Hazing Incidents

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I'm trusting Yappi to shut this thread down. When all the facts come out, then we can talk. Untill then all the Personal attacks and accusations are all speculative mumbo jumbo fueled by the usual unfriendlys.
Funny….when everything was happening at McKinley you didn’t ask for that. You continued to pile on. Why the change of heart?

Have you seen the video?
Where's there smoke...

There are questions to be answered:
How long has this kind of stuff been going on?
Does Moore ascribe to the "boys will be boys" mentality that some Mass posters believe?
Where were the adults before, during and after the assaults? These things get planned and discussed before the hazing occurs. Did coaches miss something?
Imma tell you one thing I have a boy on the team so I think I would know a little more then others that don't have a kid or anything to do with Massillon.
All that is being reported is some players have been suspended for what amounts to Horse play, but the police are investigating one incident that could lead to criminal charges. Eventually everything will come out at some point.
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Have you seen the video? Are you good with what happened to that young man….since you know more than others?
It doesn't matter! I trust the process time will tell. if y'all worried about what's going on here in Massillon your delusional. You people are the problem in this world so judgmental. Know the facts before you can assume. I mean I done things growing up I'm not proud of but let me tell you I have a college degree owned multiple houses 7 beautiful children and a great job. People make mistakes kids do kids things. In order to succeed you have to fail.
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It doesn't matter! I trust the process time will tell. if y'all worried about what's going on here in Massillon your delusional. You people are the problem in this world so judgmental. Know the facts before you can assume. I mean I done things growing up I'm not proud of but let me tell you I have a college degree owned multiple houses for a good job 7 beautiful children and a great job. People make mistakes kids do kids things you in order to succeed you have to fail.
Wow seven kids! Congrats that’s a lot!! Haha
Never a dull moment in your house and lots of kids to take care of you when the time comes. That’s a good thing.
Wow seven kids! Congrats that’s a lot!! Haha
Never a dull moment in your house and lots of kids to take care of you when the time comes. That’s a good thing.

When it comes to Massillon vs McKinley ( or Stark County) fans, it's better not to try to distract them. Just give in and............

Whether it's right, wrong, or indifferent, as coaches, we're responsible for what happens on our watch and that's been the case for a long time; not a new ideal. Same is true for teachers, parents, or anyone in a leadership position or position of power. I am also of the mindset that if someone wants to do something, they will find a way; supervised or not. Last time I checked people still break out of prisons, despite being the most supervised areas in the world. So, I don't necessarily feel it's right for coaches/leaders to be held responsible if they didn't know, but again, it comes with the territory and we all know that. You can disagree but it's the truth.

I have never had to deal with hazing while a HS coach but in college, we had to address it at every beginning of the season meeting cause the school had an issue with a "talent show" that had been going on for years, and one kid, one year, got his feelings hurt cause a picture of him deepthroating a hotdog was sent to the wireless printers around campus. He was a freshman and probably 90% of campus wouldn't have ever known who he was, but, that's the world we live in. Boys will be boys but they better know there are consequences now for their actions.
Whether it's right, wrong, or indifferent, as coaches, we're responsible for what happens on our watch and that's been the case for a long time; not a new ideal. Same is true for teachers, parents, or anyone in a leadership position or position of power. I am also of the mindset that if someone wants to do something, they will find a way; supervised or not. Last time I checked people still break out of prisons, despite being the most supervised areas in the world. So, I don't necessarily feel it's right for coaches/leaders to be held responsible if they didn't know, but again, it comes with the territory and we all know that. You can disagree but it's the truth.

I have never had to deal with hazing while a HS coach but in college, we had to address it at every beginning of the season meeting cause the school had an issue with a "talent show" that had been going on for years, and one kid, one year, got his feelings hurt cause a picture of him deepthroating a hotdog was sent to the wireless printers around campus. He was a freshman and probably 90% of campus wouldn't have ever known who he was, but, that's the world we live in. Boys will be boys but they better know there are consequences now for their actions.
Well said......
I have never had to deal with hazing while a HS coach but in college, we had to address it at every beginning of the season meeting cause the school had an issue with a "talent show" that had been going on for years, and one kid, one year, got his feelings hurt cause a picture of him deepthroating a hotdog was sent to the wireless printers around campus. He was a freshman and probably 90% of campus wouldn't have ever known who he was, but, that's the world we live in. Boys will be boys but they better know there are consequences now for their actions.
It would probably be best that every high school sport or club take some time out and have organized education on hazing.
anyone dismissing a video that has made its rounds as just horseplay is a fool, because the video is out there.

no parent would feel this type of thing is ok if it was done to their son plain and simple.
and for the loons that have rebuttals to every comment - ask yourself how you would react if it was done to you.
and for those of you who still don't know - you don't want to know.
anyone dismissing a video that has made its rounds as just horseplay is a fool, because the video is out there.

no parent would feel this type of thing is ok if it was done to their son plain and simple.
and for the loons that have rebuttals to every comment - ask yourself how you would react if it was done to you.
and for those of you who still don't know - you don't want to know.
It’s that bad?😱😔
Any school that doesn't is foolish and opening themselves up to all kinds of trouble.
When all the facts come out, it will be interesting to see how many days and how much time were the young people left unsupervised. Was this the norm?
Should the coaches supervise the showers to make sure nobody whips someone with a towel or other issues?

Even at school sponsored events, in locker rooms, there needs to be some sort of privacy. Not saying coaches can't enter, but they dont need to be stationed in there at all times, that's about as creepy as our President smelling people's hair.
or skinny dipping/parading in front of Secret Service Agents (M&F).......................
Should the coaches supervise the showers to make sure nobody whips someone with a towel or other issues?

Even at school sponsored events, in locker rooms, there needs to be some sort of privacy. Not saying coaches can't enter, but they dont need to be stationed in there at all times, that's about as creepy as our President smelling people's hair.
or skinny dipping/parading in front of Secret Service Agents (M&F).......................
10-12 kids ripping off an underclassman s clothes is not horse play and is extremely humiating to the individual. You are correct, it ins't the coaches job to babysit the team but it does show the lack of respect they have for Nate Moore and his staff. If the powers to be cared more about the kid than chasing the dream they are never going to catch, Moore would be out on his .
One outcome is for the first two weeks or three maybe, those fans are going to see what it is like when Massillon has to play with their own and not recruits mostly.
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