700 WLW

I listened to Mike for years when he did the 9:00 - 12:00 show. He was very good at talking about all kinds of subject with a level head. I tried listening to Mike when he came back but I stopped because he seemed to be just redoing Good 'Ol Jim Scott's morning show. Way too much scheduled "national" stuff.
I would encourage you to listen from the 8-9 hour, it's more like Mike's old show. He has regulars but he also takes calls and has topics. Mike does an excellent job reading up on things and following what's going on.
I'd add the parents to that list of "who's accountable." I'm sorry but no matter what you're dealing with in life, you as a parent, should be able to check to make sure your kid can read, write and do math. If they can't, then ask the people in bold above questions.
Absolutely, I hold the parents accountable first because they brought this child into the world, and in my mind, every legitimate parent wants a better life for their kid than they had. So there should be a natural progression. Sadly, we have alot, and I mean ALOT of parents who do not give a rip about education. The only reason the kid goes to school is because it's against the law not to.
So to lighten things up a bit, Mike talked today about the death of Raquel Welch, and the side topic came up about these celebrity / model pin ups that alot of boys / men had in their bedroom. So let's list some of your favorites from back in the day?
So to lighten things up a bit, Mike talked today about the death of Raquel Welch, and the side topic came up about these celebrity / model pin ups that alot of boys / men had in their bedroom. So let's list some of your favorites from back in the day?
Mike McConnell brought up yesterday a proposal where schools supply ALL students with lunch everyday. The norm is that kids buy the school lunch or pack a lunch. Those who can't afford a lunch is in a program for free or reduced lunches. Now mind you most school lunches run from $2.50 - $3.50. Not sure I've heard of any more than that, and understand that the cost of the lunch - like everything else has gone up over the years as has the cost of labor for the people that work in the cafeteria.
The reason this proposal is being brought about is to try to erase the "stigma" of those getting the free lunch.
Am I insane? We do not want to make it comfortable for people to be or remain poor. That's the underlying fiber of being an adult. Being able to take care of yourself.
Mike brought up the lack of shame by people today. There was a time when you had either newspaper photos or TV stories on the free Thanksgiving meals or food pantries and the footage didn't identify people. Now people are happy to be interviewed??? What are we doing?
And my contention is still, these kids who get free lunches come from homes with food stamps and other assistance. Why are we feeding kids free lunches when they are on assistance anyway? That's what the assistance is for??
Mike McConnell brought up yesterday a proposal where schools supply ALL students with lunch everyday. The norm is that kids buy the school lunch or pack a lunch. Those who can't afford a lunch is in a program for free or reduced lunches. Now mind you most school lunches run from $2.50 - $3.50. Not sure I've heard of any more than that, and understand that the cost of the lunch - like everything else has gone up over the years as has the cost of labor for the people that work in the cafeteria.
The reason this proposal is being brought about is to try to erase the "stigma" of those getting the free lunch.
Am I insane? We do not want to make it comfortable for people to be or remain poor. That's the underlying fiber of being an adult. Being able to take care of yourself.
Mike brought up the lack of shame by people today. There was a time when you had either newspaper photos or TV stories on the free Thanksgiving meals or food pantries and the footage didn't identify people. Now people are happy to be interviewed??? What are we doing?
And my contention is still, these kids who get free lunches come from homes with food stamps and other assistance. Why are we feeding kids free lunches when they are on assistance anyway? That's what the assistance is for??
You really want to get your blood flowing, read the "baby bonds $1,000 giveaway in the debate forum. Poor kids will get $2,000 per year making their accounts worth about $50k after college. They will be able to use that to purchase a house. Its supposed to help in the past wealth gap narrowing.
You really want to get your blood flowing, read the "baby bonds $1,000 giveaway in the debate forum. Poor kids will get $2,000 per year making their accounts worth about $50k after college. They will be able to use that to purchase a house. Its supposed to help in the past wealth gap narrowing.
It's mind numbing who comes up with this stuff. It's proven over and over and over, if you GIVE someone something, there's little value to it. If they earn it, it's worth much more. There is no wealth gap. I grew up in the 70's-80's. I'm white, lower / middle class upbringing. Nothing was given. I don't recall any of the kids I went to school with who were discriminated against. All of us had the same classes, same opportunities to succeed for fail.
So heard a paid spot on WLW this morning, a way you can text a $50 contribution for feeding the hungry because we have an malnutrition of families today.

Anyone see any malnourished people much today? If anything we have an obesity issue, and many are the poor. Between food stamps, soup kitchens, food banks, The claim that there is a hunger problem in American is a bold faced lie today. It won't be long before we won't even make people go get their food, there will be doordash for free meals for the hungry.
I used to listen back when they were good. Stopped after they started programming MAGA FAUX politics.
So Mike, always being the good citizen trying to keep us centered, talked about a recent comment by President Biden regarding taxes. Of course Biden is constantly saying the wealthy should pay their "fair" share. I guess in the technical sense, what is "fair". We'll, here is the latest from the IRS. And these are PAID taxes, not estimates.

