SVSM Irish 2024

With Hoban and Massillon not having a passing game.
StV's new coach should run a spread.
It will give them a leg up on WR and QBs over Massillon and Hoban.
Massillon and Hoban have sent off plenty of QBs and WRs to play college football. Kids want to play for a winner with high exposure and until SVSM gets beyond 5 and 6 wins and early playoff exits, it won't matter whether they play a spread, wishbone, veer or the wing T.
Massillon and Hoban have sent off plenty of QBs and WRs to play college football. Kids want to play for a winner with high exposure and until SVSM gets beyond 5 and 6 wins and early playoff exits, it won't matter whether they play a spread, wishbone, veer or the wing T.
Hoban and Massillon as most good programs adapt there offensive scheme to the talent
Wow this is SPOT ON!! Very truthful and unfortunate assessment of the current state of affairs (admin-wise) at SVSM.

Boarman came to SVSM and righted the ship. He was on a mission to destroy Hoban and Walsh. He brought two titles to green street and did it with quality kids.

Hoban recognized this and teamed Del Medico with Tyrell. Del Medico got the money guys in line and Tyrell got the football side in line. They did this at the right time as Boarman was leaving.

walsh is now realizing this as well. they're getting their money guys lined up and supporting the football program.

in the meantime, SVSM is a revolving door and can’t raise diddly when it comes to real money. We are in trouble and larlham is a great guy but not the answer. He is a lazy hire and I’m guessing by this time next week he’ll be named head coach, because it will be an easy choice.
But want to know why they aren’t investing? want to know why they won’t write fat checks? Because we lack consistency from the head coach on down we wasted 4 years with Nichols and Cistone retired. We need a coach who can earn the trust from our boosters again.
Massillon and Hoban have sent off plenty of QBs and WRs to play college football. Kids want to play for a winner with high exposure and until SVSM gets beyond 5 and 6 wins and early playoff exits, it won't matter whether they play a spread, wishbone, veer or the wing T.
THIS!!!! Because we lacked an identity for six years now defensively and offensively and special teams. Identity goes beyond scheme Kevin stefanski said “you can have the best scheme in the world but if your players don’t execute it it means nothing”. We need a coach who can give us an identity like boarman like John cistone like wentz
With Hoban and Massillon not having a passing game.
StV's new coach should run a spread.
It will give them a leg up on WR and QBs over Massillon and Hoban.
We tried the spread with Nickol he couldn’t run it with us we didn’t fit the scheme go to the first game with Massillon in 2018 lmaooo
Massillon and Hoban have sent off plenty of QBs and WRs to play college football. Kids want to play for a winner with high exposure and until SVSM gets beyond 5 and 6 wins and early playoff exits, it won't matter whether they play a spread, wishbone, veer or the wing T.
or single-wing or Tiger Ellisons Run-n-Shoot!
People who say "This is [insert school here] football" don't really know football. A good coach adjusts his scheme to fit his talent. He doesn't force his talent into the only box he knows.
yeah exactly and I feel like for the past 7 years the coaches haven't adjusted to your current offenses or defenses in todays style of play and I'm surprised nobody in the chat has mentioned anything about the defense it needs drastic changes as well. We gave up defensively 35+ points in the last 6 games( Total points against 262) and our offense averaged 14ppg (Total points for 11 games 219). Regardless of injuries excuse great coaching always finds ways to win. the fact we lost harvest prep was the final straw for me. Hoban has always been resilient no matter what because they have a leader to guide them we need a leader more than anything more than a offensive guru or defensive guru
yeah exactly and I feel like for the past 7 years the coaches haven't adjusted to your current offenses or defenses in todays style of play and I'm surprised nobody in the chat has mentioned anything about the defense it needs drastic changes as well. We gave up defensively 35+ points in the last 6 games( Total points against 262) and our offense averaged 14ppg (Total points for 11 games 219). Regardless of injuries excuse great coaching always finds ways to win. the fact we lost harvest prep was the final straw for me. Hoban has always been resilient no matter what because they have a leader to guide them we need a leader more than anything more than a offensive guru or defensive guru
Just hire the coach from Harvest Prep. No one recruits as good as that guy in the Columbus area.
People who say "This is [insert school here] football" don't really know football. A good coach adjusts his scheme to fit his talent. He doesn't force his talent into the only box he knows.
I agree. I just feel that Hoban has an identity. Sure, a great coach adapts. But a great program has a clear identity and recruits players that in general, fit that mold (Hoban's has been great OL, DL, and RB). Irish have no identity at the moment.
Like I said we need a leader not a guru. Like Tyrell he calls the offensive plays and they do isn’t special they aren’t reinventing the wheel with his offense. He motivates his players and coaches he’s never content with being the same he’s always evolving and his staff always evolving is always evolving. So it doesn’t matter what scheme they run it’s the identity that they have that make’s anything that they do work. This stvm football team and staff can NO LONGER have this attitude of if it ain’t broke don’t break it programs in Ohio have caught up with us. Coach lodge broke our defense, and coach Coach larlham and Coach Dallas took a step back offensively we just need a leader who can be willing to motivate our players and staff again.
Like I said we need a leader not a guru. Like Tyrell he calls the offensive plays and they do isn’t special they aren’t reinventing the wheel with his offense. He motivates his players and coaches he’s never content with being the same he’s always evolving and his staff always evolving is always evolving. So it doesn’t matter what scheme they run it’s the identity that they have that make’s anything that they do work. This stvm football team and staff can NO LONGER have this attitude of if it ain’t broke don’t break it programs in Ohio have caught up with us. Coach lodge broke our defense, and coach Coach larlham and Coach Dallas took a step back offensively we just need a leader who can be willing to motivate our players and staff again.
Tyrell doesn’t call the offense, but the OC runs what his personnel is good at. If he had a gunslinger at QB they’d be more diverse
Tyrell doesn’t call the offense, but the OC runs what his personnel is good at. If he had a gunslinger at QB they’d be more diverse
well I noticed clips of him giving the Qb the play call he might not coordinate the offense but he sure has a large imprint on it but he usually steps in out of play calling duties to be involved with the defense and special teams
well I noticed clips of him giving the Qb the play call he might not coordinate the offense but he sure has a large imprint on it but he usually steps in out of play calling duties to be involved with the defense and special teams
Calls come from the press box and is relayed to Tim, yes he has a great input and I’m sure he would change a call he’s not crazy about
any updates?
60 applications received, approx 20 considered legit/interview worthy, narrowed down to 8 that are realistic.
3 from the current staff applied.
The committee approached two candidates who did not apply and were turned down by those candidates.

