Northwestern vs SLC - Status


New member
You mentioned on another thread they game was in question. What are the problems and the probability the game will go on as planned?
You mentioned on another thread they game was in question. What are the problems and the probability the game will go on as planned?

the problem is slc dad spit out 7 threads about how important the game was and how it was a matchup of #1 vs #2 teams

the problem is slc dad spit out 7 threads about how important the game was and how it was a matchup of #1 vs #2 teams


What happened to all these threads? I haven't seen any where he is talking about how important that game is. A lot of people agree that it will be #1 and #2. So what's the problem?
What happened to all these threads? I haven't seen any where he is talking about how important that game is. A lot of people agree that it will be #1 and #2. So what's the problem?

I'm ignoring our California friend because he pretty much just criticizes others and doesn't offer much else.

If the game happens it will be great. I have no inside information with the promoters but since no TV contract has been announced and no venue has been announced many fans are speculating the game won't happen. TV contributes to funding MNW's travel.

I've posted here that I don't agree with a team traveling over a thousand miles for a high school football game. I think that is the wrong priority. However, obviously many schools disagree with me. If MNW wants to come to Texas and play SLC more power to them. SLC has always said they will play ANYBODY but they won't travel thousands of miles to do it.

In Texas schedules are done two years at a time. After DLS changed it's mind about coming to Texas and after Evangel got treated badly by the Herbie, if the MNW game falls through I'd guess there will be a lot of coaches who won't want to schedule these kinds of games on faith. They will insist on a contract which, in all honesty, won't be a realistic option two years before the game is played.
Here is a post from a Texas board posted within the last 10 mins.

"I spoke with Coach Wasson this morning & the game is definately on for September 15th, and he is 98% sure that it will be played at Ford Stadium on the SMU campus."

This stadium seats about 30,000. pics/Old Images/SMU_SkyCam.jpg

I saw that on the 5A board. I hope that guy is telling the truth and it is gonna be at Ford. I would really like to go, but I wasn't even gonna try if it was at Dragon Stadium.
I saw that on the 5A board. I hope that guy is telling the truth and it is gonna be at Ford. I would really like to go, but I wasn't even gonna try if it was at Dragon Stadium.

I'm sure the guy is telling the truth.

The last time SLC played on ESPN at Dragon Stadium the tickets sold out within a couple of hours of being offered. On game day, cars started arriving in the stadium parking lot 5 hours (or more) before kickoff.

Tickets sold on eBay for more than the Dallas Cowboys tickets were selling for that week (if memory serves, it was over $100 per ticket). Three Heisman Trophy winners were at the game. (By the way, this was the game that ESPN switched to after DLS lost up in Washington in 2004. DLS was #1 but they lost, so ESPN switched to SLC who was the new #1. It's ironic because SLC can thank DLS for the 2004 ESPN game AND for the chance to play #1 vs #2 in 2007.)

The MNW vs. SLC game could be even bigger but since the stadium is almost 3 times larger everybody should be able to get a ticket.
After DLS changed it's mind about coming to Texas

wrong again

DLS NEVER committed to coming, it was offered and they NEVER moved forward with an agreement
What happened to all these threads? I haven't seen any where he is talking about how important that game is. A lot of people agree that it will be #1 and #2. So what's the problem?

Here is the PROBLEMS

He says preseason rankings are meaningless
He says preseason non-conference games are meaningless
He says teams traveling 1000s of miles to play high school football have the wrong priorities and are boneheads

then SLC and MNW are rumored to have a game

He has SEVEN threads on how important it will be because they both will be highly rated in the preseason (contradiction #1)

He has SEVEN threads on how this might be the best preseason matchup ever (contradiction #2)

He has SEVEN threads on how it will a great inter-state battle between FLorida and Texas best (contradiction #3)

He does ALL SEVEN of these threads with NO PROOF that the game is on

Now he has a thread SLC-MNW game might happen



everything doesnt matter and is the wrong priority, UNTIL SLC DOES THE SAME THING

dont you get it???????????????
Here are some of the threads:




2007 #1 vs. #2


#1 vs #2

all this after he spent 3 months telling us preseason games are meaningless and preseason rankings dont matter

I'm ignoring our California friend because he pretty much just criticizes others and doesn't offer much else.

