Should We End the Special Relationship with Great Britain?


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IMO the answer to this question is YES. Great Britain has become a low rent totalitarian society that no longer shares the same values as the United States. We may share a language and culture but a "special relationship" demands a shared world view and a common ideology. But Britain today is not like us. It shares more in common with Putin's Rusia then it does the United States.

So by all means keep trading with the Brits and welcoming their citizens to the US as tourists. But sharing deep military and intelligence and promising to go to nuclear war to protect them? Hell no.
I'll let Kurt Schlichter lay out the reasons for ending the special relationship as he does it much better then I can:

America and the United Kingdom have long had a special relationship, working closely as allies to protect the West from oppressive dictatorships that suppress their own people, arbitrarily jailing them and persecuting them for exercising their God-given right of free speech. Here’s the problem. The UK has become one of those oppressive dictatorships that suppress their own people, arbitrarily jailing them and persecuting them for exercising their God-given right of free speech. And I’m not particularly interested in having a special relationship with a country like that. Nor are many other Americans.

It’s tempting to think that something of the old British Spirit passed away when their magnificent Queen Elizabeth II passed away. This indomitable woman took no grief, but she also presided over a free country. Her lame son doesn’t. Great Britain is not so great anymore. Not to put too fine a point on it, you can now be arrested and imprisoned for tweeting things. Think about that. You can say something, and then cops can come to your house and haul you away to jail, maybe for years longer than actual criminals, because you’ve said something. This is part of a two-tier “justice” system aimed squarely at regular Englishmen with the intent of silencing and disenfranchising them. This is intolerable to any lover of freedom, although the British – by giving up their guns – ensured they can do nothing about it.

And there are other outrages, too. Keir Starmer, the degenerate communist who got about 30-some percent of the vote and now rules like a dictator, freed criminals, you know, the ones who’ve committed actual crimes, so that he can fill up the jails with people whose “crimes” are dissenting and opposing him. They’re also in the process of culling the kulaks by engaging in a vendetta against rural farmers that uses the inheritance tax to pry them off the land they occupied for generations. Let’s also put aside that the Labour government has been absolutely clear that they consider Donald Trump, and we who voted for him, to be Nazis, which is really weird because the Labour government is channeling the Nazis. You see, Nazis put people in jail for saying things. If you do that, you’re like a Nazi. Fortunately, I’m in a free country, despite the best efforts of Kamala Harris and her voters, and I can say that without having some flatfoot pound on my door demanding that I explain my free speech upon pain of imprisonment. Of course, the Brits are fantasizing about arresting American Elon Musk for tolerating free speech.

It is degrading to the United States of America to be in a special relationship with a country that puts people in jail for saying things. We are better than that. I thought the British were better than that, but apparently, they’re not. They seem to be tolerating this. Many of them seem to be giddy about it. And to be fair, many Americans would be perfectly happy to put their fellow Americans in jail for saying things if they could do that. But, of course, they can’t do that here. We have a written Constitution and a Supreme Court that enforces it. We are also armed to the teeth. Putting people in jail for saying things is the kind of thing that could spark a civil war, just like keeping people in chains as property once did. And, of course, any government that oppresses its own people by jailing them should they speak unapproved things deserves to be overthrown.

Such a nation certainly does not deserve to be in a special relationship with the United States of America. We are better than that. The UK, as currently constituted, is unworthy. It’s a petty dictatorship. It’s sad.
I didn't expect you to be able to grasp the issue. But I'm sure you'll find a way to tie it to TRUMP.
So do we end all "special relationships" with every country "that puts people in jail for saying things" or just them?
So do we end all "special relationships" with every country "that puts people in jail for saying things" or just them?
The "special relationship" with Britain is unique. We do not have anything like it with any other nation on earth including Israel & Canada.

Although both governments also have close relationships with many other nations, the level of cooperation between the UK and the US in trade and commerce, military planning, execution of military operations, nuclear weapons technology, and intelligence sharing has been described as "unparallelled" among major world powers.[1]
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Make Great Britain great again!

I've always found the relationship fascinating. We fought a war to break away from them and they became our closest ally. Sure we share a common heritage and it's been a couple hundred years now but there is still fighting in the ME over events from 1000 years ago.
IMO the answer to this question is YES. Great Britain has become a low rent totalitarian society that no longer shares the same values as the United States. We may share a language and culture but a "special relationship" demands a shared world view and a common ideology. But Britain today is not like us. It shares more in common with Putin's Rusia then it does the United States.

So by all means keep trading with the Brits and welcoming their citizens to the US as tourists. But sharing deep military and intelligence and promising to go to nuclear war to protect them? Hell no.
Our special relationship with Great Britain has always been through our Skull and Bones set in politics and northeastern academia, Bush or Kerry. These are the real white supremacists.

We the People have a new agency, with the America First Republicans seizing primacy from the GOP’s mono-party globalist Bush wing. It’s time for Trump to forge new individual personal and business alliances as well as political for America in Britain and all of Western Europe.

The European Union has made their own version of ESG and it affects their entire supply chains. The key to tearing that apart will be in individual relationships, from the inside. Maybe even beginning with Italy or a shifting Germany. I hope team Trump is working on it already.
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Make Great Britain great again!

I've always found the relationship fascinating. We fought a war to break away from them and they became our closest ally. Sure we share a common heritage and it's been a couple hundred years now but there is still fighting in the ME over events from 1000 years ago.
Limey Bastards
The "special relationship" with Britain is unique. We do not have anything like it with any other nation on earth including Israel & Canada.

Although both governments also have close relationships with many other nations, the level of cooperation between the UK and the US in trade and commerce, military planning, execution of military operations, nuclear weapons technology, and intelligence sharing has been described as "unparallelled" among major world powers.[1]
You forgot the Saudis. Back to the point. We should end these types of alliances because we may not agree with how they govern domestically.
If the relationship is so special why haven't we completed a trade deal with Great Britain? You'd think that would be a layup.
IMO the answer to this question is YES. Great Britain has become a low rent totalitarian society that no longer shares the same values as the United States. We may share a language and culture but a "special relationship" demands a shared world view and a common ideology. But Britain today is not like us. It shares more in common with Putin's Rusia then it does the United States.

So by all means keep trading with the Brits and welcoming their citizens to the US as tourists. But sharing deep military and intelligence and promising to go to nuclear war to protect them? Hell no.
You bring up an interesting point. My feelings and attitude toward the UK have changed over the years and in a way they deserve some of the things happening to them but you also hate to see them slither into more Socialistic ways.

In their history they were arrogant in the way they conquered new lands and oppressed the people in the lands where they took control. With all their prim and proper they did some really nasty things to a lot of other cultures and people.

They have been a good ally since WWII but they are definitely changing. Back in 2016 I was working with a client that had a facility in Daventry, UK and I traveled their frequently for several months. I had an interesting candid conversation with a woman I was working with over there and she was afraid England was losing it's way because of immigration. She felt they were allowing too many Muslims into the country and that they were changing her beloved country. More recently I made a trip to London and along with news briefs you catch you could see distinct differences throughout that city. I understand what you mean about severing our unusual relationship but on the other hand it's concerning how the culture of that country is changing and it's because of loose immigration policies.
We are still being treated like a colony. It's a very one-sided relationship we have with England and the EU.

Europe needs to pay up or we should walk on our "alliances" with them (again very one-sided)