There's no good excuse for the beating and subsequent death of Nichols. However, reading the police chief and her investigation (she is black, just for the record) and the issues that our police departments face nationwide. First of all, the buzz word these days for all failiings seems to be "understaffed". The police are no different. With all the wokeness going on across the country and the attack on the police for a few bad apples, we've essentially pushed alot of good cops out of the profession. Instead of dealing with the bad apples, we create new laws to appease the left that make no sense and are just window dressing for making mayors and state politicians look good.
What we've done is given a open door policy for criminals and thugs to just run the streets and cause all kinds of havoc. And that's exactly what we get. Police get to deal with these people 24/7, over and over. What's your breaking point? I know I couldn't deal with that. And the first time you bust someone's head, you get put on leave - pending an investigation. POLICE are guilty until proven innocent? THEY have went through all the training and taken an oath to serve and protect -- and yet they have to stand down because some drug dealer or criminal got what was coming to them?
Now in order to have order, you are going to occasionally, in rare instances have a George Floyd, or a Tyre Nichols situation pop up. Again, look at the percentages of police interactions with citizens vs. the few numbers of these and there is NO NEED to make sweeping changes. Let cops be cops.