Western reserve discussion

True but with the situation being what it is they should try to make this happen in a hurry. In high school sports times is of the essence. You cannot allow the water to be stagnant for too long or the players may end somewhere else. Especially when you are talking about 8th graders (their parents) looking at their last chance to make a movement with no punishment.
Hey Valley, keep your filthy paws off of our 8th graders
my little birds tell me that's precisely what's happening
So now the school is waiting or Armeni? He got the job he applied for ,why would he wait?Usually the expectations of a job and pay are well laid out before you apply. He’d know what he was agreeing to if he got the job. Something don’t sound right. Everything’s hurting the kids, the school must have a great reason for creating this mess.
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Another February of no lifting for our football players. This is beginning to get ridiculous. How can the kids ever move forward if they are not given the opportunity to do so? 2 of the last 3 years the offseason and lifting have been taken away, but it will be the coaches fault when they are not strong enough to compete with Springfield again next year.
Another February of no lifting for our football players. This is beginning to get ridiculous. How can the kids ever move forward if they are not given the opportunity to do so? 2 of the last 3 years the offseason and lifting have been taken away, but it will be the coaches fault when they are not strong enough to compete with Springfield again next year.
From what I hear through the grapevine, the athletes are lifting in the mornings, let by Buente
Buente must be an extremely nice guy and really is about the kids. How many times are they going to pass on him to be HC? He doesn't let that bother him and he continues to help the kids.
Another February of no lifting for our football players. This is beginning to get ridiculous. How can the kids ever move forward if they are not given the opportunity to do so? 2 of the last 3 years the offseason and lifting have been taken away, but it will be the coaches fault when they are not strong enough to compete with Springfield again next year.
The kids don’t lift without a Head Coach?
From what I hear through the grapevine, the athletes are lifting in the mornings, let by Buente
Not any more according to parents. I believe Coach Buente was running the weight room for a while. Football is the only program that pushes lifting, so when you turn away most of your football staff, there is no one to be there for the kids to lift.
Another February of no lifting for our football players. This is beginning to get ridiculous. How can the kids ever move forward if they are not given the opportunity to do so? 2 of the last 3 years the offseason and lifting have been taken away, but it will be the coaches fault when they are not strong enough to compete with Springfield again next year.
The kids should be lifting on their own. There's really no excuse not to.
The kids should be lifting on their own. There's really no excuse not to.
Kids are not going to lift in their own. They need a school employee to supervise plus an actual plan for when they're in the weight room. You really like 15 year olds are qualified or experienced enough to do that on their own?
They don’t have that problem in JFK, there are enough people there with $50 handshakes walking around to help out as needed
JFK kids are motivated to succeed on their own. That's why there are banners hanging in the rafters. They certainly don't need to be told to lift.
Kids are not going to lift in their own. They need a school employee to supervise plus an actual plan for when they're in the weight room. You really like 15 year olds are qualified or experienced enough to do that on their own?
Kids not willing to lift on their own is why they will forever hover around .500. I understand that they need supervision at school but that is still not an excuse to do nothing.
The kids that want to be good will do what it takes to be ready, have had a lot of success the last 15 years. The last two have been average, but with having as much turnover as they have in the last few years really not surprised
Kids are not going to lift in their own. They need a school employee to supervise plus an actual plan for when they're in the weight room. You really like 15 year olds are qualified or experienced enough to do that on their own?
They should be. Most are 16-17 as well not just 15 lol
Lol. Keep making excuses. BTW why did the devils drop Kennedy this year?
Honestly I’m not sure. My guess would be they got rolled with the Altiere kid and probably thought they were going to be young again next year & they couldn’t compete. They were on the schedule sent out to parents. Maybe the school dropped them after making a decision on Lude to make the job more interesting? It’s bad enough to get a guy to take this job with all the drama. Add in a schedule of Liberty, JFK, and Brookfield and maybe they were worried no one would want it. Chances are they will still play when WR drops to D7 and is a bottom 4 seed haha
Honestly I’m not sure. My guess would be they got rolled with the Altiere kid and probably thought they were going to be young again next year & they couldn’t compete. They were on the schedule sent out to parents. Maybe the school dropped them after making a decision on Lude to make the job more interesting? It’s bad enough to get a guy to take this job with all the drama. Add in a schedule of Liberty, JFK, and Brookfield and maybe they were worried no one would want it. Chances are they will still play when WR drops to D7 and is a bottom 4 seed haha
I thought that it was the start of a good little rivalry, at least it could if been. As much as I like to stir stuff up, I do like to see the localish match ups. I good for everyone all the way around.
Kids are not going to lift in their own. They need a school employee to supervise plus an actual plan for when they're in the weight room. You really like 15 year olds are qualified or experienced enough to do that on their own?
They should be. Most are 16-17 as well not just 15 lll in
You're so unbelievably out of touch with reality on this. Most kids are introduced to lifting as Freshman and it's only through a couches weight plan and structure and without it they're lost. Watch any group of High School kids at a local gym, how productive are their lifts?
So the kids who have been lifting for the last 2-3 years all of a sudden forget how?
They should be. Most are 16-17 as well not just 15 lll in

So the kids who have been lifting for the last 2-3 years all of a sudden forget how?
If they can’t be consistent without a coach sitting there then that’s their own problem, I know plenty of athletes that train alone in the off season
19-23 year olds in any college atmosphere have strength coaches that are constantly involved in the planning and implementing of any workout. To think that a group of 15-18 year olds can schedule, plan and implement a workout that is going to be anywhere near as effective as having an experienced coach is out-of-touch and just wrong. Could they pick up weights? Yes. But Just go take a look at grown men in planet fitness. Lifting but no overall strength plan