Midwest Athletic Conference 2023

Who Wins The MAC in 2023?

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I'm assuming the answer is yes, but is it confirmed that Circle was non-renewed at the board meeting last night?
A sad tale that unfortunately adds another chapter to the long history of Parkway football ineptness. Just when you think it's hit rock bottom, something more damning trumps it. First off, I hope the young man gets help & as good humans we should all root for that. He obviously has some demons he needs to overcome.

I have no idea where the program goes from here. It's a very weak roster (Putting it very mildly) to take over, the leadership at the school is the worst in the area, & a conference that you don't stand a chance to compete in.
A sad tale that unfortunately adds another chapter to the long history of Parkway football ineptness. Just when you think it's hit rock bottom, something more damning trumps it. First off, I hope the young man gets help & as good humans we should all root for that. He obviously has some demons he needs to overcome.

I have no idea where the program goes from here. It's a very weak roster (Putting it very mildly) to take over, the leadership at the school is the worst in the area, & a conference that you don't stand a chance to compete in.
They aren't alone in the school leadership department. Crestview is just as bad to say the least. I know from personal dealings. Why I wish Wren, Willshire, & Ohio City along with others in Southern Van Wert & Northern Mercer Counties would have had their own district. Both need some Indiana influences in my opinion. There are some Ohio individuals that could do well, but do not put their hats in the ring so to speak. I'm on my own trying to create the Stateline area into something similar to the MAC in terms of sports & community support in certain areas. I want to see Parkway football & wrestling as well as other activities compete in the MAC & postseason, same for Crestview in NWC and Wayne Trace(GMC) in Ohio, as well as the 3 Adams County schools in Indiana in NE8 & ACAC as well as postseason.
Not sure how much help the current administration will be in finding a replacement. i dont know the ad personally but can't imagine it will be fun trying to find another coach.
They aren't alone in the school leadership department. Crestview is just as bad to say the least. I know from personal dealings. Why I wish Wren, Willshire, & Ohio City along with others in Southern Van Wert & Northern Mercer Counties would have had their own district. Both need some Indiana influences in my opinion. There are some Ohio individuals that could do well, but do not put their hats in the ring so to speak. I'm on my own trying to create the Stateline area into something similar to the MAC in terms of sports & community support in certain areas. I want to see Parkway football & wrestling as well as other activities compete in the MAC & postseason, same for Crestview in NWC and Wayne Trace(GMC) in Ohio, as well as the 3 Adams County schools in Indiana in NE8 & ACAC as well as postseason.
Dawg, this had barely anything to do with the topic at hand.
You post the same 3 talking points in almost every post.

I like you, but do you ever realize that people rarely engage in discussion with you when you always bring these tired pipe dreams up?

As for Coach Circle, it's a shame. I think everyone here wants Parkway to succeed, but man this is rough.
Everyone develops and matures differently and at different speeds. It's incredibly important when dealing with/being a roll model and leader for children and teens. That's why it's so risky when hiring someone who's within 10 years of some of his players. On one hand, they could be able to connect with the athletes in a generational way and could use that to bond with and improve chemistry on the field between coach and player.
But on the other... well, the immaturity gets your name on the front of the local newspaper, and a buncha has-beens online talking about you. To put it lightly.
@IndianaBanana not looking for discussion on it. Just stating what it is and my opinions whether they fit the mold or not. Also doesn't matter if they're liked or not either 🤣.
If you're not looking for discussion, then why even post? Stating opinions is fine, we all do it. But you shoehorn in that you have relation in Wren, and Whilshire, step kids in the crestview school district, want some big conference with AC, SA PW, Crestview and WT, and have a huge boner for wrestling.
The thing is, it's not that people don't like or dislike your opinions, it's just that we don't care. And we grow more apathetic with every post with that same information.
If you're not looking for discussion, then why even post? Stating opinions is fine, we all do it. But you shoehorn in that you have relation in Wren, and Whilshire, step kids in the crestview school district, want some big conference with AC, SA PW, Crestview and WT, and have a huge boner for wrestling.
The thing is, it's not that people don't like or dislike your opinions, it's just that we don't care. And we grow more apathetic with every post with that same information.
Bad day at the office Banana?
A sad tale that unfortunately adds another chapter to the long history of Parkway football ineptness. Just when you think it's hit rock bottom, something more damning trumps it. First off, I hope the young man gets help & as good humans we should all root for that. He obviously has some demons he needs to overcome.

