AOC --- the gift that keeps on giving

She certainly inferred Millennials are the greatest generation ever which de facto makes them better than the WW2 generation.

"I think they’re profoundly courageous, because they’re willing to puncture more taboos and have conversations that, frankly, older generations sometimes struggle to have"

"I think this new generation is very profound and very strong and very brave, because they’re actually willing to go to the streets”

"They actually take the time to read and understand our history"

It seems like she's pointing out specific ways that, in her opinion, millennials are better than other generations. Not saying that they are inherently the best generation in totality.

Is she right in those assessments? Maybe, maybe not - but you would hear this same at any graduation speech. Is it pandering? Of course. Is it something worth getting offended over? No.
Yeah, millennials are really beyond hope. I heard one even managed to get temporarily banned from a high school campus he hasn't had an association with in over a decade.

Unlike most Millennials, I actually accepted that I put myself in that situation and it was my fault. I didn’t whine about how unfair the system was.
Did she say "the Millennials are more badass than the Greatest generation" no.

She certainly inferred Millennials are the greatest generation ever which de facto makes them better than the WW2 generation.

That’s still lousy journalism, you don’t write headlines based off inferences.
What she said in of itself is stupid, no need for the click bait headline. WAPO did something similar (except way worse) to JD Vance earlier this week. They took pieces of a quote and tried to paint him in the same light as a white nationalist. It’s despicable, but it’d be hypocritical of me to get irked by what WAPO did and not the NY Post

Very good.

Fair and balanced on Price Hill.
Millennials have never sacrificed one damm thing for anyone or anything .......self-absorbed, spoon fed morons, largely.

They wouldn't last one day on a hot factory floor, much less have the courage or intelligence to call out Marxists infiltrating their world.

Sorry to the few I undeservedly offended.

The outliers must already be offended by the spoiled and weak in that generation. I'm sure that they understand.
I'm sorry AOC & millenials aren't allowing you to live a happy life.

At this point, they are offensive, that's all. Not treading on any pursuit of happiness. They don't inspire much confidence in the future, though. Maybe he is sad for his great-grandchildren ?
Did she say "the Millennials are more badass than the Greatest generation" no.

She certainly inferred Millennials are the greatest generation ever which de facto makes them better than the WW2 generation.


Obvious generation pandering. She has no worry of alienating those wise enough to recognize the stench of her politics. May as well go all in ?‍♂️
I love how she trumpets her grasp of history and then exposes her ignorance on the subject.

Political activism has been around since the founding of the country. Forget the activists of the 60s the article mentioned. Dumping the tea in the harbor was badass. Putting your name to a piece of paper which branded you a traitor punishable by death was badass.

That is tantamount to getting in a, "I know you are but what am I" before the actual rebuttal.

She is not dumb.
Plenty of examples of Congressmen (and women) dumber than AOC...She is dominating the twitter game and could run circles around guys like Louie Gohmert and Steven King.
She needs a good spanking with cocoa butter and some feathers

Maybe if she were to shave the sides of her head, and dress like Carmen Miranda - or even wear Mickey Mouse ears? Yeah - that's the ticket .......

AOC said:
“I think this new generation is very profound and very strong and very brave, because they’re actually willing to go to the streets,” she said.
“They actually take the time to read and understand our history,” she said.

These statements make me laugh and makes her blabbering look ludicrous. The article even talks about the 1960s Vietnam and Civil Rights protests which, by the way AOC, were carried out in the streets all across the us. The fact that she made the first statement shows what a joke here second statement is because if she and her cohorts really studied history she would not have made the first statement. Even as far back as the early 1900s women took to the streets to get the right to vote. And if they really read and understand history they wouldn't be pushing so hard for Socialism. It's failed miserably throughout history so I think AOC is just talking out her and has no clue.


AOC will get wiser as she gets older but she is a little delayed compared to other people her age.
My money is on that will never happen. She has her head too far up her arse to listen to reason and understand where she is wrong on just about everything she talks about.
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Plenty of examples of Congressmen (and women) dumber than AOC...She is dominating the twitter game and could run circles around guys like Louie Gohmert and Steven King.

AOC makes Steven King look like Socrates, Washington, Einstein, a Greek god, and Jesus embodied in 1 human being.
What I love most about all the millennial bashing is that probably most if not all either have a millennial child (or grandchild).

So that means your parenting skills suck in your eyes. You either raised the millennial or raised the parent of the millenial.

I have 2 very hard working millennials that are also very accepting of people who most older people are not.

Millennials aren't bigots, homophobic, or particularly mean spirited as a group. I can see why the older generations hates them.
Not really what he said but ok...

AOC makes Steven King look like Socrates, Washington, Einstein, a Greek god, and Jesus embodied in 1 human being.

Is EXACTLY what he said....

Trumpsters only see and hear what "The Chosen One" evidently allows you to see or comprehend.
AOC makes Steven King look like Socrates, Washington, Einstein, a Greek god, and Jesus embodied in 1 human being.

Is EXACTLY what he said....

Trumpsters only see and hear what "The Chosen One" evidently allows you to see or comprehend.
All he is saying is, in his opinion, is that AOC is so bad it makes Steven King look really, really good by comparison. Doesn't make SWM a bigot.
All he is saying is, in his opinion, is that AOC is so bad it makes Steven King look really, really good by comparison. Doesn't make SWM a bigot.

Agree to disagree

We all know Steve King is a bigot. So comparing him to the likes of any of those people mean you look up to him as you would them.

So maybe I should have said he looks up to a bigot. But just because you look up to a bigot it evidently doesn't make you a bigot.
Plenty of examples of Congressmen (and women) dumber than AOC...She is dominating the twitter game and could run circles around guys like Louie Gohmert and Steven King.

There is a reason she was a bartender before the Marxists decided to make her their poster child.

Dumber than a brick........................hope she keeps popping off.
Then your a bigot....

I can take someone who has vastly different opinions than myself about a wide range of topics but those who hate due to skin color are the worst type of human being.

wow. Stupid people aren't stupid because of the color of their skin - they're stupid because they are stupid. There's no difference in stupidity by race. BTW the correct use of the word in your incorrect analysis would be "you're".

As WBP pointed out, she is so stupid, she makes anyone look good.