2023 Glenville Football

He’s a special player and a really nice kid.
And he got some really bad advice. Leaving the safety and comforts of St. Ed’s to go to Glenville (Ginn Academy) not wise. The education alone at Ed’s is far better than anything he’ll get at a Cleveland school (charter). The mentoring and internships and connections he’d have at St. Ed’s far exceed anything at Glenville. Also the preparedness of college football is much greater at Ed’s than at Glenville. The Ed’s staff coaches circles around Glenville. This move was counterproductive to his future plans.
And he got some really bad advice. Leaving the safety and comforts of St. Ed’s to go to Glenville (Ginn Academy) not wise. The education alone at Ed’s is far better than anything he’ll get at a Cleveland school (charter). The mentoring and internships and connections he’d have at St. Ed’s far exceed anything at Glenville. Also the preparedness of college football is much greater at Ed’s than at Glenville. The Ed’s staff coaches circles around Glenville. This move was counterproductive to his future plans.
Glenville has sent many kids to college. So shove it.

Goddamn. Glenville's success really upsets suburban, private and small-town schools. The intense dislike of a school just because they're winning is mind-boggling. The comparison I made with Israel is spot-on.

Hopefully, Glenville will keep winning. I love to see the anti-Glenville crowd cry some more
Glenville has sent many kids to college. So shove it.

Goddamn. Glenville's success really upsets suburban, private and small-town schools. The intense dislike of a school just because they're winning is mind-boggling. The comparison I made with Israel is spot-on.

Hopefully, Glenville will keep winning. I love to see the anti-Glenville crowd cry some more
Im talking about preparing kids for college academically and athletically. You cannot possibly tell me Ginn or Glenville offers a quality education. You just can’t!!
Someone or something really upset you. Either that or you dumb and ignorant. Either way the young man has a bright future as does every other young man playing for Glenville. Deal with it…
Yeah I’m the dumb one, defending someone who just left an elite school with an elite program to go to school and play in Glenville, Ohio, an area with the lowest test scores and highest crime in Ohio. Smart!!!
Yes, Glenville does upset all the suburbs, privates and small town schools. Those schools have played by the rules and EARNED what they got. They may not like the enrollment rules but they play by them unlike Glenville that finds every way to cheat the system. I don’t even care about the recruitment of players to come in to your system but don’t fudge addresses and enrollment numbers so you can dodge the powerhouses in D2 because of your inability to compete with those coaches.
Not my point. If I were in glenvilles shoes I would schedule D2 and up too. Hell, everyone that worth anything makes the playoffs. I’m talking post season. Playing their cards to weasel their way into d4 is what I’m talking about.
It’s literally your point, lol. Please read what you wrote. Have a great evening.
I just can’t figure why anyone would want to A) Live in Glenville school boundaries or B) Send their kid to a school that is so weak academically and so dangerous. Seriously the gangs and crime rates are incredibly terrifying. The negative influences in the area and extreme poverty just are not things I would want my children around. Before anyone jumps on the race issue, this is definitely not that. I am citing information readily available from Ohio Department of education and FBI crime list.
I just can’t figure why anyone would want to A) Live in Glenville school boundaries or B) Send their kid to a school that is so weak academically and so dangerous. Seriously the gangs and crime rates are incredibly terrifying. The negative influences in the area and extreme poverty just are not things I would want my children around. Before anyone jumps on the race issue, this is definitely not that. I am citing information readily available from Ohio Department of education and FBI crime list.
Probably because nobody in the entire world cares about high school education past the age of 21. Where you go to high school means nothing as an adult except for entry level work. There are many inner city public school graduates who are doing a lot better than the majority of the population. Its all about the structure around the kid not the high school. Your test scores mean much more than the name on your diploma.

Lastly why did nobody have this same energy back in 2020 when Cleveland cancelled sports and all of the surrounding programs benefited from these kids transferring in.
Probably because nobody in the entire world cares about high school education past the age of 21. Where you go to high school means nothing as an adult except for entry level work. There are many inner city public school graduates who are doing a lot better than the majority of the population. Its all about the structure around the kid not the high school. Your test scores mean much more than the name on your diploma.

Lastly why did nobody have this same energy back in 2020 when Cleveland cancelled sports and all of the surrounding programs benefited from these kids transferring in.
EXACTLY!!!! And who provides more structure? Inner city Cleveland (and yes I will concede that some from within the inner city are thriving) statistically speaking though you’ll find way more college graduates and lower incarceration rates from St. Ed’s graduates than any Cleveland public school. Poverty levels will be much higher also…. Do you wish to contest this??
I’m not gonna read through all of this. So forgive me for asking.
1. Is Glenville and Ginn Academy two separate buildings?
2. So the football team is associated with Glenville I assume.
3. Are the enrollment numbers Glenville boys plus athlete boys that attend the academy and play for Glenville?
Not trolling just legitimately want to know.
Personally I love Glenville and for the most part all of the Senate league teams. There is so much talent walking those hallways. I just hope they be IMG. Got friends in Florida that laugh about the game. I think they can pull
I’m not gonna read through all of this. So forgive me for asking.
1. Is Glenville and Ginn Academy two separate buildings?
2. So the football team is associated with Glenville I assume.
3. Are the enrollment numbers Glenville boys plus athlete boys that attend the academy and play for Glenville?
Not trolling just legitimately want to know.
1. Yes. They are also separate schools. Ginn Academy doesn't offer sports.

