Best "position" player on each Ohio lacrosse team

CollegeScout1212 said:
Dave long does not return till next week..the week of April 24th.....
college scout good to see you posting again i thought maybe daniel had hurt you or something???

Goalie - Vince Diana (.750 save percentage 105 saves in 137 shots)
Midfeild - Grant Mcguguin (top scorer on the Bears)
Defense - Jerod Rebosher

As good as Jerod is he's got two other great long sticks back there with him, Kerek and Graeff. (3.1 GA average through 13 games).

It's hard to pick an Attack but No. 11 (Nate Hirsch) would be my front runner, his faceoff percentage is running over 70. Colin Beauch runs the offense better every week...