The Walking Dead is Back!

How about Rick's hand? Some people are speculating we will see his hand get cut off. He injured the hand via the machete that was lodged in the zombie's head he stabbed on the way back home. Apparently in the comic Rick's hand was cut off a long time ago.
How about Rick's hand? Some people are speculating we will see his hand get cut off. He injured the hand via the machete that was lodged in the zombie's head he stabbed on the way back home. Apparently in the comic Rick's hand was cut off a long time ago.

Yes, Rick lost his hand in the comic via the governor's sadistic ways. Comic governor made the series governor look like a care bear.

Interesting to see what will come of this. Everyone is infected, so will walker blood cause Rick some ill-effect? My guess is this is nothing and written in just so people will speculate.
I'll say this, one way they could pull it off is if there's a sewer grate under the dumpster.

What about Rick firing the machine gun to kill the other 5 wolves? Think that might draw enough of the walkers away from the alley to where Glenn could lay long enough beneath Nicholas or under the dumpster and he can then come out and kill the remainder.

I think there are a number of possibilities for his survival, but Glenn is not dead. An A-list character deserves a better death than that. That death was more fitting for a C-list character.
since we are in full on spoiler mode, here it is. Can't really tell if Nicholas is on him, or if they just puffed up his torso to make room for the special effects.

(gif won't embed, but here it is)

How are we in full spoiler mode? No one talked about the episode til after it aired. If someone didn't see it yet and they come into a thread about the show that is 100% their fault. Once the show airs, its fair game to talk about. Don't want spoilers, stay off social media, or even more obviously, stay out of threads discussing the show
I'll say this, one way they could pull it off is if there's a sewer grate under the dumpster.


I don't know, this shot is not to encouraging! But I hope you guys are right, Glen is a great character and will be missed if he really has become zombie chow.

As for Ricks knife wound, yea it does concern me and the writers better not be killing off another major character. At some point it's just being sadistic to the viewers.
Anyone watch The Talking Dead after episode 2? Enid was the guest star and was asked if the viewers will see her again. Her response was, if you do, you will be pleasantly surprised.

She is outside of Alexandria around the time of Glenn's "death". Hmmm. Could be she helps out Rick just as easily.

Plenty of possibilities for Glenn's survival and many people feel it will be jumping that shark to have him survive that. I don't think we will find out for sure until episode 5 or 6 at the earliest since next week looks to center around Morgan. Terrible timing of that episode IMO. I don't think many are going to care how Morgan went from protective father, to nutcase, to stick ninja zen master. Most want to know what happens to Rick and Morgan. Iv'e been wanting backstory on Morgan, but not now!!
Anyone watch The Talking Dead after episode 2? Enid was the guest star and was asked if the viewers will see her again. Her response was, if you do, you will be pleasantly surprised.

She is outside of Alexandria around the time of Glenn's "death". Hmmm. Could be she helps out Rick just as easily.

Plenty of possibilities for Glenn's survival and many people feel it will be jumping that shark to have him survive that. I don't think we will find out for sure until episode 5 or 6 at the earliest since next week looks to center around Morgan. Terrible timing of that episode IMO. I don't think many are going to care how Morgan went from protective father, to nutcase, to stick ninja zen master. Most want to know what happens to Rick and Morgan. Iv'e been wanting backstory on Morgan, but not now!!

This is me.
Anyone watch The Talking Dead after episode 2? Enid was the guest star and was asked if the viewers will see her again. Her response was, if you do, you will be pleasantly surprised.

She is outside of Alexandria around the time of Glenn's "death". Hmmm. Could be she helps out Rick just as easily.

Plenty of possibilities for Glenn's survival and many people feel it will be jumping that shark to have him survive that. I don't think we will find out for sure until episode 5 or 6 at the earliest since next week looks to center around Morgan. Terrible timing of that episode IMO. I don't think many are going to care how Morgan went from protective father, to nutcase, to stick ninja zen master. Most want to know what happens to Rick and Morgan. Iv'e been wanting backstory on Morgan, but not now!!

Yea, because zombies are so realistic to start :laugh:
I'm hoping too that Glen found some miracle way out of that mess... the way he went down was terrible with how he goes in the comics.
if it were any other show I'd think there's a good chance he's alive, but has TWD ever done a misdirect death? I can't think of another character that they seemingly killed off, only for that character to have survived.
if it were any other show I'd think there's a good chance he's alive, but has TWD ever done a misdirect death? I can't think of another character that they seemingly killed off, only for that character to have survived.

I guess you could say Glenn was likely a goner last season with the walkers on top of him when Nicholas tried to kill him. Glenn has escaped certain walker death before. No character in the show has had more close calls with walkers. Not the same I know, but to answer your question, I don't think they have.
if it were any other show I'd think there's a good chance he's alive, but has TWD ever done a misdirect death? I can't think of another character that they seemingly killed off, only for that character to have survived.

Every other character that has been killed off it was blatantly clear they were killed though. Nothing has been this vague. Thats why im pretty confident he is alive
I'm hoping too that Glen found some miracle way out of that mess... the way he went down was terrible with how he goes in the comics.

Another reason I think he somehow survived. His character is to big for a cheesy death like that. I don't think he will get his comic death if he made it, I think they will give that to someone else, but Glenn deserves a better end. The more popular the character, the more horrific the death. I just don't think they let Glenn go out like that. Big question to me is if he survived, how are they going to pull it off.
Every other character that has been killed off it was blatantly clear they were killed though. Nothing has been this vague. Thats why im pretty confident he is alive

Agreed! We usually see the bite or the walkers tearing open the abdomen. This was just what appeared to be Glenn, but it wasn't. It's usually quite clear a character dies.
I will be extremely disappointed if they expect me to believe that Glenn survived, even if we're talking about a fictional zombie world. Completely surrounded by a herd, lying on the ground and you're telling me that just because there's fresh meat on top of him, none of the other zombies tear into his face or something? I really, really, really hope the show doesn't go that route.

I never read the comics but had heard that Glenn dies eventually...was really hoping this Sunday was the day. I find his character annoying.
Merle seemed to have been killed in season 1 and returned in season 3.

No he didnt? If you paid attention, when Rick and the others went back they had to break the chain to open the door. Clearly no Zombies got through the door. Merle just got scared they might and thus cut his hand off and left. There was nothing to believe he was killed.
Glenn being killed off seems to go with what some of you have been talking about.

Glenn not killing Nicholas when he should of, came back to haunt him. Morgan not killing some of the wolves almost cost Rick, and it's still possible that it will.

Rick and Carol are the only two that actually 'get it'.
There was nothing to believe he was killed.

Aside from the zombie apocalypse being in progress with most of the population being killed, along with the enormous amount of walkers he'd have to contend with in the streets once he did escape the roof.

So yes, they never said he was dead. It was a good assumption.
Aside from the zombie apocalypse being in progress with most of the population being killed, along with the enormous amount of walkers he'd have to contend with in the streets once he did escape the roof.

So yes, they never said he was dead. It was a good assumption.

I don't know a single person who thought he was dead. Everyone I know thought he would be back