2. Besides the fact that Glenville coach Ted Ginn started Ginn Academy, no. They are separate schools. It is true that many of members of Glenville's football team attend Ginn Academy. Those players live in the Glenville zone, however. Ginn Academy students who wish to participate in extracurricular activities can only do so for their neighborhood school. It's like being homeschooled and wanting to play high school sports. A homeschooled student who lives in Jackson Local School District, for example, couldn't play for Glenoak or Perry. They can only play for Jackson. It's the same thing with Ginn Academy.

3. I don't know how that works, to be honest with you
1. Yes. They are also separate schools. Ginn Academy doesn't offer sports.

2. Besides the fact that Glenville coach Ted Ginn started Ginn Academy, no. They are separate schools. It is true that many of members of Glenville's football team attend Ginn Academy. Those players live in the Glenville zone, however. Ginn Academy students who wish to participate in extracurricular activities can only do so for their neighborhood school. It's like being homeschooled and wanting to play high school sports. A homeschooled student who lives in Jackson Local School District, for example, couldn't play for Glenoak or Perry. They can only play for Jackson. It's the same thing with Ginn Academy.

3. I don't know how that works, to be honest with you
Thank you!!
Dude what are you discussing poverty levels on a high school football forum? I don’t even know what point you’re trying to make at this point.
You’re truly clueless. This is about a kid who made a horrible and tragic mistake by leaving a strong academic school with a great athletic program for GLENVILLE!!! No responsible parent would do that. He had everything at St. Ed’s and now he has GLENVILLE. Just not smart….
To be honest, I have zero sympathy for kids who transfer to other schools to get an advantage for athletics and it blows up in their face in the future. The same goes for their parents, as well as the schools. Perfect examples are transferring from public school to public school, private school to public school, and/or public to private.

There are kids, as well as their parents, that also want to move in better areas or go to better school systems, which are open enrollment so they are in better environments.

The perfect example is Peninsula Woodridge vs Cuyahoga Falls.

Downgrading from a school that is a college prep school to Glenville is foolish. The alumni network for St Ed’s, Iggy, and the GCL schools is extremely strong. If he fails in college or doesn’t perform in sports for D1, it’s back to being stuck in Cleveland and being in a bad position.
Thank you!!
To my knowledge Ginn Academy is a public charter school. Kids who attend there have to play sports for the home school they would normally go to. So, if they live in the Collinwood zone and attend Ginn Academy, then they have to play for Collinwood. I hope that makes sense.

Listen, I actually love that Ginn Academy is discipline oriented and has strict uniform and phone use policies. I think that sets the tone for the kids that the main focus in on school, not anything else.
To my knowledge Ginn Academy is a public charter school. Kids who attend there have to play sports for the home school they would normally go to. So, if they live in the Collinwood zone and attend Ginn Academy, then they have to play for Collinwood. I hope that makes sense.

Listen, I actually love that Ginn Academy is discipline oriented and has strict uniform and phone use policies. I think that sets the tone for the kids that the main focus in on school, not anything else.
I really don’t see any issues Enrollment should be counted Glenville boys plus academy boys who play for Glenville with no CB factor. 🤷
I really don’t see any issues Enrollment should be counted Glenville boys plus academy boys who play for Glenville with no CB factor. 🤷
That would be the easy fix and would, presumably, put an end to the point of contention concerning Glenville's enrollment figures. The entire CMSD is open enrollment anyway, and even permits non-Cleveland residents to apply to attend CMSD schools. Nearly every other Senate League team has a CB number of some sort and, quite frankly, it's odd that Glenville doesn't. I don't agree with the idea that Ginn wants to purposely game the system to stay in D4, but the current rules regarding charter schools and athletic participation seem to be leading to the deception.
So are there enrolled kids not in the Glenville school district that don’t receive a CB# ?
That's what's being alleged (and also what got Glenville in trouble a few years back). If we are to take a certain member on this thread at his word, he seems to concede that he is sending his son to Ginn Academy with the intent to play for the Tarblooders despite not living in the Glenville attendance zone. I personally have no issue with that, but others (maybe even the OHSAA) might.
EaglePride, I’m not accusing you of referring to me but if you are what you posted is inaccurate and wrong. If you weren’t, no harm no foul.
I was referring to you. Maybe I misunderstood you, but I thought you previously indicated you don't live in the Glenville neighborhood.
You my friend, need a break from Yappi 😂😂😂
Just being a realist.
You my friend, need a break from Yappi 😂😂😂

The “Go Pro/D1 or go home” mentality pays off doesn’t it.