Should We End the Special Relationship with Great Britain?

Considering that since 2012 the most popular name given to male born babies in London is Mohammed, I'd say it's the Brits that have ended their Special Relationship with Great Britain. Of course, Soros and Schwab went to work on England about a decade before they tried their crap on the U.S. Normal folks in the U.S woke the hell up, before our country was totally over run and destroyed. The folks in England hardly recognize themselves anymore.
This is happening throughout Western Civilization. I read last year that Australia was talking about limiting Muslim migration to their country because of the problems it was causing. Muslims do not want to assimilate to the culture they are relocating. They want to change it. Their birth rates are usually higher than the cultures they are moving into as well. It's quite a disturbing trend that a lot of people don't want to admit it is happening and it's not by chance.
Here's the problem though, if pro Hamas or any protesters of any left wing cause were doing much worse to a right wing protest the police would not have arrested them or even confronted them. It's the two standards of reaction, one for those on the right and another for those on the left, that is at the bottom of the rot inflicting western society.

And remember all he was doing was video taping them on a public street.
I will agree with this double standard. It's already happening here in the US. Look how the Liberals reacted to the 2020 riots versus January 6th.
The Germans are a problem to. But then again why would we expect the people that brought us Nazism and the STASI to share our values?

The Germans are a problem to. But then again why would we expect the people that brought us Nazism and the STASI to share our values?

It's the EU and Globalist ideologies. Strife is the future.
So the consensus is:
* End special relationship with Great Britain
* The German’s are a problem as well because “why should we expect the people that brought us Nazism and the STASI to share our values”
* We should put 25% tariffs on Canada

I personally do not trust anyone with an Australian accent and there are several Australian’s in Hollywood - shouldn’t the Aussies be dealt with?
Good for the Brit’s hopefully the discussion makes its way here next.
It’s been here for year's.

Obama should probably reconsider his “death panel” aspirations. Old people proved to be the most reliable part of the presumed Democrat-owned electorate, black community included. No sense tearing the party down completely. DemSoc domination can never cut it in a two party system.
It's the EU and Globalist ideologies. Strife is the future.
A genocide is coming to Europe that will shake the world and it will NOT be the deaths of native Europeans that shock our conscious. Ralph Peters once wrote that in the near future we would see the day when the American Navy would have to rescue Middle Eastern & North African migrants who face annihilation at the hands of an enraged European citizenry.
A genocide is coming to Europe that will shake the world and it will NOT be the deaths of native Europeans that shock our conscious. Ralph Peters once wrote that in the near future we would see the day when the American Navy would have to rescue Middle Eastern & North African migrants who face annihilation at the hands of an enraged European citizenry.
He wrote it in a number of articles at the time. here's a couple:

Wars of Blood and Faith: The Conflicts That Will Shape the Twenty-First Century (2007)

Wars of Blood and Faith: The Conflicts That Will Shape the Twenty-First Century (2007), Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole BooksWhen Europeans feel sufficiently threatened–even when the threat's concocted nonsense–they don't just react, they overreact with stunning ferocity.[T]he American dream is still alive and well, thanks: Even the newest taxi driver stumbling over his English grammar knows he can truly become an American.European Muslims can't become French or Dutch or Italian or German. Even if they qualify for a passport, they remain second-class citizens. On a good day.

  • [P]op prophets tell us that Muslims in Europe are reproducing so fast and European societies are so weak and listless that, before you know it, the continent will become "Eurabia," with all the topless gals on the Rivera wearing veils. Well, maybe not. The notion that continental Europeans, who are world-champion haters, will let the impoverished Muslim immigrants they confine to ghettos take over their societies and extent the caliphate from the Amalfi Coast to Amsterdam has it exactly wrong.
  • Muslims are hardly welcome to pick up the trash on Europe's playgrounds. Don't let Europe's current round of playing pacifist dress up fool you: This is the continent that perfected genocide and ethnic cleansing, the happy-go-lucky slice of humanity that brought us such recent hits as the Holocaust and Srebenica.
    • p. 332
  • [H]istorical patterns are clear: When Europeans feel sufficiently threatened–even when the threat's concocted nonsense–they don't just react, they overreact with stunning ferocity. One of their more humane (and frequently employed) techniques has been ethnic cleansing.
A genocide is coming to Europe that will shake the world and it will NOT be the deaths of native Europeans that shock our conscious. Ralph Peters once wrote that in the near future we would see the day when the American Navy would have to rescue Middle Eastern & North African migrants who face annihilation at the hands of an enraged European citizenry.
Ralph Peters can take his Navy to their rescue
It seems those crazy Brits are serious about stopping so-called "Non-crime hare incidents". Some countries prioritize stopping, you know, crime. Not these chaps...

You can get yourself written up if you do anything that “is perceived by a person other than the subject [that’s you] to be motivated – wholly or partly – by hostility or prejudice towards persons with a particular characteristic.”

Hostility can be nothing more than “dislike” or “unfriendliness,” and the “characteristics” are the standard stuff: race, religion, sex orientation, disability. An officer can get creative: he can write up any kind of “dislike” or “unfriendliness” if he “deems it necessary to record an incident involving a different characteristic that is not covered by hate crime legislation.” And officers have.

The alleged victim – or anyone else – can rat you out. It can be something you said or did, or just a tweet. If, and only if, the investigating officer determines there was no “dislike” or “unfriendliness,” then he needn’t write up the incident. If he thinks you are a nasty character who might do it again, at his discretion, he can put you into a database. If you apply for certain jobs, such as teaching, childcare, medicine, social work, a potential employer could find you out and decide not to hire you. For something that’s not a crime! There is no provision in the law to punish or even reprimand people who call in fake or ridiculous incidents.

