I think one issue is overall strength that some of these programs have amassed is the issue. Yes, many of the schools have recruited well that win state. In SW Ohio Tri Village is as guilty as many of these programs for taking on transfers.
The difference between Tri Village, Hiland and even Cornerstone, is they were loaded with transfers but barely or in Cornerstones case failed to win.
2013 VASJ was a forgone conclusion, and Richmond Heights this year is a forgone conclusion, or so it seems now. Building a team to the point you will win by 20-30 in state title games is where I have a problem with it. This system is not going to change, and that's fine, but fans can only be frustrated so long before tournament play no longer interests them due to no chance to overcome some of these handpicked teams.
With the NIL money on the table at the college level, I suspect this issue will actually get worse. If I'm a young player and a move from my current school to a different coach and program means 100k per year in college vs 20k , I'm likely making that change if I like the sport that much. None of this issue is the kids fault, so I wish all of them well, both the ones who grew up in the system, and those who have transferred into it.
I realize this is becoming the model of basketball whether I like it or not. But at some point, when enough common fans dislike it, attendance and interest will wane, and for me I'm there now. I will not take my personal time to go watch the inevitable.