AOC --- the gift that keeps on giving

Her unfavorable rating is getting close to the very dangerous Trump range of 52%. She was at 45% in mid March. She may be in trouble but it won't be because a bunch of old white guys from the Midwest don't like her.
She is a moron, plain and simple. And yes, I forgot about Maxine Waters, so their are two tied at the top of the idiocy ranking.
There's more coming. AOC is just the "tip of the spear".

Back before "The Squad" was "The Squad", they were simply part of a focused effort to primary Democrats from the outside. The Left isn't exactly fond of the Tea Party crowd, but some of their tactics were genuinely instructive. The original goal was to do a bunch of trial runs and mostly use the campaigns as a fact finding exercise to build a strategy for replacing establishment Democrats in the longer term. Even among the most die-hard optimists within left-wing circles, it was generally expected that every single one of those candidates was going to fail. Leftists commonly joke that Democrats are incompetent at actually running elections, but imagine our surprise when some real holes in the machine were revealed. We're actually rather ahead of schedule, having won 4-5 House seats and a scattering of other state-level/municipal positions. Hopefully we can build to 15, 20, 40+ seats in the next 2-3 cycles to start to get towards having some real leverage.
Who is "we"? Pretending you have any involvement in some larger movement is absolutely precious.
Her Primary is tomorrow, she’ll likely win and win easily. It’s a shame bc her opponent is infinitely better than her in every way. However, AOC is a celebrity and more people probably care about that than what she actually does for the District
The more interesting thing to watch will be some of the other "NYC House Districts", which are also holding primaries tomorrow. There's a longer term goal of trying to expand "The Squad", and those races are a a major part of continuing efforts to replace Democrats and try to establish a leftist House caucus. None of the attempts in 2016 were really expected to succeed (including AOC's campaign), and were largely expected to be "reconnaissance runs" with an eye towards 2024, but things went a bit ahead of schedule. AOC will probably win her primary, but it'll be more interesting to see if she's able to pick up some comrades in other districts.

Most people voting couldn’t tell you what they expect out of a Rep, they’re just checking a box, and AOC has the name recognition. I do hope in 2 years, Cabrera runs again and she can debate AOC in front of a more public audience. It’s the only way for her constituents to see her stupidity exposed.
You people do realize that residents of the Bronx think Gym Jordan is a crazed and backwards lunatic? That said, I doubt they obsess over him half as much. Why does a rep in NYC consume you all so much?
Anyone who thought for a second that AOC was going down was thinking wishfully not realistically. Seeing Engel go down in flames however along with potentially Maloney raises the brows for sure.

For all there success Justice Democrats is a regional effort. Outside of the NE and Cali they’ve had close to zero success. Whole lot of noise for not a lot of bark and little signs of changing that trend.
This is true, for now. Had to start somewhere though, right? The next steps will be to try to get a foothold in less friendly parts of the country. It's going to be a really hard grind, and will involve a lot of losing along the way. Movement building is hard. (A lot of the younger supporters admittedly fail to appreciate that, and don't grasp that you can't just storm a 200-year-old political party in only one or two cycles.)

Things are well ahead of schedule though. With the races in the past few cycles, ALL of them were expected to be defeats. We were expecting people like Rashida Tlaib and AOC to lose in 2018, very badly - those races were originally looked at as glorified "fact-finding" runs, to develop strategies. Even the most optimistic of people behind the "Inside/Outside" efforts were not expecting something like The Squad & Co. to materialize until maybe 2022 or 2024.
...and, as a nice bonus to go with AOC's landslide : The Left is going to pick off another Democrat, and will pick up a few of the opening-from-retirement seats.

Young voters have their own Delusional set of problems.
They Think wrongly that the planet is becoming increasingly inhospitable.
They think Everyone could Die, if they Don't get "Free" healthcare.

Many find themselves in so much debt after college that millions of them have thought about ending it.

So, if somebody tells them that healing the planet, Free Affordable healthcare, and Free college is socialism, then they are ready to embrace that brand of socialism.
Young voters have their own Delusional set of problems.
They Think wrongly that the planet is becoming increasingly inhospitable.
They think Everyone could Die, if they Don't get "Free" healthcare.

Many find themselves in so much debt after college that millions of them have thought about ending it.