I guess it is better to be a biased redneck homer that thinks the high school football world history started in 2004 and that nothing and nobody else is the world is important and offers NOTHING on anybody else except SLC and/or SLC's opponent

that is a true contributor that everyone enjoys???

when he isnt calling people jerks, idiots or boneheads, he is being called out by the moderator for not having a clue on what high school sports is about and he has the gall to say someone else doesnt offer anything?

Mr Contradiction and biased homer

go to texas boards no one here cares about your slc rants and hyperbole

and what I offer is to correct all his factual and logical mistakes which are too numerous to list and I get GREAT ENJOYMENT in doing that
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I'm ignoring our California friend because he pretty much just criticizes others and doesn't offer much else.

I guess it is better to be a biased redneck homer that thinks the high school football world history started in 2004 and that nothing and nobody else is the world is important and offers NOTHING on anybody else except SLC and/or SLC's opponent

that is a true contributor that everyone enjoys???

when he isnt calling people jerks, idiots or boneheads, he is being called out by the moderator for not having a clue on what high school sports is about and he has the gall to say someone else doesnt offer anything?

Mr Contradiction and biased homer

go to texas boards no one here cares about your slc rants and hyperbole

and what I offer is to correct all his factual and logical mistakes which are too numerous to list and I get GREAT ENJOYMENT in doing that

cman-I think everyone understands what/who SLCDad is. He is a homer, who relies much upon stats, that many on this board find annoying. He promotes SLC, which to be honest is pretty easy these days.

I think most of understand that and accept it. You make a point that might downgrade SLC, and a list of SOS is certain to follow.

You on the other hand are at times baffling. You appear to have a good knowledge of HS football, in particular DLS. You ramble, many times incoherrently about the same things over and over.

If someone brings up the Herbie, you'll bash SLCDad.

If someone brings up the playoff structure, you'll bash SLCDad.

If someone asks you a direct question about DLS' experience at the Herbie, you'll bash SLCDad.

It is a truly odd fascination. For someone who puports to be a good debater, you really seem to confuse more than convince.
"I spoke with Coach Wasson this morning & the game is definately on for September 15th, and he is 98% sure that it will be played at Ford Stadium on the SMU campus."

This stadium seats about 30,000.

Great choice for a location. The 30,000 will be large enough to accommedate anyone wishing to attend while still being intimate.

Texas is playing Central Florida in Florida and A&M has La-Monroe, so they should not lose many college fans.
Great choice for a location. The 30,000 will be large enough to accommedate anyone wishing to attend while still being intimate.

Texas is playing Central Florida in Florida and A&M has La-Monroe, so they should not lose many college fans.

The Texas UCF game was booked largely as a "good trip" for the fans. Easy way to do a side trip to Disney. Shjouldn't be that many fans that won't be there that would also go to the SLC game though.
cman-I think everyone understands what/who SLCDad is. He is a homer, who relies much upon stats, that many on this board find annoying. He promotes SLC, which to be honest is pretty easy these days.

I think most of understand that and accept it. You make a point that might downgrade SLC, and a list of SOS is certain to follow.

You on the other hand are at times baffling. You appear to have a good knowledge of HS football, in particular DLS. You ramble, many times incoherrently about the same things over and over.

If someone brings up the Herbie, you'll bash SLCDad.

If someone brings up the playoff structure, you'll bash SLCDad.

If someone asks you a direct question about DLS' experience at the Herbie, you'll bash SLCDad.

It is a truly odd fascination. For someone who puports to be a good debater, you really seem to confuse more than convince.

Since I've been ignoring that dude, it appears I've missed something. LOL

Not to worry, he will ever be on my ignore list.

He said he would do the same, but he didn't keep his word. He SHOULD keep his word.

