I am opposed to any change, but if the owner decides to cave in to PC / Liberal / Leftist pressure, I would call the team the Buckskins so they can keep being called The 'Skins. I would keep the burgundy and gold / yellow color scheme and would change the mascot to a Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett or (nearby) West Virginia Mountaineer type character. I would either reinstate the 1968 Redskins burgundy helmet with the spear on the side (sort of like FSU's helmet) OR keep that helmet and instead put a frontiersman or pioneer type long gun on the side in place of the spear. OF course, Washington changed the name of the NBA Bullets to the Wizards due to gun violence in an early PC cave in (surprised no Liberals made THAT change out to be a Ku Klux Klan reference, maybe that's still coming down the pike ) so maybe the long gun wouldn't fly. But anyway, that's what I'd do. Or try to do. (BTW in the late 1960's when farm clubs in minor leagues were still permitted by the NFL, the Washington Redskins financed a farm team in either the Continental FL or the Atlantic Coast FL in Roanoke VA called the Buckskins. This is where I got the idea for the name.