Cavs 2023-24

I watched awful coaching on youtube.he breaks down film.The coaching on this team is beyond embarassing.Cavs players are so lazy.
The issues with the Cavs are two fold … 1) timing & 2) fit

1) timing … NBA players go through phases in their career … 1st: prove you belong, 2nd: make the plays, 3rd: be competitive in playsoffs and advance a round or two. 4th: win it all in the playoffs

The top 3 Cavs are on different spots in their career a) Mobley is in prove you belong period, b) Garland just happy to be in the playoffs & c) Mitchell is in win now mode … the first two are not ready to win in the playoffs yet … both talented, just not mentally (experienced) ready to win in the playoffs … and Mitchell is in only winning matters

2) fit … Mobley & Allen do not fit together … both non shooters … both fit better when paired with a shooting big
DM & DG do not fit together … both need the ball … Mitchell would be better paired with a guy like Jalen Suggs … good D, does not need the ball … it is not always about talent alone … fit matters.
Sounds like DM might not be playing. Anyone else feeling home playoff ptsd vs Celtics and star player or is it just me?
Absolutely pathetic if Mitchell doesn't answer the bell for this game. Home playoff game with the season on the line and you are in street clothes as the supposed superstar franchise player? Drops 33 2 nights ago and now all of a sudden can't play?

Geez these guys are softer than Charmin. Blow it up and start over at this point.
Absolutely pathetic if Mitchell doesn't answer the bell for this game. Home playoff game with the season on the line and you are in street clothes as the supposed superstar franchise player? Drops 33 2 nights ago and now all of a sudden can't play?

Geez these guys are softer than Charmin. Blow it up and start over at this point.
Mitchell is the blame? He has played thru a ton. He deserves better
Yes. He's supposed to be the franchise and decides to go fishing early, it's a disgrace. Play through it like all the greats have before.
He has played thru it after injections. I guess at least he hasn't faked an issue, against the Celtics, at home, in the playoffs, when taking a free throw as another hall of gamer did
Mitchell is the blame? He has played thru a ton. He deserves better
Nah. I have to agree with Brian and Y2H. He’s checked out. Gone. Sign him to a max deal and trade him. Start over. This unit doesn’t have what it takes, including Altman and JB.
Hey Cavs…next time you draft post this in your war room to stop you from drafting muppets
Can we trade Mobley at halftime? I would take 3-4 hot dogs and a coupla cold Great Lakes drafts…throw in Garland as the kicker 😝
1. This is odd they are playing this close.
2. Is LBJ here to court DM to LA or other way around, or
3. Is he enjoying the troll of the Lakers? He doesn't do a single think not knowing how it plays
It's over. If they had a portion of this contribution in the other games, seriesnis the other way.

As it is, will be over Wednesday, and the circus will commence
I don’t know how anyone can rag on Mitchell after watching him battle all playoffs.
With the season on the line he decided to go on vacation, that's how. Whatever he did before is irrelevant, when his team needed him he tapped out.
Mitchell been visibily hobbled all playoffs maybe hes actually hurt??
Of course he’s hurt. We’re over 90 games into the season. Everyone is hurting to a degree. To sit out a game of this magnitude with a strained calf just doesn’t rise to gamer level. Some would play. Mitchell isn’t one of them.
Garland has a lot of basketball skills, but he has a very low basketball IQ. Just not very good at reading what’s called for in a given situation. His poor judgment is so bad it’s glaring.
Of course he’s hurt. We’re over 90 games into the season. Everyone is hurting to a degree. To sit out a game of this magnitude with a strained calf just doesn’t rise to gamer level. Some would play. Mitchell isn’t one of them.
You guys have no clue whether he is truly hurt or not … do you remember Kevin Durant?

You guys have no clue whether he is truly hurt or not … do you remember Kevin Durant?

Durant was out a couple weeks. That’s the point of the story. He tried to go full go after a couple weeks of inactivity. Mitchell was playing in the late fourth quarter two days ago. Doncic is hurt and playing. Brunson has been hurt most of the playoffs and keeps gutting it out. Some are just tougher than others, and want it more.
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You still have no clue how injured he is … this fake tough guy act is simply ridiculous … you sound stupid … but at least you are in good company with brian & y2h

Mitchell also has be playing with injuries for the past month or so … so him sitting out this time sure makes it seem like it is worse
He can sit the next game too and heal up for his new team. This series is over. This is a franchise, with this particular group, that simply hasn’t been able to shake their soft rep. Time to go back to the drawing board.