Not very positive from what I have heard. Leader in the clubhouse is Larlham
I know a Larlham hire will draw criticism due to his connection to the prior staff but the people that I know and trust that know him have nothing but good things to say about him, and that's good enough for me. He was also able to draw some real athletes to CVCA, a school without the football tradition of SVSM. I guess we'll see, but if he's the choice I wish him the best.
60 applications received, approx 20 considered legit/interview worthy, narrowed down to 8 that are realistic.
3 from the current staff applied.
The committee approached two candidates who did not apply and were turned down by those candidates.

Not very positive from what I have heard. Leader in the clubhouse is Larlham
Like I said they need to take their time and also if you are going to approach two candidates who didn’t apply then you need to make sure that you do whatever they need you in order to get them their. It seems like they trying to hire this next coach on a budget you can’t do that especially if you tryna turn this ship around in the right direction.
Like I said they need to take their time and also if you are going to approach two candidates who didn’t apply then you need to make sure that you do whatever they need you in order to get them their. It seems like they trying to hire this next coach on a budget you can’t do that especially if you tryna turn this ship around in the right direction.
Tells me there not thrilled with who applied
As I said earlier in this thread maybe they were waiting on a coach who was with a team still playing. That was the case and he interviewed very well.
Dan Boarman is on the selection committee again.
‼️‼️Inside scoop one of the candidates have just been revealed to me‼️‼️

Barberton head coach Tony gotto

60 applications received, approx 20 considered legit/interview worthy, narrowed down to 8 that are realistic.
3 from the current staff applied.
The committee approached two candidates who did not apply and were turned down by those candidates.

Not very positive from what I have heard. Leader in the clubhouse is Larlham

Wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of the two who declined to be interviewed.
Gotto has certainly been successful. My only question is whether kids will come to SVSM to play for him. He's never been in a situation before where that came into play and unfortunately that's become a big part of being a successful private school head coach.

I still think it's Larlham.
Gotto has certainly been successful. My only question is whether kids will come to SVSM to play for him. He's never been in a situation before where that came into play and unfortunately that's become a big part of being a successful private school head coach.

I still think it's Larlham.
Gotto has gotten quite a few kids from Akron to come to Barberton to play for him. He is good at building relationships with kids.