Two Officials for JV Game

Most officials should lose weight, to argue otherwise is crazy. Too many officials do the waddle walk and simply can't run. That's a huge problem. There should be some accountability over blowing calls. Too many calls are blown and there's no recourse.
I HATE it when people say this.

My JV game on Saturday only has two officials assigned to it right now and I’d much rather have an “overweight” third official than do a JV game with two. Like someone else said there are some damn good officials out there that some might call “overweight.” I’d take an overweight official that cares and is knowledgeable over the skinnier official that is there for the money only.

This is not D1 college ball where officials must have an athletic appearance. This is high school where just about everyone out there has a primary gig.

There is accountability for officials. Most crews want playoff assignments and big games in big conferences. Bad crews don’t get the good games or playoff assignments, plain and simple.
I HATE it when people say this.

My JV game on Saturday only has two officials assigned to it right now and I’d much rather have an “overweight” third official than do a JV game with two. Like someone else said there are some damn good officials out there that some might call “overweight.” I’d take an overweight official that cares and is knowledgeable over the skinnier official that is there for the money only.

This is not D1 college ball where officials must have an athletic appearance. This is high school where just about everyone out there has a primary gig.

There is accountability for officials. Most crews want playoff assignments and big games in big conferences. Bad crews don’t get the good games or playoff assignments, plain and simple.
I hate it when an official can barely walk, let alone run. Overweight is one thing, but being so obese that you struggle walk is another. This isn't a desk job. You are expected to be able to move up and down the field, to get out of the way of players, and not be a detriment to the game being played. I realize this is a side hustle, so you should be able to hustle. Look, I'm not saying you have to be a world class athlete; however, you should be able to do the bare minimum which is jog around a bit.
I hate it when an official can barely walk, let alone run. Overweight is one thing, but being so obese that you struggle walk is another. This isn't a desk job. You are expected to be able to move up and down the field, to get out of the way of players, and not be a detriment to the game being played. I realize this is a side hustle, so you should be able to hustle. Look, I'm not saying you have to be a world class athlete; however, you should be able to do the bare minimum which is jog around a bit.
What you want and what reality is are two vastly different things for a number of reasons.
What you want and what reality is are two vastly different things for a number of reasons.
I understand that, but it shouldn't be. I don't get people making excuses for people who can't do the absolute bare minimum. It's a job that demands some physical ability, not a lot, but some. You wouldn't put up with a secretary who couldn't type, a surgeon who can't hold a scalpel, or a brick layer that cannot lift 5 pounds yet we are asked to put up with officials who can't move to get in proper position to make proper calls. Make it make sense.
I hate it when an official can barely walk, let alone run. Overweight is one thing, but being so obese that you struggle walk is another. This isn't a desk job. You are expected to be able to move up and down the field, to get out of the way of players, and not be a detriment to the game being played. I realize this is a side hustle, so you should be able to hustle. Look, I'm not saying you have to be a world class athlete; however, you should be able to do the bare minimum which is jog around a bit.

I applaud the overweight official who puts on the stripes so the kids can have a game.

What I think is even worse is someone who complains about the poor officiating, but never wants to be part of the solution and put on the stripes.
I hate it when an official can barely walk, let alone run. Overweight is one thing, but being so obese that you struggle walk is another. This isn't a desk job. You are expected to be able to move up and down the field, to get out of the way of players, and not be a detriment to the game being played. I realize this is a side hustle, so you should be able to hustle. Look, I'm not saying you have to be a world class athlete; however, you should be able to do the bare minimum which is jog around a bit.
Instead of beating on an overweight official, why not get all your fit and trim friends to get their certification and become officials. The problem is not fat officials. The problem is all the really good officials are sitting in the stands complaining. At least the overweight official is making it capable for the game to be played, the game will go on without the official in the stand.
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I applaud the overweight official who puts on the stripes so the kids can have a game.

What I think is even worse is someone who complains about the poor officiating, but never wants to be part of the solution and put on the stripes.
You applauding officials who CANNOT officiate is making the problem worse. Again, I'm not talking about guys with a gut who are hustling and busting their butts. I'm talking about the guys where it takes them 10 minutes to get onto the field and cannot even jog. I feel like we are talking about two different things.