As for the stats, I like them. I like the polls. I like the strength of schedule ratings. If you look back, you will see that I posted them when SLC was not #1. I can't wait for the 2007 season to start so I can see more stats.
As for the stats, I like them. I like the polls. I like the strength of schedule ratings. No kidding.....If you look back, you will see that I posted them when SLC was not #1. I can't wait for the 2007 season to start so I can see more stats.

I can't wait.....
cman-I think everyone understands what/who SLCDad is. He is a homer, who relies much upon stats, that many on this board find annoying. He promotes SLC, which to be honest is pretty easy these days.

I think most of understand that and accept it. You make a point that might downgrade SLC, and a list of SOS is certain to follow.

You on the other hand are at times baffling. You appear to have a good knowledge of HS football, in particular DLS. You ramble, many times incoherrently about the same things over and over.

If someone brings up the Herbie, you'll bash SLCDad.

If someone brings up the playoff structure, you'll bash SLCDad.

If someone asks you a direct question about DLS' experience at the Herbie, you'll bash SLCDad.

It is a truly odd fascination. For someone who puports to be a good debater, you really seem to confuse more than convince.

your statements are incorrect

in this instance I wa responding to SLC Dad's ridiculous statement that because DLS traveled to Washington in the first game of 2004, they have been losing ever since.

I responded by pointing out they traveled 2500 miles in 2002 to play an 18 time state champion that was nationally ranked, dls went on to win another national championship that year (why did traveling thousands of miles to play a meaningless game not lead to DLS losing every year since and why wasnt DLS a bonehead for traveling???)

I pointed out that DLS won two of its first 7 games and does SLC Dad think if they did not travel to Washington they would have gone 7-0?????

A team that goes 13-1 in 2006 and was rated #1 for 3 months can hardly be said to have "been losing ever since"

it is ridiculous statements like that that I jump on

since SLC Dad is a known entity in making ridiculous statements, I will jump on any person including SLC Dad who makes ridiculious statements

what is so hard to get?

why dont you jump on SLC Homer on responding by to a question on will you support your team signing a contract for the Herbie and he has to respond in his second line ..."look what happened to DLS, they have been losing ever since"

instead of jumping on the guy who takes on Mr Ridiculous, why dont you take him on first

since you make generalizations and dont back them up with itemized documentation, here is the post I was responding to:

Look what happened to DLS after they went to Washington (which was similar type game to the Herbie). They've been losing every year since

this was FACTUALLY wrong, logically wrong and just another attempt to bash DLS

the true person with a obsessive passion to bash another school is SLC Dad and how hung up he is on DLS

that you cant see that speaks volumes of you

nevertheless I will ALWAYS call him on his mistakes, factual or logical or otherwise

the MODERATOR os this board told SLC Dad he DOES NOT HAVE A CLUE about high school sports

what did you think about that??

I guess since it wasnt me you didnt jump on him>???

your true colors are showing
what is SO HARD in seeing the contradiction and hippocrasy of spending three months telling every one pre-season games are meaningless and preseason and early season rankings are meaningless and teams that fly 1000s of miles for preseason games have the wrong priorities and are boneheads


then after MNW and SLC game was supposedly announced, this same person had SEVEN threads on MNW-SLC and what a great matchup between intersectional teams that might be national #1 and #2 preseason

the guy did an about face BECAUSE SLC IS NOW INVOLVED

so I called him on it

For someone who puports to be a good debater, you really seem to confuse more than convince.

Leave consumerman alone he gives an honest effort and puts in a good solid 8 hours of posting a day. Heck somedays he may put in 12.

We all know that coherence is not one of his strengths. Sometimes it takes 9 consecutive posts to muster some sort of 'logic,'
But hey lets give him a big smiley face and an A+ sticker at the end of his painfully unintelligible rambles.
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your statements are incorrect

in this instance I wa responding to SLC Dad's ridiculous statement that because DLS traveled to Washington in the first game of 2004, they have been losing ever since. -This is the only comment made about DLS by SLCDad on this thread.

