Finneytown vs McNicholas

I'm really tired of seeing all the posts on how Mcnick did not deserve that win. It seems like you'd let it go by now. lets replay that night. It was cold, windy, raining like crazy; all of which are terrible conditions for goalie. I know since i've played that position for 11 years and its common sense. This means keepers need to wake up before the game and be ALERT. Both keepers on both sides are two amazing players. Thats obvious. Yet, despite the skill of smoker he made one extremely significant error, which ultimately led to the defeat of finneytown.
I am not blaming the game on smoker. that would be ridiculous. After the error the entire team should have busted ---, and put 2 more in the goal, to negative the one they put on themselves, and put em one up.
as a keeper i am always hesitant about playing balls back to me in extremely bad conditions. One bad hop.. and its in the goal. Both defenses played amazing however. Each side shut down key players: both racoczy and sandmann. However though i doubt you should judge any player, no matter how good or how bad they played on only one game. For seeing sandmann and the rest of this team play the entire season, i know, they hadn't played their best the entire night. so i think its rude and ignorant to judge them based on how they played during a game with crappy conditions.
So despite the fact that both teams manage to shutdown key players, the conditions were terrible, and pressure was high for the tourney, mcnick managed to pull through and defeat finneytown. Finneytown could beat Mcnick 9 times outta ten, i personally doubt that but hey thats me. The point is the didnt beat mcnick that night which makes Mcnick the better team that night. So stop poutin around and grow up and accept the defeat. and remember. HEY! theres always next year.
I am new to yappi but what I am reading is kind of funny. The game of soccer is and always will be a sport where the "best" team doesn't always win. As a matter of fact, according to scores this year, Finneytown, I believe had 5 ties. The were not an explosive offensive team. They had a good defense and a great keeper. However, when you get to the tournament anything can happen as we have seen. McNick plays a very tough schedule in the GCL priming them for the state tournament.

It is tough to hear that Smoker made that error, however, he is a senior and a least a three year starter in goal, and he probably should have used some better judgement with the conditions the way they were. You can't blame the game on him, because he probably has won Finneytown many games during his career.

As for the PK's. Yes McNick won on PK's because they were better at them than Finneytown on this night. PK's are a part of the process. There have been World Cup Championship's and Ohio State Championships decided on PK's. Everyone who loses in the process says that they don't like it. I also agree that it might not be the correct way to decide a match, but it is the way it is done. On this particular night, due to conditions, McNick won. It doesn't mean they were the "best" team. They just did what they had to do to get the job done.