So, if somebody tells them that healing the planet, Free Affordable healthcare, and Free college is socialism, then they are ready to embrace that brand of socialism.
No, they’re just stupid. I was in a similar situation with SL debt. You know what I did? Got a real job. These people won’t be able to pay off their debt bc they have no skills of any value.
Since I live just south of Jim Jordan's district I too must be thought of as a crazed and backward lunatic or maybe even worse. The truth is I am smart enough to realize the things AOC is advocating for are not what the USA needs for a bright and prosperous future. Commonsense and a little look back in history will tell you that. So what I am trying to say her is this backward lunatic from Ohio thinks the people from the Bronx are just lazy, uneducated, I want a handout easterners.
No, they’re just stupid. I was in a similar situation with SL debt. You know what I did? Got a real job. These people won’t be able to pay off their debt bc they have no skills of any value.

Not only do most of them have debt; they have absolutely nothing to show for it. Radical left-wing propaganda obtained at university for $200,000 is not a prescription for success. It is hard to believe people still pay for such a boatload of ignorance.
Write it all off and let the bankers eat it.

Also, speaking of eating things, I believe you have a plate of crow waiting for you, "Election Oracle". ?
“The Bankers”, you mean banks. Like the same institutions that also provide loans for houses and businesses. I hope you’re trolling, bc otherwise you’re just plain stupid
This is true, for now. Had to start somewhere though, right? The next steps will be to try to get a foothold in less friendly parts of the country. It's going to be a really hard grind, and will involve a lot of losing along the way. Movement building is hard. (A lot of the younger supporters admittedly fail to appreciate that, and don't grasp that you can't just storm a 200-year-old political party in only one or two cycles.)

Things are well ahead of schedule though. With the races in the past few cycles, ALL of them were expected to be defeats. We were expecting people like Rashida Tlaib and AOC to lose in 2018, very badly - those races were originally looked at as glorified "fact-finding" runs, to develop strategies. Even the most optimistic of people behind the "Inside/Outside" efforts were not expecting something like The Squad & Co. to materialize until maybe 2022 or 2024. It's only 2020, and people like Engel are going down. I'm not at all discouraged about the results so far.

You are right about it being a really hard grind to gain a foothold. I’d classify it as impossible without some serious modification of the platform and delivery. Democratic socialism does not sell in the rust belt or the heartland or the south. AOC’s firebrand style is a turnoff to many of these people. I mean you want to motivate a republican to get to the ballot box? Say her name and they’ll crawl through broken glass to get there.

I also think I that you guys will be just like the tea party. The tea partiers refused to compromise and ripped the party apart demanding ideological obedience. That my way or the highway thinking has given us Trump and a party that’s being driven over the cliff.
Not kidding. I'm not even speaking from self-interest, either -- I effectively paid mine off almost entirely as I went, with a relatively small amount that I paid back to my parents not long after I graduated.
Then you’re an idiot who has no clue how banks lend $.
Democratic Socialism is Marxism. Plain and simple.
You cant be a little bit pregnant and you cant be a little bit socialist.
Doesn’t work like that and is a Trojan horse for one party tyrannical rule.
Perhaps, but the establishment of the Democratic Party is largely useless anyway, so it's worth an attempt. It's also not a static situation. If you traveled back in time to the 90's and told people about the current establishment DNC platform, those "Clinton Era New Democrats" would be incredulous and just simply assume that Democrats were basically extinct in the Midwest in 2020.

This is a legitimate concern. There's a lot of internal discussion about "borrowing some of the tactics, but not copying the entire playbook".
I’d be willing to bet a sports analogy will be lost on over 1/2 of that group.
Democratic Socialism is Marxism. Plain and simple.
You cant be a little bit pregnant and you cant be a little bit socialist.
Doesn’t work like that and is a Trojan horse for one party tyrannical rule.

Exactly. It has been Marxism all along. Half of them are too stupid to know it, the other half know it and attempted to re-label it.

From last year :

On Friday, one senior Democratic source reportedly told Fox News' Brooke Singman the effort would be futile. "No one is afraid of those nerds," the source said. "They don't have the ability to primary anyone."

Don't be modest. You earned that distinction all on your own, independent of where you live.
The year was 1963 and I started college and people from NY city were bringing their child to a small college in Ohio to get an education. Why Ohio was a good idea I can only question after they told me how surprised they were when they got to Ohio and saw the what they described as a beautiful state and not the big corn field they expected to see. In the back of my mind I ask why would to send you child to a corn field to go to college. Thank you for stating the distinction of being a conservative and having commonsense all on my own. You know you are right about being independent of where I live because I believed this way when I was living a half a mile from the shore of Lake Erie and only 20 some miles west of Cleveland. I guess being smart really does not depend on where you live, but the truth is it is nice living in an area that feels and believes as you do. Can I ask why you think it is being smart to think and be the piece of liberal you are?