Mark Hall

Hall is a January 1997 birthday. Take that for what it's worth.

The whole hold back/not hold back thing is parental choice at the end of the day. That is something the parent and child will have to deal with, not us.

The one aspect in all this which merits discussion is the eligibility one, and evidently the MSHSL has rendered it moot.
Hall is a January 1997 birthday. Take that for what it's worth.

The whole hold back/not hold back thing is parental choice at the end of the day. That is something the parent and child will have to deal with, not us.

The one aspect in all this which merits discussion is the eligibility one, and evidently the MSHSL has rendered it moot.

No doubt bucks, but this thread has been pretty much about that.
I guess you could close it down and another one of the 100+ discussions on red shirting will emerge without this kid's name.
It is an opinion forum is it not?
Great article on a phenom talent.
I do have a question about the Dads comment on going to college at 17 yrs old though. This kid is the same age(he's actually a little bit older) as my son who is in 8th grade, how would he be 17? My son will enter college at 18 and turn 19 during the 2nd half of the yr??? What am I missing?

Typical double-talk by a parent who is rationalizing his decision.

The age/maturity issue is the easiest excuse, because it's not quantifiable. :rolleyes:
So let me get this straight...all at once Mark Sr. realizes that his son won't be "mature" enough when he graduates high school. It just came to him as the kid finished 7th grade. Never entered his mind when the boy started kindergarden. Junior's prowess as a wrestler has nothing to do with it.

He's either a liar, or an sweetie. But's legal.

In the past there was a stigma attached to repeating a grade. It was a last resort measure. Today, it's a parenting "tool" "option"...a "leg up" for your kid. Believing it's a ridiculous course of action when it's obviously driven by athletic elgibility casts me as a nosey, jealous, hater.

What the ---- happened?

So high school wrestling is a dying sport because kids today are lazy? Seriously? Liberal hold back, transfer, and open enrollment rules have nothing to do with it?

There may be a certain amount of "shame or flunky" feeling gone from repeating the same grade aspect since they change schools too.

Probably true.

Everyone chill out with the negativity.

It was a nice article. Let's just enjoy this young man's career, hope that he stays healthy, and Lord willing the dedication he has put in brings home an Olympic gold someday if he so desires to pursue it.

I think it's cool that we have a possible Lebron type phenom in the sport of wrestling. Hopefully Sportscenter picks up on Hall and decides to follow him for his career so wrestling can get some serious positive pub!
Probably true.

Everyone chill out with the negativity.

It was a nice article. Let's just enjoy this young man's career, hope that he stays healthy, and Lord willing the dedication he has put in brings home an Olympic gold someday if he so desires to pursue it.

I think it's cool that we have a possible Lebron type phenom in the sport of wrestling. Hopefully Sportscenter picks up on Hall and decides to follow him for his career so wrestling can get some serious positive pub!

Well at least they got the leaving their hometown part behind them already.
I couldnt resist lol.
It's legal and it's the parents decision, but I don't understand a couple of things. (Maturity was the reason I heard he was held back.)

From the article: "Mark Hall turns 14 years old in January, but you would never know it from talking to him or watching him wrestle. He's mature beyond his years both on and off the wrestling mat."

Also from the article: "He also held his son back in school to help ensure that he's ready for college when the time comes.

"I did that because I don't want my son going to college at 17 years old," said his father. "I even held my daughter back. I don't want my son 600 miles away, being 17 years old, doing stupid stuff, or being led around by older kids. I want him to be mature enough to handle it." If he turns 14 years old this month in 7th grade, he will be 15 -8th, 16-9th, 17-10th, 18-11th and 19-12th.
It's legal and it's the parents decision, but I don't understand a couple of things. (Maturity was the reason I heard he was held back.)

From the article: "Mark Hall turns 14 years old in January, but you would never know it from talking to him or watching him wrestle. He's mature beyond his years both on and off the wrestling mat."

Also from the article: "He also held his son back in school to help ensure that he's ready for college when the time comes.

"I did that because I don't want my son going to college at 17 years old," said his father. "I even held my daughter back. I don't want my son 600 miles away, being 17 years old, doing stupid stuff, or being led around by older kids. I want him to be mature enough to handle it." If he turns 14 years old this month in 7th grade, he will be 15 -8th, 16-9th, 17-10th, 18-11th and 19-12th.

He can be mature for his age now but he is still a kid. He's just playing the odds. Supposedly we males are less stupider at 19. We're pretty goofy until at least 30. It doesn't matter, let's take the father at his word and stop dogging him.

Haven't some of our recent 4-time state champions been held back?