2023 Massillon Football

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Wow so it is definitely settled then. Do not, ever, predict we lose. NEVER.

Seriously everyone predicted everything from 10-0 to 8-2 before the season and this would be one of those tough ones, esp. with question marks going in. I wouldn't have said it but wasn't offended.
Wow so it is definitely settled then. Do not, ever, predict we lose. NEVER.

Seriously everyone predicted everything from 10-0 to 8-2 before the season and this would be one of those tough ones, esp. with question marks going in. I wouldn't have said it but wasn't offended.
Anything perceived as negativity is met with harsh treatment around these parts lol
Wow so it is definitely settled then. Do not, ever, predict we lose. NEVER.

Seriously everyone predicted everything from 10-0 to 8-2 before the season and this would be one of those tough ones, esp. with question marks going in. I wouldn't have said it but wasn't offended.
Understood, but when a poster that is supposedly a Massillon fan, has been on this site since 2019 and only has 56 posts, it just seems a little off. But, maybe that is just me. The poster also hasn't really given their reasoning as to why they predict a loss. Again, just seems a little off to me.
Understood, but when a poster that is supposedly a Massillon fan, has been on this site since 2019 and only has 56 posts, it just seems a little off. But, maybe that is just me. The poster also hasn't really given their reasoning as to why they predict a loss. Again, just seems a little off to me.

Reasoning is pretty obvious vs. a national power (including St. Ed). I will admit though, I DO NOT want to hear that vs. Mckinley, or Hoban, or any playoff game, or state title game. Totally unacceptable!!! Lol. (no, seriously).
Reasoning is pretty obvious vs. a national power (including St. Ed). I will admit though, I DO NOT want to hear that vs. Mckinley, or Hoban, or any playoff game, or state title game. Totally unacceptable!!! Lol. (no, seriously).
I will reiterate, the post would come across better if the poster would lay out his or her reasons for predicting a loss. Just to ASSUME it is because we are playing a team that is a respected national high school is the easy way out. If that were the case, we would have lost to St. Ed's.

Anyhow, we have given this poster WAY more time than they deserve in my opinion.
The last one was at PBTS in Cincinnati can't remember why exactly. According to MT.com attendance was 9300.

I talk about this all the time, but I'll never forget when Harding sold out The Pit my senior year (2001). Standing room only crowd on the other side of the state. When St. Eds was #1 in the country a few years back, I was shocked that they didn't take a bigger crowd to Cincinnati, though it was much cheaper to do so when Warren went down there.

The atmosphere at The Pit is just different. The fans are rabid and the stands are literally right on top of the field. I remember my friends telling me that they couldn't hear anything during the game. Knowing Coach Moore, I'm positive that he'd welcome the challenge of going down there. Too bad it's not this year, but the Tigers seems to have youth on their side. We'll see what happens goiong forward.

Good luck against St. John's this week! Always rooting for the Tigers! Except in week 9 of course, lol.
I am pretty sure if the Tigers lose this week St John’s is darn good football team. With the Defense this team has beating them is a well earned accomplishment.
It's tough to get a read on St. John's. The look real good on paper, with all the commits and everything. However, when watching them play their last two games the most notable thing was how poorly their opponents played. Which is not a knock on SJC at all. They're clearly good, but it's hard to tell how good from watching those debacles.
Many people rave about the Pit and I’ve never been there but from YouTube and live streams that I’ve watched it looks like the the visitors side has terrible sight lines

I remember the visitor's side being like a series of "steps." You sit very low, which wasn't exactly the most comfortable. Most of us stood up the whole game anyway.

Coach Thom McDaniels once responded to a tweet of mine with this...

I'm not sure how this game will turn out, like others have said it's hard to get a read on this team. They are loaded with talent but may not be a cohesive team. But when someone thinks we may lose it's possible there is a reason that they don't want to make public.
This isn't an ideal situation for us going into this game, but every season your going to meet adversity and there's no better way to solidify this year's Tiger team then to meet this challenge and come out with a hard fought win against a talented opponent. We've got a lot going against us, but we're Massillon, we've got some nice talent suiting up for us Friday night and we're going to see what this group is made of. It's a circle the wagons type of game, that could pay dividends going forward. Go Tigers!
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