2023 Benedictine Football

Is it time for Benedictine to start looking for a new home field? With all the issues going on in Euclid.
Brooklyn would be a Great field to play at. Plus, I think they would welcome Benedictine with open arms. Convenient/easy to get there, I480, west side presence, good for fans.
Bedford didn’t think so.
Mayfield's demographics are more suited to Benedictine than Bedford's (significant percentage is of Italian ancestry, heavily Catholic, etc). I don't see them agreeing. Bedford predominantly Black and Protestant. It's not a big deal for them
Bedford was cost prohibitive in the end. Big money with no advantages. Brooklyn is user friendly & would be square in the middle. Independence would be a good location as well.
Euclid has a nice stadium. Is the problem playing there the fights after the game? Just curious because that seems to be all that's posted about teams using their stadium. If so hire more police and let them handle it.
Euclid has a nice stadium. Is the problem playing there the fights after the game? Just curious because that seems to be all that's posted about teams using their stadium. If so hire more police and let them handle it.
They already play at Euclid
The downtown pinheads should have tried to get Chanel and Benny to merge or at least after selling out the marists school give Benny the property
What about CWRU field. They play baseball there already. Or is Parking a problem?
Most D-3 schools try to maximize travel. When the football team is playing on Saturday afternoon, the visiting teams soccer team plays Friday night. When the football team is away the woman's teams are scheduled on the field or are using the facility. That's why BW, John Carroll, CWRU and most D-3's do not host high school football games. Baseball is a different animal. You can schedule a Tuesday game. Football games are exclusively scheduled on Friday or Saturday.
What about the new Beachwood Stadium?

The downtown pinheads should have tried to get Chanel and Benny to merge or at least after selling out the marists school give Benny the property
Benedictine is not a diocesan school, and no offense to Chanel as I have/had a deep love for the school, but there is no way Bene would want to merge with them, let alone move to that location.

The issue of Chanel being co-Ed would have also been a problem. The best case scenario would have been a strong encouragement for all the boys to go to Benedictine, but word on the street is that many Chanel kids either went to Lake Catholic or Trinity.
Benedictine is not a diocesan school,
I did noit say they were, I am only referring to what could have been done instead of selling out quality Catholic Education for nothing there anymore.

Also a Chanel Alum who played for me offered the pinheads $1M for the place and was going to operate an all boys HS that he had a certificate of operation, he was a principal at a local public HS, but they sold it to Canata for less than $460,000, traitors!
The issue of Chanel being co-Ed would have also been a problem. The best case scenario would have been a strong encouragement for all the boys to go to Benedictine, but word on the street is that many Chanel kids either went to Lake Catholic or Trinity. Because of backstabbing Sal marigolota, his wife was at Chanel talking kids into going to lake before the announcement was even made because her and hubby were friends with Sister margaret Lyons!
Bedford was cost prohibitive in the end. Big money with no advantages. Brooklyn is user friendly & would be square in the middle. Independence would be a good location as well.
Who says Bedford was cost prohibitive? You? They tried to save a few bucks by going to Euclid,now 3 years later,they are afraid to schedule a night game there. Brooklyn wasn't even good enough for Holy Name. They left it years ago for N.Royalton. Good move for them. If the plan is to continue trotting out teams like we have the past 2 years,it doesn't much matter. But,if the goal is to compete for a "ship",we need a 1st rate stadium like Bedford. Potential recruits want a nice stadium to play in,and their parents want a safe place to watch them.If the goal is just to save money, go see if John Marshall or Rhodes are still available.
Who says Bedford was cost prohibitive? You? They tried to save a few bucks by going to Euclid,now 3 years later,they are afraid to schedule a night game there. Brooklyn wasn't even good enough for Holy Name. They left it years ago for N.Royalton. Good move for them. If the plan is to continue trotting out teams like we have the past 2 years,it doesn't much matter. But,if the goal is to compete for a "ship",we need a 1st rate stadium like Bedford. Potential recruits want a nice stadium to play in,and their parents want a safe place to watch them.If the goal is just to save money, go see if John Marshall or Rhodes are still available.
I say we play home games at John Adams. They are close by.
When Holy name left Brooklyn the stadium & field were in flux. The stadium & field has been renovated.
Junior. You need to do some investigating before you put your foot in your mouth. Plus. Bedford was going to charge Benedictine 3 times the amount for rent than they were paying. Had to do with student/athletes enrolling at Benedictine from Bedford. It wasn't a cost savings move, as you describe it. It was a smart business decision. If Beachwood would have Benedictine that would be great news. I know Benedictine looked at Brooklyn before the move to Euclid. Maybe take another look.


