Canton McKinley Football 2024

Sales pitch? A nice figure north of 6 figures, head coach only job and throw in public school pension for any private school head coach. He can hire his own staff. The facilities are IMO the best in Ohio except for maybe Massillons and I don't know maybe even better then Massillons. Just give me one adult that knows how to put that package together. Identify 5 names and personally call them yourself. I get facebook updates on CCS stuff and it seems like their replacing schools and building athletic buildings everywhere so it not like we are talking about Cleveland City schools here. Who? I would have the Wadsworth coach on that list. He's the son of Danny Todd that played for Newlon at Lincoln during the 60's and for all I know maybe still has family in canton. As crazy as it sounds I would give the Hoban coach a call. He knows more about McKinley then people think and Adrian Brown is on his staff and who know's if he loses again this year that would make what 3 in a row without a state championship. Who know's when that clock goes off and coach want a change. Maybe Moore? Maybe somebody ticks him off in Massillon. You guys do have a tendency to do that you know. Just look at you?😁 And some of the stupid posters from Massillon that come after you from time to time. None of those listed so far would even have to move.
Jeff Smith and one or 2 thers are also on Hobans staff from McKinley. Its time to make some phone calls.👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Jeff Smith and one or 2 thers are also on Hobans staff from McKinley. Its time to make some phone calls.👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Tyrells proven leadership coupled with the muscle and no nonsense of people like Adrian Burt and Jeff Smith types would be Great at McKinley plus Jeff graduating in 1985 was around during the times when McKinley had the mystique. He and Adrian know real McKinley football.

Tyrells proven leadership coupled with the muscle and no nonsense of people like Adrian Burt and Jeff Smith types would be Great at McKinley plus Jeff graduating in 1985 was around during the times when McKinley had the mystique. He and Adrian know real McKinley football.
I meant Adrian Brown.
Don't know for sure, but it must have been good enough for Moore!! If ANYONE believes that the situations at Massillon and McKinley are the same, they need to rethink that.
Just curious if you know what the attendance numbers this past season were for Massillon.
I meant Adrian Brown.
Wish his son was at McKinley. Everything McDaniels did for him so he could get that senior season in which got him to Youngstown State. I'm not sure where he would be without that help and he has his son at Hoban. No loyalty IMO.
Wish his son was at McKinley. Everything McDaniels did for him so he could get that senior season in which got him to Youngstown State. I'm not sure where he would be without that help and he has his son at Hoban. No loyalty IMO.
Maybe this particular situation speaks volumes? Maybe it doesn't.
Not off the top of my head, but way better than what McKinley has had lately.
Wish his son was at McKinley. Everything McDaniels did for him so he could get that senior season in which got him to Youngstown State. I'm not sure where he would be without that help and he has his son at Hoban. No loyalty IMO.
Hey Caleb. I think people have a mistrust of what McKinley coaches would do with their kids talent. We saw a lot of that this season. And plus Adrian could oversee everything dealing with his son at Hoban. Parents have to trust coaches with their kids first. Mike Doss didn’t even send his nephew to McKinley.sad.
No it doesn't. Your like oil filter. You do realize a lot of players have extremely high grades and will be on scholarships next year don't you?
If we could get Tyrell to come in and bring his staff. Possibly open the enrollment of the schools. We would seal the fate of McKinley football.
It's November 17, 2024

Does anyone know the total passing yardage that Kam Montgomery threw this past season ??

:unsure: :D:p:banana:

This is IUDOGS signing off
Hey Caleb. I think people have a mistrust of what McKinley coaches would do with their kids talent. We saw a lot of that this season. And plus Adrian could oversee everything dealing with his son at Hoban. Parents have to trust coaches with their kids first. Mike Doss didn’t even send his nephew to McKinley.sad.
McKinley had trouble beating Massillon BEFORE Moore got into town.
I am just going to point this out....2 years ago dressed 45 players against Lake....last year dressed 62...this year 65 dressed. This is a school of 900 boys top three grades...makes it the 11th largest school in the state..I just find these numbers odd for a school this size
I am just going to point this out....2 years ago dressed 45 players against Lake....last year dressed 62...this year 65 dressed. This is a school of 900 boys top three grades...makes it the 11th largest school in the state..I just find these numbers odd for a school this size
Pizza Gate was destructive.
Pizza Gate was destructive.
True to a point....but lets look at another Fed team whose numbers have dropped off ...GlenOak's numbers aren't great the 90's Cleveland East Shaw was strong school in D D 5...Akron Garfield and Buchtel were strong teams in the 90's...Glenville was a power in D 1...if McKinley hadn't merged with big would they be now? Hoover has lost enrollment, Lake has lost enrollment...what has population changes to the inner city done to McKinley and to GlenOak? Can a school in this day and age overcome the dynamics of its city? Massillon has been able to in its own way...but they are a D 2 school now...they were a medium D 1 school at one time...could their reduction in numbers have helped? I don't know the answers to this situation...but if you look at the high schools in the inner cities of Ohio...their football teams are not like they it possible McKinley is seeing this issue now?.