Covid 19 Vaccine - Apparent Side Effects ? and was it worth it ?

He was younger than I and he cowered like a . Sounds like this happened to you, too?

Never, I actively looked for a fat bastard like you to run their mouth. It never happened one-time, and I mean mugged a bunch of moonbat head-shakers.
How long before the vaccine is the leading cause of death in this country? And the leading cause of any health malady? Has it already happened?
You really are a tool. So in your mind it's only important if it's "leading cause".

This vaccine mandatory command was a scam from day one because the vax was too new and we did not know enough about it. It should have been voluntary from the start. You whacked out lefties are truly amazing in the warped way you view the world.
... and we believe in the American system and that there are checks in the system that would prevent leftists from leveraging that power and influence against us.

I still believe that, because it's true.

Unfortunately, we're pretty much down to the last "check." And that "check" would be the 2nd Amendment. It's the proverbial line in the sand.

Molon Labe!
How long before the vaccine is the leading cause of death in this country? And the leading cause of any health malady? Has it already happened?
Maybe the Covid jabs will become the leading cause of cancer ?

FJB sez "We gonna fix cancer with mRNA!", so maybe they need to cause more cancer with mRNA first, to cure it. You know, like passing a Bill, " we can find out what is in it!".

But seriously, Harry, try to read this objectively, and understand what these contradictions mean. Your FDA is deceiving us. Don't you care, and aren't you even curious why ?
You really are a tool. So in your mind it's only important if it's "leading cause".

This vaccine mandatory command was a scam from day one because the vax was too new and we did not know enough about it. It should have been voluntary from the start. You whacked out lefties are truly amazing in the warped way you view the world.
What do you mean by lefties? Not a very specific term.

The current infant mortality rate for U.S. in 2022 is 5.547 deaths per 1000 live births, a 1.19% decline from 2021. The infant mortality rate for U.S. in 2021 was 5.614 deaths per 1000 live births, a 1.18% decline from 2020.
So did you know Pharmacy TImes is owned by Intellisphere, LLC and Intellisphere, LLC gets a large amount of funding from Merrill Lynch. And you blindly believe everything you read from Pharmacy Times wihtout wondering how much the Pharmacy Companies are going to influence what is printed in Pharmacy Times.

Any more, you truly have to follow the money trail to get the least bit of truth out of anything.
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There has been a 29% increase this year in all cause mortality and life insurance companies are paying attention. The rise is much worse in the vaccinated population than with the nonvaccinated.
Besides the blood clotting problems from the vaccine it seems to be hurting the immune system of the vaccinated, more cancers ect. More brain problems like strokes aneurisms. This is being reported worldwide and the most vaccinated countries are seeing the most rise in deaths.
Part of this is undeniably due to the idiocy of idling hospitals/out-patient procedures for all but Covid in 2020, but check out the blog post I have in #336 itt. Also, the older are BOTH more likely to be serially mRNA jabbed, and also more likely to develop cancers.

But with all that said, Yikes!! WTH?! How can this decidedly un-scientific tack be "acceptable" for anything but a shot with it's liabilities removed at "warp speed"?

Trump will be "wearing this jacket" in the media by the end of August, maybe the beginning. The best possible POTUS for 2025 and forward, Ron DeSantis, will be giving Florida's governance his full attention. Count on it.
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I still believe that, because it's true.

Unfortunately, we're pretty much down to the last "check." And that "check" would be the 2nd Amendment. It's the proverbial line in the sand.

Molon Labe!
What king of BS talk is that?
So did you know Pharmacy TImes is owned by Intellisphere, LLC and Intellisphere, LLC gets a lart amount of funding from Merrill Lynch. And you blindly believe everything you read from Pharmacy Times wihtout wondering how much the Pharmacy Companies are going to influence what is printed in Pharmacy Times.

Any more you truly have to follow the money trail to get the least bit of truth out of anything.
There is a link to the original BMJ report first sentence. Go ahead and click on the link and see that it is peer reviewed. You are a fool.
So did you know Pharmacy TImes is owned by Intellisphere, LLC and Intellisphere, LLC gets a lart amount of funding from Merrill Lynch. And you blindly believe everything you read from Pharmacy Times wihtout wondering how much the Pharmacy Companies are going to influence what is printed in Pharmacy Times.

Any more you truly have to follow the money trail to get the least bit of truth out of anything.
The obedient dems' search in approved media for confirmation bias is fool-proof, for a fool like psycho_derp.
You are an idiot buffoon. Your analysis says right at the top that it is an estimate that does not include any Covid data. LOL.

