2023 Massillon Football

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They throw flags when high school kids celebrate big plays. We’ve had several thrown on us when we do even minor celebrations.
As they should. IIRC, Valdosta got one for spinning the ball after their first TD. And IMHO, Carter should have got one for posing.
As they should. IIRC, Valdosta got one for spinning the ball after their first TD. And IMHO, Carter should have got one for posing.
I forget who the kids were for us but one of them got a flag for pointing at the people in the end zone after a touchdown and another time we got one for doing that stupid nose wipe thing after completing a long pass. And I’m surprised Carter didn’t get one for that pose.
I’ll be honest I think it’s BS that these high school kids can’t celebrate as long as they’re not blatantly taunting their opponents. Christ they are kids, let them have fun. It’s not the end of the world that they show some emotion after making a big play

And alot of bias involved imo. Very subjective. Wiggins got one for signaling first down after a big catch. That's as old as dirt, and common. What MassillonTigers3 said.
Was watching the replay of the Hoover Mck game and saw two Hoover players doing the karate kid pose after a TD….no flag. Also recall Moe kid doing it last year and no flag but Lenix got flagged for it against Mansfield and then yes Wiggins flagged for the first down gesture that he sees EVERY college and NFL player do.
I know certain old school guys don't but I'm an old school guy that enjoys that aspect. Now some of the NFL ones are admittedly over the top - those too! :)

Taunting a player you just beat, or laid out, is different. I do NOT defend that ever.
Was watching the replay of the Hoover Mck game and saw two Hoover players doing the karate kid pose after a TD….no flag. Also recall Moe kid doing it last year and no flag but Lenix got flagged for it against Mansfield and then yes Wiggins flagged for the first down gesture that he sees EVERY college and NFL player do.
What they flagged Wiggins for was, yes the signaling of first down but before he extends his arm he does the throat slash move that everybody's been getting flagged for.
I think some of the celebrations after big plays in the NFL are a little over the top and I don’t have a problem with celebrating in general but when it’s going to hurt your team like it does in high school and in particular the Tigers, then you have to curb it or you’ll change the outcome of a game in a negative way.
I think some of the celebrations after big plays in the NFL are a little over the top and I don’t have a problem with celebrating in general but when it’s going to hurt your team like it does in high school and in particular the Tigers, then you have to curb it or you’ll change the outcome of a game in a negative way.

True also. One thing they don't ever penalize is a lineman hoisting a teammate up in the air. Just wish there was some clarity on which specific actions are ok, and which are not. Then there would be no excuses.

Guess it's like the definition of obscenity: "I know it when I see it." Lol.
I think Paul Brown once said “Act like you have been there before”
as long it is not taunting, I have no problem.
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Sometimes I think the refs look for an excuse to throw a flag on us. Again I forget who it was but one of our players got into a pushing match with an opposing player and the ref broke it up. Both kids separated and went their separate ways but the ref kept following our kid almost daring him to say something. Apparently he did and the ref threw the flag and it cost us 15 yards.
Was watching the replay of the Hoover Mck game and saw two Hoover players doing the karate kid pose after a TD….no flag. Also recall Moe kid doing it last year and no flag but Lenix got flagged for it against Mansfield and then yes Wiggins flagged for the first down gesture that he sees EVERY college and NFL player do.
DESPICABLE!!!! This is football, not karate! No room for that sick behavior in this sport!
If I'm nate moore, knowing that the refs love to throw flags on us, I'm telling my kids as soon as you score, hand the ball to the official, run to the sidelines and do a little celebration by the Tigers bench.

I'm not a huge fan of the posing and crap but these ARE young kids who watch the morons in the NFL do it every Sunday and they're gonna want to do it too.

If I'm a ref my flag RARELY comes out for celebrations, the one I would not put up with is standing over a player.
I'm nate moore, knowing that the refs love to throw flags on us, I'm telling my kids as soon as you score, hand the ball to the official, run to the sidelines and do a little celebration by the Tigers bench.

I'm not a huge fan of the posing and crap but these ARE young kids who watch the morons in the NFL do it every Sunday and they're gonna want to do it too.

If I'm a ref my flag RARELY comes out for celebrations,
if the level of effort doesn't match this I don't want to see it!
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