Ukraine Whistleblower

Latest update from Stupid Watergates....Thet package of whackadoo disinformation the State Department IG ran over to Congress...
...came from Roody Colloody.

Pence is distancing himself from Trump on Ukraine. Rush is turning on Fox News. Rudy is throwing the State Department under the bus. And Trump is lashing out in all directions at once. This kind of thing happens when a scandal begins to consume a presidency. It'll get worse.

Sad that prior to Trump national security was not something GOP senators would risk for their own political purpose...they are awefully quiet....Rob Portman???
There is no national security at stake ?‍♂️ most trusted name in news.:LOL:

Funny watching Trump implode. He is acting like a guy who has been king of his own fiefdom his entire life trying to maneuver as the leader of the world's largest democratic system. Who'd a thunk?:unsure:
On Wednesday trump was call the whistle blower a liar and the story fake news. His poor Sycophants go on TV and defend him. Then on Thursday he says he asked to have them investigate Joe and will also ask China to investigate Joe. Important note: he is not investigating any other corruption in any other country....just Joe. Rudy and the criminal minions wrote talking points for Ukrainians. The plan was to have Ukraine announce the Biden scandal (which is fake) and pile on. They have been caught red handed. Stupid Watergate(s)! Goodness knows what the "perfect" call with Putin was like.
On Wednesday trump was call the whistle blower a liar and the story fake news. His poor Sycophants go on TV and defend him. Then on Thursday he says he asked to have them investigate Joe and will also ask China to investigate Joe. Important note: he is not investigating any other corruption in any other country....just Joe. Rudy and the criminal minions wrote talking points for Ukrainians. The plan was to have Ukraine announce the Biden scandal (which is fake) and pile on. They have been caught red handed. Stupid Watergate(s)! Goodness knows what the "perfect" call with Putin was like.
Do you really believe Trump cares about corruption? Really? Come on Irwin you are smarter than that.

Perhaps but I have no way of knowing that. Durham and Barr for instance are looking reportedly in a lot of places with their investigation. FBI , CIA May be as well on cases unrelated to Biden or Ukraine or anything we’ve heard about. We have tentacles all over the world.
Soon the question will be what Democrat leaders child doesn't have a lucrative consulting job with a Ukrainian firm?

First Biden; then Kerry (step son) and now Pelosi!

I can't believe one of our Lefty morons considered Trump's kids working at Trump businesses as parallel to this payola BS. What dipsh1ts
As the article says if this is true...................

BREAKING: The Democrat whistleblower who complained about Trump digging up dirt in Ukraine was himself helping dig up dirt in Ukraine against Trump (and Manafort) while working in the Obama White House during 2016 campaign.

Democrats sure know how to PROJECT!

Uncle Saul taught them well.
On Wednesday trump was call the whistle blower a liar and the story fake news. His poor Sycophants go on TV and defend him. Then on Thursday he says he asked to have them investigate Joe and will also ask China to investigate Joe. Important note: he is not investigating any other corruption in any other country....just Joe. Rudy and the criminal minions wrote talking points for Ukrainians. The plan was to have Ukraine announce the Biden scandal (which is fake) and pile on. They have been caught red handed. Stupid Watergate(s)! Goodness knows what the "perfect" call with Putin was like.
I guess the video where Biden brags about getting a prosecutor fired with the threat of withholding US aid is fake?

Hes asking them to continue an investigation they had already undertaken, not conjure up a new one.
There is an interesting "I am an angry man and want to burn down the house" aspect to the trump supporters.
The house has been on fire for years. He is letting it burn and is planning the rebuild without the corruption rampant in the current house. We need to end the swamp. Only the Democrats want the old corrupt system to continue as long as the corruption tolerated is that of their fellow Dems. HRC was the most corrupt candidate in modern times, but she was ok with them. Biden's son's deals stink to high heaven but, so what, he is a Dem so he can do no wrong in their eyes.

This needs to end, and Trump is the only one to show an interest in doing anything about it.
There is an interesting "I am an angry man and want to burn down the house" aspect to the trump supporters.

We don't want to burn down the house, just control the design going forward and demo some parts you loons built. To beat you over the head with your own stupid metaphor, we do appreciate classical design, but your rococo columns and pediments that support nothing, and cheesy late baroque decorations that are all just ostentatious fluff - they gotta be ripped out of government. The original architecture was just fine, the early adds and modifications were prudent, but you idiots are off the rails.

Basically, your governmental policies and panderings are the governmental equivalent of Trump's own cheezy home decorating.

I hope this helps.
This article from early 2017 explains the 2016 presidential campaign collusion with a foreign government. Why don't anyone care about this collusion?
The media and our intelligence agencies don't care, The president should be reimbursed for Rudy's salary...all to protect our country.
Trump needs to keep Rudy on top of this, it must be kept from ever happening to our country again.
This article may be disturbing to those who do not like the truth...happy, you have been warned!

Keep in mind when this was written the propagandist had yet to lay on the election melding collusion delusion. Now that Trump has been cleared of Russian collusion it is the media's/ deep state's job to hide things like this. If this get too much attention and manages to escape, I'm sure they already have the articles written that debunk this right wing nutjob conspiracy theory.
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As the article says if this is true...................

BREAKING: The Democrat whistleblower who complained about Trump digging up dirt in Ukraine was himself helping dig up dirt in Ukraine against Trump (and Manafort) while working in the Obama White House during 2016 campaign.

Democrats sure know how to PROJECT!
If this is true, Pelosi may as well use the complaint to wipe her wrinkled old
How convenient. They run out a whistle blower without first hand knowledge who is rightly now all of a sudden they trot one out with "first hand knowledge".

It's like the Kavanaugh hearing. They trot out Blasie Ford, who cant remember anything, and is denounced as one vague accusation. Then all of a sudden accusers start appearing out of nowhere in an attempt to strengthen the case.

Dems are so transparent its hilarious.
How convenient. They run out a whistle blower without first hand knowledge who is rightly now all of a sudden they trot one out with "first hand knowledge".

It's like the Kavanaugh hearing. They trot out Blasie Ford, who cant remember anything, and is denounced as one vague accusation. Then all of a sudden accusers start appearing out of nowhere in an attempt to strengthen the case.

Dems are so transparent its hilarious.
I get that but what can he say about the call that we don’t already know?