldn't we have just set some nukes up to counter Russia's nuclear threat and let Western Europe handle the conventional side?
I've always been of the opinion that unspoken reason that the US puts so much effort into NATO is to save Western Europe from itself. WW1 was started by a bunch of inbred monarchies and inept politicians not for some major strategic reason. It was a convoluted web of alliances all built for nationalistic pride, distrust, and to increase the personal image of Western European leaders. The family tree across the monarchies was a circular branch for God's sake. And the war started and got out of hand because of technology and 17-million died in hellish conditions. Whole towns lost their entire population of young men. And what did Western Europe learn? They didn't make the peace terms fair. They didn't set up the proper diplomatic processes to stop this from happening again. They let nationalistic pride and incompetence dictate the terms of peace and through the resulting apathy in Germany the Nazi regime came to power and 73-million perished a couple of decades later.
So I actually think that our leadership in NATO keeps Western Europe in check. Even though their individual countries are a gnat on the rear end of the world, they still really think that they are something. Ever spend real time in Europe? Not tourist time, but work time. There is nothing more nationalistic or racist than a true Englishman, German, Frenchman, Spaniard, etc. If left to their own, I really think these dumb bastards would find a way to start another war based on nothing more than national pride.
I think we are kind of the regulating force so that no one European nation can build up unilaterally and put the world on fire again.