After DLS changed it's mind about coming to Texas and after Evangel got treated badly by the Herbie, if the MNW game falls through I'd guess there will be a lot of coaches who won't want to schedule these kinds of games on faith.

I think that is a fair coment regarding the topic. Most in Texas rightly/wrongly assumed the DLS game was on. I have said numerous times, I don't feel that DLS acted in bad faith, but the situation certainly put SLC in a tough situation. Tougher than an Ohio or CA school because of the two year scheduling commitments Texas schools do.

I responded by pointing out they traveled 2500 miles in 2002 to play an 18 time state champion that was nationally ranked, dls went on to win another national championship that year (why did traveling thousands of miles to play a meaningless game not lead to DLS losing every year since and why wasnt DLS a bonehead for traveling???)

I pointed out that DLS won two of its first 7 games and does SLC Dad think if they did not travel to Washington they would have gone 7-0?????

A team that goes 13-1 in 2006 and was rated #1 for 3 months can hardly be said to have "been losing ever since"

it is ridiculous statements like that that I jump on-I pretty much agree with you on this point. The difference is that I discussed that point in in that thread not this one. Here is my comment:

I honestly don't think that DLS losing to Bellvue caused them to continue to lose games. I think the team was just not as good as the previous squads.

since SLC Dad is a known entity in making ridiculous statements, I will jump on any person including SLC Dad who makes ridiculious statements

what is so hard to get?-Because your posts focus on the same things, stray off topic, and for some reason you cannot make one post, but typically require several. Have you noticed, that it is noot just SLCDad, not just me, not just the Texas posters, but pretty much everyone that says the same thing about your posting.

why dont you jump on SLC Homer on responding by to a question on will you support your team signing a contract for the Herbie and he has to respond in his second line ..."look what happened to DLS, they have been losing ever since"-I did, see the above comment.

instead of jumping on the guy who takes on Mr Ridiculous, why dont you take him on first-Again, I also think it is silly to chide programs for travelling when your team has travelled 300+ miles and well over 500+ miles round trip for "meaningless" non-district games. Just because they are still in the state, doesn't negate the long distance.

So I would state that I have "jumped" on SLCDad. One difference, is that I understand what he is trying to say. While I disagree with many of his points, and certainly get tired of the stats, I can have conversations with him.

So what was I incorrect about?

since you make generalizations and dont back them up with itemized documentation, here is the post I was responding to:

Look what happened to DLS after they went to Washington (which was similar type game to the Herbie). They've been losing every year since

this was FACTUALLY wrong, logically wrong and just another attempt to bash DLS

the true person with a obsessive passion to bash another school is SLC Dad and how hung up he is on DLS

that you cant see that speaks volumes of you

nevertheless I will ALWAYS call him on his mistakes, factual or logical or otherwise

Wow, another post on the same thread that you are debating a point not being discussed in this thread?

Who could have imagined that.

As I pointed out, I responded to him regarding this in the thread where the comment was made.

I think this was a particularly good point I made referncing DLS' trip to Seattle.

I think the games can take on too much importance, but also see real benefits. Ten years down the road, do you think the DLS teams will remember travelling to Seatle with their best friends or another random non conference game more?
So I would state that I have "jumped" on SLCDad. One difference, is that I understand what he is trying to say. While I disagree with many of his points, and certainly get tired of the stats, I can have conversations with him.

So what was I incorrect about?

We disagree on the travel part but I respect your opinion. I even posted that many fans and coaches disagree with me. No problem. Coach Dodge agrees with me, however, and it's hard to argue with his success.

My opinion is that traveling over 1,000 miles to play in state vs. state challenge games is the wrong priority. I think it serves more as a distraction than it does to build a football program. Yeah, the kids will enjoy the trip and it will be a good memory, I agree, but that doesn't mean it helps the team. (My guess is that state vs. state bravado is one of the reasons the coaches schedule these games.)

In another post you mentioned that other school groups travel for competitions and other events. A major difference however is that these trips are not usually paid by the district. The kids have fund raisers or pay their own way to travel. They often work for months to earn money and get ready.

