We needed expanded playoffs for Covid with cancellations. Reduce it now.

About 35% of the first round games in the previous format were running clocks, it’s not like we had a ton of nail biters. 9 and 10 seeds had winning records last night, while 13 seeds won 33% of their games.

Another way to look at it. Over 20% of the teams that are playing in the regional quarter finals this year would not have made the regional quarter finals if only 8 teams made the playoffs.

there would have been more mercy clocks well over 50% and some ungodly scores even with a running clock, but certain teams took their foot off the gas and played the JV teams

my suggestion to St Eds playing 1-9 whoever it was Stow that defeated one team that only defeated one other team ( a joke to even schedule the game) was to start the sophomores and only put the first string in if Stow got ahead by more than 30 points, then put the varsity in, to make it an interesting game.

spot them 30 points before you put in the varsity.

You know Kyle took his foot off the gas against John Marshall LOL there were a lot of guys took their foot off the gas.
Upset in D1 and D2
R1: 0
R2: 1
R3: 3
R4: 1

R5: 0
R6: 1
R7: 1
R8: 3
Most unpredictable by Harbins is Columbus area in D1 and Cinci in D2
R9: 3
R10: 2
R11: 1
R12: 3
D3: NE and SW

R13: 1
R14: 0
R15: 3
R16: 3
D4: Central and SE. So far, SW most unpredicatable region.

R17: 3
R18: 2
R19: 3
R20: 2

R21: 1
R22: 1
R23: 1 Galion - Bellaire TBD
R24: 1

R25: 1
R26: 3
R27: 2
R28: 0
Last edited:
especially when it gets cold, full contact tackle football isn't that much fun anymore, especially after you've already played ten games and aren't getting squat out of it, you're just a semi scrub on a little podunk school team that isn't going anywhere and everybody knows it.

the hits hurt a lot more when it's cold, and kids get sick of all that rah rah rah nonsense .

if we win we have to go to football practice next week, if we lose we're done with it finally.

lets lose and hurry up and get it over with
Thanks for posting. I missed that on Prof. Pasteur's site. I had guessed that Harbins do well at seeding the Top 4 and not so well after that. The data shows I was partially correct and that Harbins got the Top 6 right. After that, throw them in a bag and picking randomly would have been better.

That appears to be where the rub is. If we stick with Harbins and 8, the impact will be ADs in good-but-not-great programs going back to gaming their schedules. No way Padua ever plays Ursuline or Maple Hts. Others will follow that suit. That sucks for unaligned schools or small conference schools like the Crown Conference.

Maybe that's a lesser sacrifice than having first round massacres with 16. I don't know.

How about going with Week 10 being a playoff week and cutting back by 1 on OOC games?
you'll see a high percentage of mercy clocks in the next round, too, kids will figure it out early that they're gonna get beat and then they give up

they get tired of getting beat up.
Like that Smiley kid from Fairless last night, all over the field a heroic effort, he was so cramped up an over exerted he could hardly walk off the field finally.

Nobody told the kid that if the team wins, they have to play 5 more games LOL
Has any study been done on the number of injuries in the first 2 rounds of expanded format vs the old 8 team structure? If not there should be!
I can't wait until a lower seed goes to state to shut down all this crap and negativity about the lower seeds. It will come, just wait.
"going to state" and getting mercy clocked in the finals is just the same as going 0-10.

both teams get the same thing.
Has any study been done on the number of injuries in the first 2 rounds of expanded format vs the old 8 team structure? If not there should be!

there are no existing studies of injuries incurred in high school football because it is a subject nobody wants to talk, or know about.
Chance to what? Get destroyed one last time?

Neither side benefits from these games.

Let the competitive teams battle it out and the uncompetitive start prep for winter sports.
or be allowed to line up a week 11 and maybe even week 12 game with someone more on their level, if they want to.
All this talk about the regular season being meaningless is silly. The games I go to are well-attended, the fans are into the action, various booster groups make some money, and the kids are playing hard.

Sounds like the opposite of meaningless to me 🤷🏼‍♂️
Exactly. I don't remember thinking our games were meaningless when we went 9-1 and didn't come close to the playoffs (back in the 4 total teams per division days). Our wins were meaningful to us as was the loss in the opposite way as it was to our rival.
tbh, if you’re going to expand the playoffs this much they should have reduced the regular season and made the first two rounds of playoffs an extended regular season (

I.e. week 9 is first round, week 10 losing teams week 9 play each other for a consolation final game of the season, then everyone gets at least a 10 week season but kids don’t have to play 15 weeks and into December
Exactly. I don't remember thinking our games were meaningless when we went 9-1 and didn't come close to the playoffs (back in the 4 total teams per division days). Our wins were meaningful to us as was the loss in the opposite way as it was to our rival.
The problem, as is the case in most youth/school sports, is that the governing body starts to worry about the feelz of the grown adult fans at the expense of the kids playing the sport
there are no existing studies of injuries incurred in high school football because it is a subject nobody wants to talk, or know about.
Are you implying that ony football should have a study?
I believe all sports should have a study.
My point was about how it may be different because of the dumb new playoff structure, fyi.
OHSAA HS football rant.
It’s obvious that OHSAA doesn’t care about travel distance between schools in the 1st round. Look at some of the regions.
Do away with the 4 regions per division.

Take top 32 in computer points (not 64 teams over 4 regions) and have at it. If the team can’t make it in regardless of a 10-0 record, we’ll that’s life and sometimes life isn’t fair. Take it as a life lesson.

And for the people whinning about “I get to see my senior play one more game!” You got that in week10. My daughter lost most of her senior soccer season last year to a torn ACL. Life goes on & the sun will rise the next day.

OHSAA is just doing this for the gate money.
Do you really think the state is going to say, well, let's reduce the playoffs in half and cut down our profit margin by 50 percent? There's no going back now, plus I like the fact that everyone who is good gets their postseason chance now. There won't be any more 10-0 or 9-1 teams that don't make the playoffs. I will trade some sub-500 teams getting in the playoffs for a 7-3 or 8-2 team in a tough region that in the prior format may not have made it.
This is absolutely the only reason for expansion. The goal of any organization is to perpetuate its existence. This is a no-brainer for the OHSAA. More games equals more money and they won't go back to 8 teams per region.
Are you implying that ony football should have a study?
I believe all sports should have a study.
My point was about how it may be different because of the dumb new playoff structure, fyi.

we are discussing football so...

there are no studies done of injuries in football or any other sport as far as that goes because the subject is a dirty little secret.

nobody wants to know the full extent, cost, effects on the lives of the injured, etc etc etc.

coaches claim they have a right to keep it all secret.

which is idiotic of course but they get away with it.

there are no injury reports submitted to anyone.
This is absolutely the only reason for expansion. The goal of any organization is to perpetuate its existence. This is a no-brainer for the OHSAA. More games equals more money and they won't go back to 8 teams per region.

oh puleez, the amount of gate for first round games everybody knows are going to be mostly blowouts, and if not, there are 5 more games to go to if the team wins, and if not? nobody cared.

there isn't a lot of gate generated by first round games in ANY Division.