Personally, I don’t see how any experienced coaches would want the job. Especially ones that currently have their teams in the playoffs. Leave a team I got to the playoffs for another rebuild? No thanks.
The biggest issue, imo, is the complete lack of coaches anymore. In coaching, the responsibilities have only increased: expected communication with every parent for every little thing, more training, PAV licensing, CPR/First Aid, mental health training, the list goes on. Now, I’m not saying the responsibilities I listed are a bad thing. Simply saying that the responsibilities are ever-increasing, as well as time commitment, as well as their teaching job (or other profession); the one thing that doesn’t increase is the pay. I know, I know, most will say , “you don’t coach for the money”. I completely get that angle, but in the real world, it’s much more difficult to raise the responsibilities yet not raise the pay. HS coaches in other states (primarily Texas) get paid to simply coach.
I’m not a union guy, but a coaches union in Ohio may be a good start. It’s not the 80s/90s anymore where you can grab a teacher, ask them if they know anything about a sport and hand them a whistle.
The requirements are out-weighing the benefits to many.