I also don't think that traveling 250 miles by bus to play in-state is the same thing as traveling 1,500 miles to another state. They are not equivalent in my opinion even though you have tried to equate them. I don't buy your argument here.

Regarding Miami Northwestern, I don't think they have their priorities straight. However, as long as they have decided to come, it will be a great game. There is much to discuss and much anticipation about this game.

the MODERATOR os this board told SLC Dad he DOES NOT HAVE A CLUE about high school sports

what did you think about that??

I guess since it wasnt me you didnt jump on him>???

your true colors are showing

Wow, your third consecutive post on this thread w/in 15 minutes.....

I think SLCDad does have a clue about HS sports. I do think his vision can be short sighted to one team and half decade. I think he relies on comuter stats too much, and makes conclusions about them.

I also think he has an easy case to make. His team has been the best of the best for the past few years. Since he limits his arguements to that time frame, his points are accurate. They can also be irritating, but many of his points are factully accurate.

Again, who is incorrect? You are stating that I do not challenge him, yet I challenged him on the exact points you have.

My true colors?

If I have any, they would be the Navy and Gold from Lamar and Burnt Orange and White for Texas.
what is SO HARD in seeing the contradiction and hippocrasy of spending three months telling every one pre-season games are meaningless and preseason and early season rankings are meaningless and teams that fly 1000s of miles for preseason games have the wrong priorities and are boneheads


then after MNW and SLC game was supposedly announced, this same person had SEVEN threads on MNW-SLC and what a great matchup between intersectional teams that might be national #1 and #2 preseason

the guy did an about face BECAUSE SLC IS NOW INVOLVED

so I called him on it


It took you 18 minutes to post four times consecutively on this thread, and nearly nothing you talked about has to do with the SLC-MNW game being on.

The reason it bothers me, is because you appear to have some insight or at least a differnet perspective regarding HS football.

You refuse to answer questions and choose to only to attack one poster and school.

Certainly may posters have different opinions/thoughts, but you seem to be one track, and as I pointed out, you posting makes it difficult to understand and respond.
We disagree on the travel part but I respect your opinion. I even posted that many fans and coaches disagree with me. No problem. Coach Dodge agrees with me, however, and it's hard to argue with his success.-I fall in the camp where it seems to be contradictory(?) at best to say that it is not good for teams to travel, but help facilitate those teams to come to DFW.

My opinion is that traveling over 1,000 miles to play in state vs. state challenge games is the wrong priority. I think it serves more as a distraction than it does to build a football program. Yeah, the kids will enjoy the trip and it will be a good memory, I agree, but that doesn't mean it helps the team.-I understand. I think the '98 Lamar team's focus might have been too much on the game in FL and not the title. in the end the team stumbled and I think it may have been one of the best shots they had at the title. It probably did not make a difference, but as a fan I wonder "what if". I have not spoken to Coach Peach to confirm those thoughts.

In another post you mentioned that other school groups travel for competitions and other events. A major difference however is that these trips are not usually paid by the district. The kids have fund raisers or pay their own way to travel. They often work for months to earn money and get ready.-That is true. It is also true that much of the cost to travel is paid bny the sponsors. I doubt much more comes out of pocket for these games than say the HEB Classic in SA. I do know the Viking Booster Club shouldered some of the cost in '98.

I also don't think that traveling 250 miles by bus to play in-state is the same thing as traveling 1,500 miles to another state. They are not equivalent in my opinion even though you have tried to equate them. I don't buy your argument here.-True, but I have also never stated that the reason my team did not need to travel out of state because I could find plenty of games within 20 miles only to play 5 hours away, like Coach Dodge did. It is not the same, but it seems to be in contrast to the other statements.

Regarding Miami Northwestern, I don't think they have their priorities straight. However, as long as they have decided to come, it will be a great game. There is much to discuss and much anticipation about this game.

I also think that many states and programs have different scheduling difficulties that Texas teams simply do not have. DLS and the big Ohio privates are some of those.