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Hawken is not like Benedictine in any way, shape or form aside from both being private schools. But you knew that already
What I do know is Mayfield is not worried about losing kids to Benedictine nowadays. I can think of kids in Gates Mills right across the street from Hawken that are more apt to go to Hawken. Point being a private can play at Mayfield..so theorize if you must that they do not. Mayfield is really not worried. If you look, more kids from Geauga county end up on that Benny roster, not just the CYO kids either judging by their QB.
The last year we played at Bedford was 2019. I remember a huge crowd for the Shaker game,and nice crowds for Hoban,and the Brecksville playoff game. You know why? The team went 9-1,and had some exciting talent that scored a lot of points. The lower crowds recently are do to Covid in 2020-21, and bad teams last year,and this one. Don't know what else you want to spend the money on. Football was always important at Benedictine. People want a nice stadium,where they feel safe. Nobody I know cares about going to restaurant before a game. Who has time? I have not heard of any trouble at Bedford football games since we left 4 years ago.
Why don't Benedictine build their own stadium or just put seats at their practice field? It's crazy that you guys don't have your own feel especially with the historic program that you guys have. BTW I'm glad you guys are having a decent season it's always good football when the historic programs are winning.
Why don't Benedictine build their own stadium or just put seats at their practice field? It's crazy that you guys don't have your own feel especially with the historic program that you guys have. BTW I'm glad you guys are having a decent season it's always good football when the historic programs are winning.
There are several reasons why games cannot be hosted at the current practice facility.
2. Stands are too small.
3. Concessions.
My thoughts to be able to turn the current field are not cost friendly.
1. I would drop the field to street level creating a bowl. This would allow for seating on the parking lot side, east side of field, to be installed into the side wall. On the west side of the field, you could put elevated stands with locker rooms underneath. This would seal off any entry from E107 street. The stands on the west side of the field would serve as the home stands with a roof over the seats.
2. Concessions would be under the west stands. Concessions for the visiting side, east stands, would be at the top of the stands. On the visitor side you would enter from the top level & walk down into the seating area.
3. The parking issue could be solved with a parking garage. The rooftop of the garage could be used for alumni pregame activities. Welcoming past alumni, as well as new incoming students & their families. Maximizing the investment.
4. New field would than be viable to host all levels of playoff games. From football to soccer.
I would imagine there would never be budget for these improvements.
A separate campaign or a generous, whoever, would have to be used to complete this pipe dream.
If we are going big.
1. Buy all of the houses between the school & St Benedicts on MLK.
2. Build a new state of the art gymnasium on this site.
3. Allow space for a HOF & Men of Distinction expansive room for display.
4. Create a new entry way for the school & Gymnasium facing west. This entry way would be extravagant. High ceilings, a welcome desk, all of the state championship trophies displayed properly, a salute to the Benedictine monks, as well as the who's who of the school. Joe Rufus Augie Bossu, etc.
5. Not reinventing any wheels here. The entire athletic side of the facility is state of the art. Wrestling room, indoor baseball practice area, weight room, trainer & doctor facility, separate locker rooms for every sport. All state of the art. Better than some D-3 colleges.
6. The new facility could host all tournaments allowing for people/parents of potential students/students, to view the school.
7. Hosting all CYO events, youth wrestling tournaments that need 6-8 mats, youth basketball tournaments that need 3-4 courts, sectional & district high school wrestling & basketball events.
All of these things create potential new students to increase the enrollment.
Big Pipe Dream here that I stole from another catholic high school.
This is exactly what another parochial high school did to change their footprint in the fight to stay viable. The plan worked & exceeded expectations. It took more than several investors to make their dream a reality. In the end the successes have been many.
To be able to have outstanding academics, as well as an outstanding facility, is huge edge in the catholic high school world.
Go Big or Go Home as they say. It would be great to see this become a reality at Benedictine. I didn't win the 2 billion lottery. LOL!
I can only dream!
When Holy name left Brooklyn the stadium & field were in flux. The stadium & field has been renovated.
Junior. You need to do some investigating before you put your foot in your mouth. Plus. Bedford was going to charge Benedictine 3 times the amount for rent than they were paying. Had to do with student/athletes enrolling at Benedictine from Bedford. It wasn't a cost savings move, as you describe it. It was a smart business decision. If Beachwood would have Benedictine that would be great news. I know Benedictine looked at Brooklyn before the move to Euclid. Maybe take another look.
If it was a smart business decision,why are we looking to move again? Euclid is a real nice stadium,bad area. They looked at Brooklyn 3 years ago,but chose Euclid. Probably because it was cheaper. I seriously doubt Bedford was 3x the price. Don't know where your getting that from. Between the two, I would rather play at Brooklyn then Euclid.


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I'm not sure Al Martin or Rick Adams would enjoy Benedictine playing at their facilities. We will see. Brooklyn has shown interest in renting out their field in the past. That's the only reason I have mentioned their field as a potential place to look at. Beachwood would be good as well. If Cuyahoga Hts or Indy were interested in allowing Benedictine to rent their fields. They both would be good choices. As far as a smart business decision. when you do not have coffers of cash to throw around you need to find the best deal. If Euclid 3 years ago was the best deal with a brand-new stadium. Why not take a chance? Who knew that there would be issues down the road? Nevertheless, I think it's time to find a new home field.
I'm not sure Al Martin or Rick Adams would enjoy Benedictine playing at their facilities. We will see. Brooklyn has shown interest in renting out their field in the past. That's the only reason I have mentioned their field as a potential place to look at. Beachwood would be good as well. If Cuyahoga Hts or Indy were interested in allowing Benedictine to rent their fields. They both would be good choices. As far as a smart business decision. when you do not have coffers of cash to throw around you need to find the best deal. If Euclid 3 years ago was the best deal with a brand-new stadium. Why not take a chance? Who knew that there would be issues down the road? Nevertheless, I think it's time to find a new home field.
Trinity used to use Independence's field and currently rents Cuyahoga Heights
Enough talk about new stadiums. Thoughts on the game tonight?
I agree. Even though I don’t think a move is necessary, I love seeing these ideas about who and why to rent, but could they wait until after the season? Senior night for bene is tonight plus it’s a pretty big game seeding wise. I have to think bene should cruise to a win but I have bene wrong before. What are your thoughts on the brush game?