And many are ridiculous. “Dirty pants on washing line recorded as non-crime hate incident by police.”

Someone in North Wales complained that her neighbors hung “a very large soiled pair of underpants on their washing line” and left it there for two months. She said that it was because she has an Italian name.

The same article mentions a complaint against a man who refused to shake hands with someone he thought was transexual. A Russian-speaking man claimed that a barber gave him an “aggressive” haircut after they talked about the war in Ukraine. A nine-year-old girl was written up for calling a classmate a “retard,” and two secondary-school girls got the treatment for saying that another pupil smelled “like fish.” As I said, the police can be creative.
Last year police logged more than 13,000 cases of “non-crime hate.” Each took an estimated five hours of police time, and that works out to about 60,000 cop-hours
It seems those crazy Brits are serious about stopping so-called "Non-crime hare incidents". Some countries prioritize stopping, you know, crime. Not these chaps...

You can get yourself written up if you do anything that “is perceived by a person other than the subject [that’s you] to be motivated – wholly or partly – by hostility or prejudice towards persons with a particular characteristic.”

Hostility can be nothing more than “dislike” or “unfriendliness,” and the “characteristics” are the standard stuff: race, religion, sex orientation, disability. An officer can get creative: he can write up any kind of “dislike” or “unfriendliness” if he “deems it necessary to record an incident involving a different characteristic that is not covered by hate crime legislation.” And officers have.

The alleged victim – or anyone else – can rat you out. It can be something you said or did, or just a tweet. If, and only if, the investigating officer determines there was no “dislike” or “unfriendliness,” then he needn’t write up the incident. If he thinks you are a nasty character who might do it again, at his discretion, he can put you into a database. If you apply for certain jobs, such as teaching, childcare, medicine, social work, a potential employer could find you out and decide not to hire you. For something that’s not a crime! There is no provision in the law to punish or even reprimand people who call in fake or ridiculous incidents.

And many are ridiculous. “Dirty pants on washing line recorded as non-crime hate incident by police.”

Someone in North Wales complained that her neighbors hung “a very large soiled pair of underpants on their washing line” and left it there for two months. She said that it was because she has an Italian name.

The same article mentions a complaint against a man who refused to shake hands with someone he thought was transexual. A Russian-speaking man claimed that a barber gave him an “aggressive” haircut after they talked about the war in Ukraine. A nine-year-old girl was written up for calling a classmate a “retard,” and two secondary-school girls got the treatment for saying that another pupil smelled “like fish.” As I said, the police can be creative.
Last year police logged more than 13,000 cases of “non-crime hate.” Each took an estimated five hours of police time, and that works out to about 60,000 cop-hours
This is the most imbecilic thing I have ever heard. Western Europe is a cesspool

“It is difficult to escape the impression,” writes Beppler-Spahl, “that he has been targeted by German political and media elites because of their fear of right-wing populism. That is, they fear his criticism of Islam will further fuel the rise of the populist right. After all, Stürzenberger gives voice to many Germans’ scepticism and rejection of mass migration from majority Muslim countries.” Indeed. And that’s ultimately what his legal persecution is all about.

Stürzenberger is not a politician and is not running for office, but in many ways, his legal woes resemble those of Donald Trump. Leftist elites have targeted both men on the flimsiest of charges, essentially for the crime of threatening their hegemony. If they prevail over either one, it could mean the end of their country as a free society. The stakes couldn’t be higher. And right now, it looks as if the German elites are succeeding in taking their country into darkness.

WE are about to witness a unique political experiment. We have two English-speaking countries which have just held elections and now both are about to implement completely opposing sets of policies. We’ll be able to see which of these two countries has the right policies for the well being of its citizens and which is driving its citizens into a dystopian hell of impoverishment, political oppression and unstoppable decline.

But perhaps the greatest tragedy is that, due to the Labour Party’s oft-expressed loathing for Trump, Starmer will work to alienate Trump’s revived and successful America, giving him an excuse to take Britain closer to the failing, over-regulated, high-energy-cost, free-speech-suppressing European Union.

I’m no political expert. But I think we can all see how the next few years will evolve for Trump’s resurgent America and Starmer’s declining and increasingly desolate Britain.

As an American Anglophile, I find it difficult not to look upon the news emanating from Great Britain and despair. “Terminally ill pensioners could end their lives earlier to spare loved ones six figure tax bills, experts have warned,” says the Telegraph. A Christian preacher in West London has just had his conviction upheld for standing in silent protest too close to an abortion clinic while holding a placard displaying a Bible verse.

The old England, which cherished liberty, is dying and a more sinister society is emerging in its place. Prime Minister Keir Starmer just gave an extraordinary speech in which he admitted that Britain’s open immigration policies were an “open borders experiment.” He blamed the Tories, even though the floodgates were opened under Tony Blair.

Britain is teetering on a precipice. Keir Starmer or his replacement needs to reclaim the animating current of genuine liberalism from the from the diseased clutches of socialist accommodation. The example that Donald Trump is setting in America, not least his robust policies on illegal immigration, can help. Lord d’Abernon once observed that “an Englishman’s mind works best when it is almost too late.” That time is now.

The choice before Europe is stark: continue down the path of ruin, or follow Trump’s lead and reclaim its destiny. His vision, with its emphasis on strength, self-determination, and unflinching realism, offers a lifeline to a continent on the brink. Whether Europe seizes it or squanders it will define the future of the West.