2023 Massillon Football

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Yes a letter could have came from Copley and one from the federal league but who is hurt the most from transfers ? Our very own players and families. A kid grows up playing all through school and finds himself on the bench and the rumor is a family member sent a letter. I know it's just a rumor and I'm not naming names, but it is possible.
Yes a letter could have came from Copley and one from the federal league but who is hurt the most from transfers ? Our very own players and families. A kid grows up playing all through school and finds himself on the bench and the rumor is a family member sent a letter. I know it's just a rumor and I'm not naming names, but it is possible.
Let's stick to what is in print and what we actually know which is the Copley AD sent a letter.

As for the rest of your post who are "our very own players and families"? Football positions should be awarded based on nepotism rather than merit? Hasn't that thought process held back our feeder systems for years in multiple sports?
Let's stick to what is in print and what we actually know which is the Copley AD sent a letter.

As for the rest of your post who are "our very own players and families"? Football positions should be awarded based on nepotism rather than merit? Hasn't that thought process held back our feeder systems for years in multiple sports?
You don't know, you're just assuming. The print you speak of is an old article from June. You guys make it out like it was a recently fresh thing.

Let's stick to what is in print and what we actually know which is the Copley AD sent a letter.

As for the rest of your post who are "our very own players and families"? Football positions should be awarded based on nepotism rather than merit? Hasn't that thought process held back our feeder systems for years in multiple sports?
What is in print means nothing anymore. Do you honestly believe that there is just one letter when you see all the pages of hate for Massillon on here ?
Uhmm, Ohio State is getting man handled. Where's Ballard.

Waking up after a big celebration. :) Wasn't pretty but a W is a W. I am also disappointed JB is not getting reps yet. But Harrison, Fleming, Egbuka will all be gone next year.

Ok back to Massillon football. Btw call me crazy but I'll take Pringle > 2 or 3 current Buckeye linebackers.
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I just don’t care that much about the Buckeyes, only wanna see Ballard and the other Tigers do well. Crazy way to watch college football right?
Speaking of which, maybe it is just me but is our "production value" at home games off the chart? I don't think I have ever enjoyed the atmosphere at PBTS more in a long time, from the band entering, music, sound system, halftime, scoreboard, announcer, fans. (Minus the parking mess this year). Just a blast! Of course great football helps. Definitely worth the price of a ticket. Great job to everyone involved!
Speaking of which, maybe it is just me but is our "production value" at home games off the chart? I don't think I have ever enjoyed the atmosphere at PBTS more in a long time, from the band entering, music, sound system, halftime, scoreboard, announcer, fans. (Minus the parking mess this year). Just a blast! Of course great football helps. Definitely worth the price of a ticket. Great job to everyone involved!
And don’t forget the fireworks. My 5 year old grandson loves them.
I agree, the atmosphere at PBTS is the best. From the calliope out front, the tailgating, the golf carts and shuttles, the stadium, the scoreboard, the fireworks, the Obie balloons, the sound system, the announcers, the concessions, the security. And of course the team, coaches, band, students, and so on. A lot of people put a lot of work into this and maybe we take them for granted sometimes. So from this Tiger fan THANK YOU to all involved. I know some of you have to watch games at home but if you can be at PBTS. It’s just a fun experience.
Well said fellas, I know we pi $$ and moan sometimes but the atmosphere and GameDay environment at PBTS is unmatched....ANYWHERE.

And let me add this, those of you who can't attend, it's nice that you can still watch the games....but those of you who CAN attend and don't....I don't get it. I understand there are circumstances that maybe don't allow you to attend games at PBTS and that's one thing, but I'm talking about the folks who just simply don't go. Not judging you but that GameDay experience is well worth the cost of admission.
Speaking of which, maybe it is just me but is our "production value" at home games off the chart? I don't think I have ever enjoyed the atmosphere at PBTS more in a long time, from the band entering, music, sound system, halftime, scoreboard, announcer, fans. (Minus the parking mess this year). Just a blast! Of course great football helps. Definitely worth the price of a ticket. Great job to everyone involved!
It’s been awesome! I’m glad you highlighted that point and mentioned it cuz I was talking about that last night with someone. We’re lucky to have all the people we do that make it happen.
Waking up after a big celebration. :) Wasn't pretty but a W is a W. I am also disappointed JB is not getting reps yet. But Harrison, Fleming, Egbuka will all be gone next year.

Ok back to Massillon football. Btw call me crazy but I'll take Pringle > 2 or 3 current Buckeye linebackers.
He’s been passed by two true Freshman Tate and Innis won’t be shocked to see him in the portal at seasons end
Then you really don't want to hear my opinion of this:

Jacquez pose.png
They throw flags when high school kids celebrate big plays. We’ve had several thrown on us when we do even minor celebrations.
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