Hazing Incidents

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There are kids on the team that get free apartments in Massillon if they are willing to come play football there. It gets investigated and nothing happens. This hazing incident will end up the same way. It will get swept under the rug somehow. Lets just trust my crystal ball and move on from this thread.
There are kids on the team that get free apartments in Massillon if they are willing to come play football there. It gets investigated and nothing happens. This hazing incident will end up the same way. It will get swept under the rug somehow. Lets just trust my crystal ball and move on from this thread.
Apartments ? There is an allotment of houses on the NW side, most of them with 5 bedrooms and 4 baths, some have pools and are completely furnished. A few I saw have 3 car garages for the free cars as well.
There are kids on the team that get free apartments in Massillon if they are willing to come play football there. It gets investigated and nothing happens. This hazing incident will end up the same way. It will get swept under the rug somehow. Lets just trust my crystal ball and move on from this thread.
That crystal ball is hazy there have already been suspensions and kids missing time, not to mention the HC is on administrative leave so it doesn’t appear as if this is being swept under anything. But who am I to disagree with Nostradumbass.
I KNOW one thing that will come of this. There will be more misinformation and lying that goes on by the Massillon haters than there be actual truth told. The hate and lying will divide the town and Massillon fans will have to go on the defensive with people who come from places where the same stuff happens. The hypocrisy from the haters will astounding. Bottom line is teenagers, especially in a group environment do stupid . All that can be done is to remove the guilty kids from the team and move on. I hate to see this happen anywhere. The worst part of it is if this happens at ACME high school (and it does just about everywhere) it is not even a story. But the media will descend on Massillon and print quotes from anyone who has an axe to grind and those quotes become the story. As a fan of this same “haters target” mentallity I can say it will pass, but it is a difficult distraction to get past in the season it happens.
Except it was true. If not why did 2 kids end up locked up?
show me where it says that kid specifically was held down?
Riddell reported that about half of a dozen or more players participated in a "game" where they rushed unsuspecting teammates, tackling them to the ground and trying to remove an item of clothing. Most of the teens pinned to the ground were able to wrestle away and lost no clothing while some lost a shoe or had their clothes tugged.

One player was unable to escape as his flip-flops and shorts were removed, leaving him naked from the waist down.

How is trying to remove an item of clothing accidental? If they were tackling them and he was unable to escape, how could you possibly assume he was not held down?
Is that anywhere in the report of incident? The report clearly describes it being deleted and NO ONE is accused the distributing it, in any manner in that way.

These are serious, felony sex offenses that the Justice Department has not been involved with nor was the case referred to them by ANYONE.

Keep trying but you can try and create something out of thin air but it's not working.

Were almost a month from the incident and the investigation is over and the prosecutor has shown no interest, in filing, as Moore prepares to return to his job!

Sorry for the trolls and haters but the report doesn't match the hate that blinds you to the FACTS / TRUTH!

EVERYONE has had video from the beginning and NOTHING, from the Prosecutor, Board of Education or Police Department as far as filing anything!

By who? You're still not getting it. Take some time and thought in your posts. NO ONE is taking any punitive action against anyone involved, after the coach was put on leave till the investigation is over.

Why is he on administrative leave until the investigation is over if the investigation is over? I feel so bad for intelligent people that don't even have a tiny bit of common sense.
coach was put on leave till the investigation is over
Wishful thinking!

Since all the evidence has been in for almost a month. Moore will be back to work, BEFORE his new contract starts!

Massillon Police submitted their INVESTIGATIVE REPORT to the prosecutor. No one has indicated that it needed a referral, for further investigation, SO YES, the investigation is OVER!
Why is he on leave? If the investigation is over he should be reinstated or fired.
OK, I'll bite.... "this could be serious"..... Does that make you happy? Geesh!!!!
Over 600 posts and no one on either side knows for sure what will come out of all this....
Blah, blah, blah.... Why not wait until the final decision/consequences are determined?
Everything right now regarding what should/will be done is total speculation...
One thing for sure, whatever happens the anti-Massillon posters will not think it was severe enough....
I'm not associated with either program, nor do I have any strong or even weak feelings about either. Massillon posters did not wait for any final decision/consequences about Wattley or however you spell it lol. You reap what you sow my friend.
I feel you in this. But if Moore called a coaches meeting while the players were required to be there and left the team completely unattended, that's a different issue.
Yeah I get it. At the end of the day these are young adults they should act like leaders. I keep hearing he will be fired very soon and Ast will lead Tean this year
See you are looking at it from a haters angle. From what I’ve read, the “victims” don’t consider themselves victims. It’s been reported that the victims have said they are still friends and nothing has changed in their relationships with the pranksters. My point is that this entire situation will be made a bigger deal than it really is. Most all of us who played team sports were hazed and pranked and also hazed and pranked others. I do agree that if the “victims” felt victimized and are indicating that this is some type major trauma to overcome that this is something different than just boys being boys. But, it doesn’t look like that’s the case.
I did a whole lot of playing team sports. I was hazed as a FR, 2 of them immediately regretted it, they eventually got me, the others regretted it later. None of the other FR got hazed. Never hazed anyone, and no one hazed anyone in front of me. Just because you were ok with bullying and being bullied doesn't mean others are ok with. It's been over 30 yrs and just recently had someone thank me for stepping in when they were being bullied(hazed and pranked if you prefer it), considering suicide until it stopped when I stepped in. You are delusional if you think some kids don't carry that around for a long time.
Why is he on administrative leave until the investigation is over if the investigation is over? I feel so bad for intelligent people that don't even have a tiny bit of common sense.
Duh, stupid, because obviously it isn't over (the investigative phase is complete.) (the reports have been submitted but the prosecutor / board of education haven't come to their decisions). Moron!

