IF Smoove get a NIL deal with BellStores, Smoove gonna put this picturation right smack dab on the Mantle! Smoove will remove all the conquorations of Concessionatary chickes and put this map of Bell Stores up! Smoove will feed the hand that look out for Smoove!
Now, Smoove have been in many a BellStore, primarilified in Canal Fulton and Close to Uniuontown, maybe it is Springfieldtucky, right on 619 near corner of MAyfair and 619. Smoove have had many chickes with Smoove when Smoove stopped there and gotted a couple 40-ouncers of the High Life, and gotted the chickie some of those "Wines in a Can", then Smoove would get all prepped to put somethin' in chickie's can, if you know what Smoove talkin' bout, y'all!! YYeeoowwee!! Those was some rilly Good timations. Smoove think that SMoove been to the one on Atlantic between Canton and Alliance as well.......yup, Smoove gotted with some nurse's aid from St. Joseph's right up in there by St. Thomas Aquinas.....yup, she was such a pretty little thang, and Smoove seent her there and just startin' throin' out the truthification to her. Smoove rememberifies it like it was 2 days ago....."Girl, you appearify to be so sad, so needing of some fun and electricity in your young life. My name is Smoove, and let's justy start this as sayin' that Smoove will show you a good time." Smoove whipped it out right there up in front of the entire store, and most peeps coulsn't believify it, but Smoove whipped that thang right out....Come on, y'all!! Smoove ain't THAT disgustinatin', Smoove whipped out Smoove's credit card and gotted us those fine bottles of pre-madified Marguaritas and White Russians that was sittin' in those iced down buckets in the store. What the heck did y'all think Smoove would whip out??! Ohhh, Smoove see, y'all gots the dirtification on y'all's mind.
Nah, Smoove ain't like dat! Smoove all gentlemanlyfied and use proper slang-lish.....what y'all have come to describinate as Smoovish.
Anyhooo, Smoove have a date for tonight. Yup, Smoove metified up with some chickie at a Speedway, sorry BellStores, Smoove still want to have NIL deal with y'all, but she was so nice and Smoove put just 'nuff go-go juice in her ride to get her to Smoove's crib, but also gotted soem additional dranks, so we gonna have ourselfs one heck of a good time tonight!!
SO, to all y'all, Smoove thankful depply to all y'all. Y'all have gived Smoove a platformificationation to spit Smoove's ideas and thoughtifies. Smoove indebtified to each of y'all, whether y'all like Smoove, hate Smoove (how could THAT be, though?), or follow Smoove with dedicationation, Smoove want all of y'all to have the bestest of Thanksgivings. Rememberify that we all blessed in this world, ain't no one of us any better than the other, we all just tryin' to provide, to make things better for those we care for.
All the best on this Thanksgiving to e'erone!! Smoove loves y'all!
Smoove out!