2 weeks ago I saw an overweight official who also had a prosthetic leg. That guy was hustling all over the place. That's admirable and he has everyone's respect. I'm talking about the guys who are so out of shape they double over like they are dying after walking down the field for the new set of downs. Those guys should not be in the game.

I would love to be a part of the solution and put the stripes on; however, my work schedule and kids' schedules don't allow it. Years down the road, that is my intention when life slows down years down the road.
You applauding officials who CANNOT officiate is making the problem worse. Again, I'm not talking about guys with a gut who are hustling and busting their butts. I'm talking about the guys where it takes them 10 minutes to get onto the field and cannot even jog. I feel like we are talking about two different things.

2 weeks ago I saw an overweight official who also had a prosthetic leg. That guy was hustling all over the place. That's admirable and he has everyone's respect. I'm talking about the guys who are so out of shape they double over like they are dying after walking down the field for the new set of downs. Those guys should not be in the game.

I would love to be a part of the solution and put the stripes on; however, my work schedule and kids' schedules don't allow it. Years down the road, that is my intention when life slows down years down the road.
I have two young kids, wife and a demanding job and I can make it work to officiate about 30 games a year. Someone can make it work if they want even if it means only doing 10-15 games a year.

And yes! I applaud the officials who take time to learn the rules and mechanics even if they can’t move around as well as others.

In SW Ohio there are more than a few officials that are 70+ years old. Some of them can’t get around very well to be where they’re supposed to be, but can still officiate at a high level.

By the way, this week is fall sports officials appreciation week. Thank a ref even if you can’t get your arms around him when you go in for a hug. Odds are, games would be canceled if that fat guy did not show up.
You applauding officials who CANNOT officiate is making the problem worse. Again, I'm not talking about guys with a gut who are hustling and busting their butts. I'm talking about the guys where it takes them 10 minutes to get onto the field and cannot even jog. I feel like we are talking about two different things.

2 weeks ago I saw an overweight official who also had a prosthetic leg. That guy was hustling all over the place. That's admirable and he has everyone's respect. I'm talking about the guys who are so out of shape they double over like they are dying after walking down the field for the new set of downs. Those guys should not be in the game.

I would love to be a part of the solution and put the stripes on; however, my work schedule and kids' schedules don't allow it. Years down the road, that is my intention when life slows down years down the road.
I get what you’re saying, but if the options are have bad officials, or have no officials and cancel the game, I think most people would pick have bad officials. And unfortunately that is the spot we’re at.
I hate it when an official can barely walk, let alone run. Overweight is one thing, but being so obese that you struggle walk is another. This isn't a desk job. You are expected to be able to move up and down the field, to get out of the way of players, and not be a detriment to the game being played. I realize this is a side hustle, so you should be able to hustle. Look, I'm not saying you have to be a world class athlete; however, you should be able to do the bare minimum which is jog around a bit.
Your point isn't bad, but it's misworded a bit. The reason the bare minimum is key is to keep yourself safe! I've seen a few guys like that and I hold my breath on screens or QB scrambles
I hate it when an official can barely walk, let alone run. Overweight is one thing, but being so obese that you struggle walk is another. This isn't a desk job. You are expected to be able to move up and down the field, to get out of the way of players, and not be a detriment to the game being played. I realize this is a side hustle, so you should be able to hustle. Look, I'm not saying you have to be a world class athlete; however, you should be able to do the bare minimum which is jog around a bit.
When you start with “Most officials should lose weight, to argue otherwise is crazy”, you’re not helping your case.

I’ve also seen very few officials who ‘struggle to walk’. I think you’re exaggerating on both points.
When you start with “Most officials should lose weight, to argue otherwise is crazy”, you’re not helping your case.

I’ve also seen very few officials who ‘struggle to walk’. I think you’re exaggerating on both points.
Well over 70% of adults in the US are overweight or obese with more being obese, so I don't think it's an exaggeration at all.
I hate it when an official can barely walk, let alone run. Overweight is one thing, but being so obese that you struggle walk is another. This isn't a desk job. You are expected to be able to move up and down the field, to get out of the way of players, and not be a detriment to the game being played. I realize this is a side hustle, so you should be able to hustle. Look, I'm not saying you have to be a world class athlete; however, you should be able to do the bare minimum which is jog around a bit.
You are absolutely correct. Eliminate all the overweight officials and have volunteers officiate from the stands. They see and know all already.
I understand that, but it shouldn't be.
See child cancer, sudden infant death syndrome, stillborn....etc.....