The police department submitted their reports to the prosecutor and the school district is waiting for his decision.
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Should be hung in every locker room.
You can't desperately seek attention for your football team then complain about getting negative attention too.
Moore has at minimum allowed a culture where assaulting, humiliating and victimizing teammates is somehow viewed as team-building and acceptable.
Here you go lying again. You started this thread because it’s about Massillon. In addition, you don’t care about the issue, at hand, this is your attempt to destroy the high school football program and coach you despise so much. Plus, you have a cult-type following to do your dirty work for you with posts and emojis. Unfortunately for you and your cohorts these goals won’t be accomplished.
You can't desperately seek attention for your football team then complain about getting negative attention too.
Moore has dominated mckinley !!!
Except for one thing, we love all the attention !!!
It’s all about Massillon 24-7-365 !! It doesn’t matter if it’s September or February there is only one high school football program that people care about all year long and that is proven every damn day on this website !!!
Apartments ? There is an allotment of houses on the NW side, most of them with 5 bedrooms and 4 baths, some have pools and are completely furnished. A few I saw have 3 car garages for the free cars as well.
Stop spreading rumors, OK? The truth is some are flown in, just for games. Others stay in luxury hotels, and cool down after games with a mani pedi and massage while concubines fan them with those big feather things and feed them grapes. During a bye week, the team is flown to Europe for a stint in a Swedish spa and an evening getting their ashes hauled in the Red Light district in Amsterdam

I thought this thread needed a bit of lightnening up. Some of you guys are wound too tight.
Could you imagine being one of the families that transferred in this year? They have to be thinking what did we get ourselves into? You can only transfer once per year too......they are stuck. It was play in the weakest region in the state of Ohio, Get to the state semis and get punched in the mouth by a better team. Now its who will be our coach, who will transfer out, how many games will my teammates play......then get punched in the mouth. Im feeling for these families and I am adding them to my prayers. #pray4massillon
You can't desperately seek attention for your football team then complain about getting negative attention too.
Moore has at minimum allowed a culture where assaulting, humiliating and victimizing teammates is somehow viewed as team-building and acceptable.

Nothing stated above is true, as usual, troll. But that's all you got, when we beat your *** every year. You want to talk about culture? Really? Glass houses.
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Could you imagine being one of the families that transferred in this year? They have to be thinking what did we get ourselves into? You can only transfer once per year too......they are stuck.
Unless the rules have changed, you would be wrong on that. The bylaw says (said?) that a player is not locked in until he has participated in a game or scrimmage for that season.

If a family is aghast at the immorality and toxicity of the Massillon program, they are free at any time to potentially forego football eligibility and transfer to a different school if it they feel it offers a more nurturing environment. There are no restrictions on changing schools.
Moore should not be blamed for this. I get that he should have known something was going on, but sometimes kids do things that you would never dream they would do. This is one of those things. He did the right thing and reported it when it happened. Nothing more he can do.
Except for one thing, we love all the attention !!!
It’s all about Massillon 24-7-365 !! It doesn’t matter if it’s September or February there is only one high school football program that people care about all year long and that is proven every damn day on this website !!!

Boom. And, the trolls can try and the trolls can dream, but this will only make the team stronger, watch. Good luck rest of Stark, we'll be waiting.
Could you imagine being one of the families that transferred in this year? They have to be thinking what did we get ourselves into? You can only transfer once per year too......they are stuck. It was play in the weakest region in the state of Ohio, Get to the state semis and get punched in the mouth by a better team. Now it’s who will be our coach, who will transfer out, how many games will my teammates play......then get punched in the mouth. Im feeling for these families and I am adding them to my prayers. #pray4massillon
Wake up… you are dreaming
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