DIV State Semifinal: Steubenville vs. Kettering Alter

Who wins?

  • Steubenville by 1-8

    Votes: 23 21.7%
  • Steubenville by 9-16

    Votes: 13 12.3%
  • Steubenville by 17+

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Alter by 1-8

    Votes: 23 21.7%
  • Alter by 9-16

    Votes: 18 17.0%
  • Alter by 17+

    Votes: 28 26.4%

  • Total voters
After watching every play of this state semifinal on OHSAA TV, here is my take on the game. After the opening kickoff, things went downhill for Big Red. Dropped passes and a fumble quickly put them in a hole 14-0. I will say the first couple unsportsmanlike penalties against the Red were highly questionable to me. Then things unraveled quickly both on the field and sidelines. I saw coaches arguing with players and coaches. I saw players arguing with each other in the huddle. Midway through 2nd quarter all 4 wheels came off. When Alter did the pooch kick that landed inside the 15 yard line near the sidelines, Big Red players stood and watched Alter pounce on the ball. Game was over then. In the 2nd half, when Big Red players were getting obvious penalties, why did the coaches keep these players in the game? They could have gotten some kind of control by taking those players out. This game became hard to watch because you didn't know what was going to happen next. I felt bad when the game was over, Alter quickly retreated to the far endzone skipping the end of game handshake. It was probably the right thing to do by Alter, but still sad to watch. Alter is a strong team. Glenville will be a different animal. Sorry about the length of my post.
Does the BR admin have a serious conversation with Coach Reno about “retirement” after this debacle?
They should. Players have to be personally responsible for their own behaviour but when the players lose control like they did last night, it is the coaches job to remove the players and he clearly he didn't do that last night. I am sure the BR coach is a good coach but last night was a total failure on his part.
Games don't just get out of control. It's a progression. It starts with the trash talking and the cursing. I saw a lot of personal fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct fouls this season where no one had any idea what happened that caused the penalty. I don't know and would have to defer to resident experts, but I think refs were coached to keep things under control earlier than later. If so, it's a good move. Probably not popular if you root for a team with a lot of trash talking, cussing at the refs, throwing punches in the pile knuckleheads. This might have been the first really good crew working the Big Red game instead of locals who believe in "letting the kids play."
I think it was funny the Big Red just assumed they would be playing Glenville. I guess someone forgot to tell Alter. What a beatdown. My only regret is that I did not get to see Glenville pound them. The Big Red fans must be so proud of how the team embarrassed the whole city with their performance.
It’s a unsportsmanlike foul back to back on extra point attempts.

I mean it’s obvious OHSSA mad Reno in the National High School Hall of Fame.
And the proud upstanding refs from OHSSA are making there statement by taking it out on teenage kids. They should be so proud of themselves.

What is this OHSSA you keep referring to and why are they part of your conspiracy theory?
Odd Alter was ok with scoring a TD, and even before that throwing a swing pass on 3rd down that went for a big chunk, but then taking a knee on the extra point. Maybe it was a poke-in-the-eye gesture.
I think it was a gesture for Alter to show humility even though they were obviously dealing with a bunch of sinners and heathens on the other side. It's definitely what Jesus would've done.
After watching every play of this state semifinal on OHSAA TV, here is my take on the game. After the opening kickoff, things went downhill for Big Red. Dropped passes and a fumble quickly put them in a hole 14-0. I will say the first couple unsportsmanlike penalties against the Red were highly questionable to me. Then things unraveled quickly both on the field and sidelines. I saw coaches arguing with players and coaches. I saw players arguing with each other in the huddle. Midway through 2nd quarter all 4 wheels came off. When Alter did the pooch kick that landed inside the 15 yard line near the sidelines, Big Red players stood and watched Alter pounce on the ball. Game was over then. In the 2nd half, when Big Red players were getting obvious penalties, why did the coaches keep these players in the game? They could have gotten some kind of control by taking those players out. This game became hard to watch because you didn't know what was going to happen next. I felt bad when the game was over, Alter quickly retreated to the far endzone skipping the end of game handshake. It was probably the right thing to do by Alter, but still sad to watch. Alter is a strong team. Glenville will be a different animal. Sorry about the length of my post.
Very good post and observations. The early unsportsmanlike penalties were for things the Steubenville players said. I have no clue what they were, but they must have been pretty bad, since the flags were thrown so quickly.
I went to this game last night, I had never seen Steubenville and while I have been involved in Yappi and high school football for many years. I have always thought of The Big Red as a solid program. I really looked forward to finally being able to add them to my long list of schools I've seen in person over the years. Unfortunately what I saw out of them was not what I expected by any means. While you can say all you want some of the penalty's was questionable and I won't disagree, but for the coaching staff to not step in and tell the kids to stop giving them reason to throw flags is not acceptable in my opinion. Do I think the crew was flag happy? Yes I do, but they made it very clear very early they was not giving any margin or they was throwing a flag.

To the game itself, the dropped passes early on by BR was untimely, but the thing that kind of struck me as odd was the demeanor of the players after the drops. It was as if they wasn't really upset with the drops. Does BR normally not do any warm ups coming out of the half? They came out to start the 3rd quarter just walked to the sideline and stood around until it started while Alter was getting ready for the 2nd half. We left after Alter kicked off from the 30 and pooched it to the side and then recovered the kickoff while BR players didn't even put any effort into recovering the kickoff. I added the BR to my list, but I hope to some day get to see them again and change the narrative of what I saw in them last night.