All of those and much more "shouldn't be", but they are.....

We are talking about high school/youth athletics....... not life and death as listed above
I don't get people making excuses for people who can't do the absolute bare minimum.
Call the league commissioners and tell them you want to be their next assigner. I'm sure they'll be all ears how you identified the problem......

They will also patiently await your solution to the problem..... One that's mysteriously missing in this or any other complaint you have about officiating.
It's a job that demands some physical ability, not a lot, but some.
Again..... your solution? (not hiring them is not a solution)
You wouldn't put up with a secretary who couldn't type, a surgeon who can't hold a scalpel, or a brick layer that cannot lift 5 pounds
:ROFLMAO: You are comparing vocations to avocations........ It does not work here.
yet we are asked to put up with officials who can't move to get in proper position to make proper calls
Ever heard the saying, "angle vs distance"? It applies here.
Make it make sense.
Again..... all I see here are complaints with no solutions.
I'm talking about the guys where it takes them 10 minutes to get onto the field and cannot even jog.
Embellish much ? :ROFLMAO:
2 weeks ago I saw an overweight official who also had a prosthetic leg. That guy was hustling all over the place. That's admirable and he has everyone's respect. I'm talking about the guys who are so out of shape they double over like they are dying after walking down the field for the new set of downs. Those guys should not be in the game.
You should be able to provide video of the guys doubled over like they are dying after walking down the field...... When can we expect it?
I would love to be a part of the solution and put the stripes on; however, my work schedule and kids' schedules don't allow it. Years down the road, that is my intention when life slows down years down the road.
Let me know when that happens.....

I want to see this. ;)
See child cancer, sudden infant death syndrome, stillborn....etc.....

All of those and much more "shouldn't be", but they are.....

We are talking about high school/youth athletics....... not life and death as listed above

Call the league commissioners and tell them you want to be their next assigner. I'm sure they'll be all ears how you identified the problem......

They will also patiently await your solution to the problem..... One that's mysteriously missing in this or any other complaint you have about officiating.

Again..... your solution? (not hiring them is not a solution)

:ROFLMAO: You are comparing vocations to avocations........ It does not work here.

Ever heard the saying, "angle vs distance"? It applies here.

Again..... all I see here are complaints with no solutions.
Ive said many times on here, raise pay significantly, get rid of abusive fans, and put something in place as far as accountability for poor officiating. Common sense solutions my friend, but all I hear from people is excuses on why it won't work and people sticking up for people who are bad at their job. You are right that we are talking about high school and youth sports and it's not life and death, but the real discussion is about the adults in charge of those games. Adults should be held accountable and those in charge of rules and safety should be held to the highest standard.....and as a result should be paid accordingly.
Ive said many times on here, raise pay significantly, get rid of abusive fans, and put something in place as far as accountability for poor officiating. Common sense solutions my friend, but all I hear from people is excuses on why it won't work and people sticking up for people who are bad at their job. You are right that we are talking about high school and youth sports and it's not life and death, but the real discussion is about the adults in charge of those games. Adults should be held accountable and those in charge of rules and safety should be held to the highest standard.....and as a result should be paid accordingly.
Who is getting rid of abusive fans?
You applauding officials who CANNOT officiate is making the problem worse. Again, I'm not talking about guys with a gut who are hustling and busting their butts. I'm talking about the guys where it takes them 10 minutes to get onto the field and cannot even jog. I feel like we are talking about two different things.

2 weeks ago I saw an overweight official who also had a prosthetic leg. That guy was hustling all over the place. That's admirable and he has everyone's respect. I'm talking about the guys who are so out of shape they double over like they are dying after walking down the field for the new set of downs. Those guys should not be in the game.