NOTE: All death rate data after 2019 are United Nations projections and therefore DO NOT include any impacts from COVID-19.

Now, look at real data:

It is over 1.1 million in the US.
Bad things tend to happen when people stop receiving needed medical services for serious/life threatening pre-existing conditions. It's disingenuous not to take that into account when making this point.
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More collateral damage from the Plandemic.

Halting the preventative healthcare of millions just to win an election.

Never forget, never forgive.
It is very interesting that all Trump / Republicans had to do was handle the pandemic half way competently and the election would not have been close. Covid was not advantageous to Democrats like you think. It's just that Trump was unfit to handle it. Sorry.

It is very interesting that all Trump / Republicans had to do was handle the pandemic half way competently and the election would not have been close. Covid was not advantageous to Democrats like you think. It's just that Trump was unfit to handle it. Sorry.


If we would have listened to President Trump, life would have returned to normal by the 4th of July.

The orchestrated chaos was all yours.
More collateral damage from the Plandemic.

Halting the preventative healthcare of millions just to win an election.

Never forget, never forgive.
DJT effed up the response and it cost him re-election. The first mistake was trotting out the little troll on day 1 as the covid authority. All Biden had to do to win was hide in the basement and watch his opponent's hole get deeper. After taking office, it was just "more of the same."

If we would have listened to President Trump, life would have returned to normal by the 4th of July.

The orchestrated chaos was all yours.
All the big blue cities with underfunded employee benefit plans, underfunded for decades, wanted these mass shutdowns so that they could get federal dollars to bail out their own irresponsible failure to cover their personal liabilities. That was one of the main Democrats’ priorities in the porking up of the Cares act as far as I am concerned.
DJT effed up the response and it cost him re-election. The first mistake was trotting out the little troll on day 1 as the covid authority. All Biden had to do to win was hide in the basement and watch his opponent's hole get deeper. After taking office, it was just "more of the same."
They had him over a barrel. He would’ve personally worn the jacket for every death in America in the media if he had gone against anything coming from CDC and NIH. Even if he did everything right, and by the numbers, he would’ve lost the 2020 election.

I will agree with you to the extent that he should’ve recognized that and done the right thing regardless of the election year consequences, because he should’ve been smart enough to recognize that he was going to get jobbed.

The fact remains that he did defer to the states as far as shut downs go, which is good, but also predictable in an election year, and it played right into Pelosi‘s hands. Trump got punked, pure and simple.
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If we would have listened to President Trump, life would have returned to normal by the 4th of July.

The orchestrated chaos was all yours.
Sorry, facts say different. It was a failure and you admit that and the Covid response was Trumps responsibility. He could have cruised to victory if he and his administration could have handle it even a little bit well.
Liberals are also largely law abiding with a deep respect for others. Why aren't liberals exploited because of being largely law abiding?

Absolute garbage as usual from you.

Liberals work, raise kids and volunteer. Liberals believe in the American system.

Total BS. You are paranoid.

Citizens United, a conservative non-profit organization. "corporations are people, my friend."
I'm not talking about liberals. I grew up in world with real liberals and you are not liberal. Sure conservatives often disagreed with liberals on certain policy's but we BOTH largely embraced the same American community of ideas. Like the institutions you have corrupted over the decades the progressive left has corrupted the definition of liberal.
DJT effed up the response and it cost him re-election. The first mistake was trotting out the little troll on day 1 as the covid authority. All Biden had to do to win was hide in the basement and watch his opponent's hole get deeper. After taking office, it was just "more of the same."

Nonsense. The deck was stacked against him. There were no right answers. Regardless his leadership, the orchestrators of the Plandemic demonized it.

I CAN'T IMAGINE the furor that would have been generated had he fired Fauci at any time in the first 4 months. After that, the cake was baked, and it wouldn't have mattered.
They had him over a barrel. He would’ve personally worn the jacket for every death in America in the media if he had gone against anything coming from CDC and NIH. Even if he did everything right, and by the numbers, he would’ve lost the 2020 election.

I will agree with you to the extent that he should’ve recognized that and done the right thing regardless of the election year consequences, because he should’ve been smart enough to recognize that he was going to get jobbed.

The fact remains that he did defer to the states as far as shut downs, go, which is good, but also predictable in an election year, and it played right into Pelosi‘s hands. Trump got punked, pure and simple.

Sorry, facts say different. It was a failure and you admit that and the Covid response was Trumps responsibility. He could have cruised to victory if he and his administration could have handle it even a little bit well.

Nonsense. Everything you were told about covid was a lie.

Those are the facts.