2023 Massillon Football

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No, you're an idiot. Quoting from what you posted:

The Repository article provides: "ā€œThe OHSAA is currently working through the transfer application with this situation and the student hasnā€™t been approved yet,ā€ OHSAA Director of Media Relations Tim Stried said in a statement released to media late this afternoon..."

Sounds to me like the blame is on OHSAA failing to review the transfer application with as much time as they've had. Doesn't say anything about Copley complaining and crying to OHSAA like some of you ignoramuses have tried to claim.
Imbecile, they did it as a result of a compliant letter!
No, I'm not. I'm asking for your explanation of why a February transfer is in limbo in late September.
How should I know that? Going by what some other folks on this thread have said, they didn't allocate enough resources and only have 1 person working on them?
There's a Beacon article that stated "Copley athletic director Andy Jalwan said Owens transferred from Copley to Massillon on Feb. 16." There are 218 days between that date and yesterday. The Repository article provides: "ā€œThe OHSAA is currently working through the transfer application with this situation and the student hasnā€™t been approved yet,ā€ OHSAA Director of Media Relations Tim Stried said in a statement released to media late this afternoon..."

Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of kids transferring, but damn, this kid going to Massillon was no mystery yet it takes 218 days and 6 games to "work through" the transfer? RIght or wrong, up or down, that's an admission that the OHSAA is asleep at the wheel.
Come on don't you know OHSAA officials had to return from their Hawaiian " retreat"!! lol
How should I know that? Going by what some other folks on this thread have said, they didn't allocate enough resources and only have 1 person working on them?
And going by what other have said, the Copley AD sent a letter. Why do you believe one more than the other?

Or as a sanity check: why would the Copley AD be mentioned in an article if he were not somehow involved?
And going by what other have said, the Copley AD sent a letter. Why do you believe one more than the other?

Or as a sanity check: why would the Copley AD be mentioned in an article if he were not somehow involved?

Ever heard of journalists reaching out to other parties for comment? Perhaps that's what they did, asked Copley AD who said he transferred in Feb. That made zero indication that he sent a complaint letter. You're jumping to conclusions. And why did the Canton Repository have a different take on it that its OHSAA still working through the transfer application? Hmm.
OHSAA working through a transfer application is not the same as Copley sending a complaint letter you tard.
Yeah, they are backed up almost a calendar year due to volume.... I don't know if you have ever done any type of compliance work but when you are doing high volume work you are not looking at every application you are looking where you are told to look. I.E. A letter from the Copley A.D.
Yeah, they are backed up almost a calendar year due to volume.... I don't know if you have ever done any type of compliance work but when you are doing high volume work you are not looking at every application you are looking where you are told to look. I.E. A letter from the Copley A.D.
Or....rather OHSAA deciding to suddenly look (as they always try to find something on Massillon every year) after we beat their #1 parochial team this year? Or........perhaps the coach knows the OHSAA rules that they can play the first 5 games, and since the application has still not been reviewed.... There are many other possible explanations but you want to jump to conclusions and slap a "Copley is guilty before proven" verdict on the situation.
Ok, I'm done arguing with stupidity of someone that believes they're always right and never wrong and even when proven wrong can't admit it and accept they're wrong.
Are you not able to read? I said if its just OHSAA taking its good old time reviewing, or incorrect filing procedure by the WHS administration, that's not Copley's fault.
Do you have any common sense at all ? This would have never happened if the Copley AD didnā€™t send a letter.
I suppose the father of one of the kids that the letter was about would lie right ?
Stop acting like you are some sort of reporter, you are ignorant.
Then why not state that in the initial claim instead of acting like everyone here knows every detail about where the info came from? Not everyone here is privileged of being part of this secret elitist cult. And when someone asks for verifiable proof you act like they're a bad person. Narcissist much?
Or....rather OHSAA deciding to suddenly look (as they always try to find something on Massillon every year) after we beat their #1 parochial team this year? Or........perhaps the coach knows the OHSAA rules that they can play the first 5 games, and since the application has still not been reviewed.... There are many other possible explanations but you want to jump to conclusions and slap a "Copley is guilty before proven" verdict on the situation.
Or maybe we could just use our critical thinking skills? Why did this happen the last time? Someone from Beachwood complained...
Why is it happening now? Someone from Copley complained.
How many other transfers sat week 6 around the state due to an OHSAA look into their eligibility?
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