Midwest Athletic Conference 2023

Who Wins The MAC in 2023?

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Saw Parkway started to claw back & was down just 8 before the game ending interception for a TD. I'm not sure I had any relatives on the Parkway side playing. Possible distant relative (same rare last name) was the leading receiver for Paint Valley but didn't have any TDs.
Trying to get healthy! Last night was a positive step for Versailles. 1st time playing with all starting lineman. Many players got reps. 2nd team Seniors who dont get a chance to play JV played really well. Need another good week of preparation, healing bumps and bruises from MAC season, and take advantage of getting to play at home one more time for the seniors. Twin Valley South will be coming to town, same match up as last year round 2.
Trying to get healthy! Last night was a positive step for Versailles. 1st time playing with all starting lineman. Many players got reps. 2nd team Seniors who dont get a chance to play JV played really well. Need another good week of preparation, healing bumps and bruises from MAC season, and take advantage of getting to play at home one more time for the seniors. Twin Valley South will be coming to town, same match up as last year round 2.
This is the one positive of playing these 1st rd. games, srs. that don't get to see much playing time during the season get a chance to put their name in the box score.
Had a coach tell me he hates the running clock because that is a good time to get playing time for players who practice all week but get little playing time. Suggested the running clock should only go into effect if the losing team desires it. Coach speculated losing team who prefer to get playing time for their starters against the other team's backups.
I don't know the guy personally, but the comment he made as well as his decision last night reflects his age and immaturaity IMO
Obviously some poor choices have been made. Think there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes that may have led to some of these poor decisions. I guess if St Henrys coach can say he wants to "line kids up and shoot them" and use racial slurs, anyone can survive getting fired!!! :)
Ya really bad look that he is not. Also what is he doing on a Tuesday night taking it that far. We all know Mercer County's relationship with alcohol, but Christ alive chill it on a Tuesday, and definitely don't drive.
Too many margs on taco Tuesday perhaps? 😂
I'm against abortion, but now a days can a teacher be fired for saying that to a student?
if it was only that, no, probably not. but when you add it to the now DUI, getting caught with alcohol at the school, having to miss the first day of practice because he didn't have his CPR training done, then I'd say there's enough reason to not bring him back.