I would love to be a part of the solution and put the stripes on; however, my work schedule and kids' schedules don't allow it. Years down the road, that is my intention when life slows down years down the road.
That’s part of the sacrifice many officials deal with in all sports.
Ive said many times on here, raise pay significantly,
There are many states where officials earn far more than Ohio, yet there are shortages in those states (many of them worse than Ohio). So, what should the pay be raised to? What will that increase do to ticket prices and what will the fans that already gripe about ticket prices do once the increase is enacted? (remember, if you increase pay for one sport..... they all have to be increased accordingly)
get rid of abusive fans,
Please describe how you will get rid of abusive fans. Is it temporary, if so, what is the duration of the ban? Who is enforcing any ban, temporary or permanent?
and put something in place as far as accountability for poor officiating.
You do know that there is something already in place don't you? But humor me...... what do you suggest?
Common sense solutions my friend, but all I hear from people is excuses on why it won't work and people sticking up for people who are bad at their job.
What are your qualifications for determining whether or an official is bad at their job?
You are right that we are talking about high school and youth sports and it's not life and death, but the real discussion is about the adults in charge of those games. Adults should be held accountable and those in charge of rules and safety should be held to the highest standard.....and as a result should be paid accordingly.

So again..... explain what held accountable means?

No generalizations like you typically offer, give us real solutions. (I bolded that word in an earlier post hoping you'd give specifics)
Ive said many times on here, raise pay significantly, get rid of abusive fans, and put something in place as far as accountability for poor officiating. Common sense solutions my friend, but all I hear from people is excuses on why it won't work and people sticking up for people who are bad at their job. You are right that we are talking about high school and youth sports and it's not life and death, but the real discussion is about the adults in charge of those games. Adults should be held accountable and those in charge of rules and safety should be held to the highest standard.....and as a result should be paid accordingly.
How are you going to get rid of “abusive” fans?! They have 1st amendment rights and unless they are making a legitimate physical threats you can’t do a thing. That would start more lawsuits than asbestos!
How are you going to get rid of “abusive” fans?! They have 1st amendment rights and unless they are making a legitimate physical threats you can’t do a thing. That would start more lawsuits than asbestos!
I’m in no way sticking up for @cincifbfan here, but schools can absolutely eject fans from the premises for unruly behavior, including offensive speech. Anyone can sue anybody for anything, but nobody is winning a lawsuit against a school for getting kicked out of a game.
I’m in no way sticking up for @cincifbfan here, but schools can absolutely eject fans from the premises for unruly behavior, including offensive speech. Anyone can sue anybody for anything, but nobody is winning a lawsuit against a school for getting kicked out of a game.
Define offensive speech…..where is there an official list of words that you cannot say…like I said, it would be wrought in legal actions across the state. Saying “ nobody is winning a lawsuit against a school for getting kicked out of a game” is your opinion. There is litigation all across the nation right now for school board meetings in which the school kicked someone out because of their objection and “unruly behavior”. It’s all subjective unless there are specific laws such as terroristic threatening, or hate crimes. Good luck proving who was yelling what and what context was said, because many people cheer/ yell, at football games.
Define offensive speech…..where is there an official list of words that you cannot say…like I said, it would be wrought in legal actions across the state. Saying “ nobody is winning a lawsuit against a school for getting kicked out of a game” is your opinion. There is litigation all across the nation right now for school board meetings in which the school kicked someone out because of their objection and “unruly behavior”. It’s all subjective unless there are specific laws such as terroristic threatening, or hate crimes. Good luck proving who was yelling what and what context was said, because many people cheer/ yell, at football games.
School board meetings are not the same as football games.

People get kicked out of athletic events all the time for bad behavior, including offensive speech. Find me one person who has successfully sued a school because of it.
You applauding officials who CANNOT officiate is making the problem worse. Again, I'm not talking about guys with a gut who are hustling and busting their butts. I'm talking about the guys where it takes them 10 minutes to get onto the field and cannot even jog. I feel like we are talking about two different things.

2 weeks ago I saw an overweight official who also had a prosthetic leg. That guy was hustling all over the place. That's admirable and he has everyone's respect. I'm talking about the guys who are so out of shape they double over like they are dying after walking down the field for the new set of downs. Those guys should not be in the game.

I would love to be a part of the solution and put the stripes on; however, my work schedule and kids' schedules don't allow it. Years down the road, that is my intention when life slows down years down the road.
How many years? Start working out now cause you might have lose your nuts at retirement age because work will get in the way. We all have good intentions.

The pay for officials doesn't necessarily cover the hours spent training, traveling and officiating games.

That said it's as fun of a job as you will find if you love sports. It's the only job that puts you ON the field. The best seats in the house for any fan.

Seems like anyone posting on this board likes sports enough to appreciate something like that... OHSAA's requirements aren't that tough to get started