Hazing Incidents

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Here you go lying again. You started this thread because it’s about Massillon. In addition, you don’t care about the issue, at hand, this is your attempt to destroy the high school football program and coach you despise so much. Plus, you have a cult-type following to do your dirty work for you with posts and emojis. Unfortunately for you and your cohorts these goals won’t be accomplished.
Don't forget all of his...."new member" accounts.
Here you go lying again. You started this thread because it’s about Massillon. In addition, you don’t care about the issue, at hand, this is your attempt to destroy the high school football program and coach you despise so much. Plus, you have a cult-type following to do your dirty work for you with posts and emojis. Unfortunately for you and your cohorts these goals won’t be accomplished.
I think prior to these unsavory events, Coach Moore has done a good job. I have worked alongside some very fine young men from the team on community events in Massillon the last few summers.
Moore is able to motivate young men to volunteer early on hot summer Saturdays. Had he made it clear hazing and harassment is unacceptable, I don't believe it would have happened.
One thing I’ve really noticed this year with my companies class of college interns (that are supposed to be the best of the best) they’re really socially immature. Like -3 years. I think all the remote learning and social distancing due to Covid recessed these kids in ways we’re going to be seeing the effects of for years to come.

Might be smart going forward for coaches to take that into account, it’s not 15-17 year olds you’re leaving unattended, socially they may be more like 12-14. Lots of liability there.
One thing I’ve really noticed this year with my companies class of college interns (that are supposed to be the best of the best) they’re really socially immature. Like -3 years. I think all the remote learning and social distancing due to Covid recessed these kids in ways we’re going to be seeing the effects of for years to come.

Might be smart going forward for coaches to take that into account, it’s not 15-17 year olds you’re leaving unattended, socially they may be more like 12-14. Lots of liability there.
I wouldn't even blame covid, these kids don't socialize as much face to face. They haven't been in unorganized situations to learn how to resolve conflict with each other. They are afraid to not be liked as a by product of social media. Therefore it's harder for them to want leadership roles.

Add that with an amazing amount of immature parents who would rather be friends with their kids than model high character and good decision making.

It's a recipe for immaturity and sheep mentality with fragile self esteem.
Don’t worry, Ohiofootball76 supports a program that has been relevant less than 10 years. How does that happen? When their present head coach leaves, they will be irrelevant again.
But has 6 rings to show for it. Pretty relevant IMO
Unless he played or coached, he has no rings. Just like you.
I have 3 in my home and so does he thank you very much. It was also a response that a team and program we support was not relevant. But why digress, let's get back to the part of your coach being suspended for his players stripping their teammates and taking pics. That's relevant.
I have 3 in my home and so does he thank you very much. It was also a response that a team and program we support was not relevant. But why digress, let's get back to the part of your coach being suspended for his players stripping their teammates and taking pics. That's relevant.
If they're not yours you must be "one of those dads." Let's call them....oh....I don't know...."prototype dads."
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But has 6 rings to show for it. Pretty relevant IMO
LOL. Who cares? It is factual, 10 years ago “your school” was irrelevant. What changed? The whole state knows how it was accomplished. Let’s see if “your beloved program” is relevant 5-10 years from now!🤔 For comparison, the program I support has been relevant for 100 years!🐅
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LOL. Who cares? It is factual, 10 years ago “your school” was irrelevant. What changed? The whole state knows how it was accomplished. Let’s see if “your beloved program” is relevant 5-10 years from now!🤔 For comparison, the program I support has been relevant for 100 years!🐅
Relevant to stark county maybe? Yours will be remembered for no titles and pictures of naked teens on the internet.
I wasn't even aware of this incident let alone this thread until I got a message "Oil Filter has returned" a few days ago so I had to check it out.

It's been a fun read honestly from both sides. I think I liked and laughed at a few comments from both sides. Even the Hertler DUI joke made me laugh and thought of seeing Donnie at 365 Fighter Group drunk and giving me a hug (same year too).

Anyways less than a month til Football season!
I wasn't even aware of this incident let alone this thread until I got a message "Oil Filter has returned" a few days ago so I had to check it out.

It's been a fun read honestly from both sides. I think I liked and laughed at a few comments from both sides. Even the Hertler DUI joke made me laugh and thought of seeing Donnie at 365 Fighter Group drunk and giving me a hug (same year too).

Anyways less than a month til Football season!
Funny post Levi.
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