I have no idea where the program goes from here. It's a very weak roster (Putting it very mildly) to take over, the leadership at the school is the worst in the area, & a conference that you don't stand a chance to compete in.
Can't help but feel bad for Parkway but at the same time, what the H is going on over there that things like this keep happening to them?! Someone open a portal about 30 years ago or what?
Can't help but feel bad for Parkway but at the same time, what the H is going on over there that things like this keep happening to them?! Someone open a portal about 30 years ago or what?
A book could certainly be written on this subject. My opinion is that it all comes down to an unrealistic return to the 70's when and only when Parkway was MAC relevant in football. Everyone thinks those days aren't that far removed since most of the players on that team are still in the school district. If you've lived through it for 40+ years you have seen the "cycle" as I like to call it.

3 to 4 bad classes strung together, losing ensues
Coach fired or resigns
1 class that's better than the other 4 bad classes is given the term "good" class. They win 3 or 4 games at the junior high level. Expectations are that they're going to be good.
There are no good classes sandwiched between that class
Good class realizes very early on that the other teams in the MAC have gotten a lot bigger, stronger, & better
Losing ensues
Coach fired or resigns
Coaching search begins with an emphasis on becoming relative in the MAC
Coach is hired & has 8 months to talk about how we have all of the talent to compete in the MAC

3 to 4 bad classes strung together, losing ensues............

It's the never ending chase for something that's simply not going to happen. The community is vastly different than those of other MAC communities. They don't take it as serious as the other schools in our league do. The chance was there to make the right choice for our male student athletes and it didn't happen. Now unfortunately, this whole situation is going to take care of itself organically. And it will be a very ugly ending in my own humble opinion.
A book could certainly be written on this subject. My opinion is that it all comes down to an unrealistic return to the 70's when and only when Parkway was MAC relevant in football. Everyone thinks those days aren't that far removed since most of the players on that team are still in the school district. If you've lived through it for 40+ years you have seen the "cycle" as I like to call it.

3 to 4 bad classes strung together, losing ensues
Coach fired or resigns
1 class that's better than the other 4 bad classes is given the term "good" class. They win 3 or 4 games at the junior high level. Expectations are that they're going to be good.
There are no good classes sandwiched between that class
Good class realizes very early on that the other teams in the MAC have gotten a lot bigger, stronger, & better
Losing ensues
Coach fired or resigns
Coaching search begins with an emphasis on becoming relative in the MAC
Coach is hired & has 8 months to talk about how we have all of the talent to compete in the MAC

3 to 4 bad classes strung together, losing ensues............

It's the never ending chase for something that's simply not going to happen. The community is vastly different than those of other MAC communities. They don't take it as serious as the other schools in our league do. The chance was there to make the right choice for our male student athletes and it didn't happen. Now unfortunately, this whole situation is going to take care of itself organically. And it will be a very ugly ending in my own humble opinion.
Should’ve moved to NWC. But that makes too much sense to actually follow through with that decision.
Should’ve moved to NWC. But that makes too much sense to actually follow through with that decision.
They were given a golden opportunity and turned their noses up to it like they were too good to consider it. It’s like they were already in the bottom of a grave, someone gave them a ladder and they said “no thanks” then turned around and kept digging further
They were given a golden opportunity and turned their noses up to it like they were too good to consider it. It’s like they were already in the bottom of a grave, someone gave them a ladder and they said “no thanks” then turned around and kept digging further
To shoehorn some more, my relatives from Parkway would say "Welcome to Rockford ". As that is how they felt as Parkway students and grads not from the essence of Parkway, Rockford.
Be kind to our MAC brethren to the North. This a time they need us all to.help pull them up, not kick em while they're down.
If you're not looking for discussion, then why even post? Stating opinions is fine, we all do it. But you shoehorn in that you have relation in Wren, and Whilshire, step kids in the crestview school district, want some big conference with AC, SA PW, Crestview and WT, and have a huge boner for wrestling.
The thing is, it's not that people don't like or dislike your opinions, it's just that we don't care. And we grow more apathetic with every post with that same information.
don't sweat the small things
Should the NWC offer come back next year, would PW re-consider? After the dust settles of course, maybe its too early to think about
Should the NWC offer come back next year, would PW re-consider? After the dust settles of course, maybe its too early to think about
No it won't be considered. Several of the board members have/will have girls that play volleyball & softball. Girl's sports parents are 100% against leaving the league. They don't see the reason because they compete with the MAC schools & don't care about the football team getting blasted weekly. That along with the 70's guys who were around when the MAC was created which consisted of immediate success are the biggest proponents of leaving.