The top 1% of wage earners pay 42% of the total income tax base. the top 1%is classified as a person making $550,000 annually
The top 5% - 62% those making $220,000

So where are we at?
the BOTTOM 50% of wage earners pay only 2% of the income tax base.

What does all this mean? It means most of us live here in the good old USA don't get taxed, or taxed very little. Now this of course does not include sales taxes, gas taxes, etc. This in only income tax.

So when you or you hear someone whining about paying their taxes, set them straight.
So Mike, always being the good citizen trying to keep us centered, talked about a recent comment by President Biden regarding taxes. Of course Biden is constantly saying the wealthy should pay their "fair" share. I guess in the technical sense, what is "fair". We'll, here is the latest from the IRS. And these are PAID taxes, not estimates.

The top 1% of wage earners pay 42% of the total income tax base. the top 1%is classified as a person making $550,000 annually
The top 5% - 62% those making $220,000

So where are we at?
the BOTTOM 50% of wage earners pay only 2% of the income tax base.

What does all this mean? It means most of us live here in the good old USA don't get taxed, or taxed very little. Now this of course does not include sales taxes, gas taxes, etc. This in only income tax.

So when you or you hear someone whining about paying their taxes, set them straight.
Cherry picking income tax stats. Now take a look at the total effective tax burden which falls proportionally much more on middle and lower income classes.

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Love Mike McConnell, taking a shots at the homeless today.

Today his message is to those who GIVE to the homeless and panhandlers. And this is so elementary, yet we just don't seem to get it.

  • homeless advocates say - Do Not Give Money to beggers. It only keeps them doing it.
  • there isn't a block in America that's not hiring. There are more jobs out there than in the history of mankind. For many, human nature is to always take the easy way out. If your never made to work and earn a living, many will never do it
  • there no shortage of government programs to "feed" these folks. SNAP, food stamps, housing assistance, WE already take care of these people with your tax dollars.
  • many beggers are part of an organized group who get dropped off a certain areas and they get a cut of whatever they take in.
If a begger sits out there for 8-10 hours and gets next to nothing, it will STOP.
So he went down the old WLW "I don't have a topic so let's go after the homeless and see if that can stir up some rage"...when was the last time you went downtown and were harassed by a panhandler? There's still homeless people but for the most part people don't carry cash or have loose change. Even the stadiums are card only so they don't wait outside there like they used to. Some around the casino but they bother me less than the recently released prisoners that hang around.

It's been pointed out to you numerous times that a good portion of these people have mental issues. They have no intentions on getting a job or bettering their life.
So he went down the old WLW "I don't have a topic so let's go after the homeless and see if that can stir up some rage"...when was the last time you went downtown and were harassed by a panhandler? There's still homeless people but for the most part people don't carry cash or have loose change. Even the stadiums are card only so they don't wait outside there like they used to. Some around the casino but they bother me less than the recently released prisoners that hang around.

It's been pointed out to you numerous times that a good portion of these people have mental issues. They have no intentions on getting a job or bettering their life.
Actually I think he was pointing out that many of the homeless are actually not. It's an organized group that drops people off in different areas and that person gets a percentage of what they take in.
That may be the best thing about going to a cashless society. I live in a much smaller community than Cincinnati and there are panhandlers.
And you actually made Mike's point with the cards, if you quit giving them money, they'll go away.
so what is the Tracer up to now a days?
I have no idea, his boy Hunter was bouncing around in minor league baseball but he doesn't mention that much. Lance does extra innings during the week and they have different guys do the weekends.
I have no idea, his boy Hunter was bouncing around in minor league baseball but he doesn't mention that much. Lance does extra innings during the week and they have different guys do the weekends.
Probably because he never made it above low A ball and hasn't played since 2013
Probably because he never made it above low A ball and hasn't played since 2013
You need to update Wikipedia - Jones last played in 2019 according to baseball-reference.com

Good commentary by Mike McConnell today. Brought up two major cities where major store chains were closing stores due to stealing. San Francisco / Whole Foods and Chicago closing 4 Wal Mart stores.
Here's the situation, people live in poor neighborhoods complain because they don't have anywhere to shop and get their food and clothes ( they don't have cars) so the options are limited.
City leaders crumble and give in, build nice new stores and the people in the neighborhood steal from that store because that's what the poor do. Then when stores have to close because.... why --- They can't make money because their customers steal so much there are no profits.
So A. you have the problem of no place to shop, and B. you have lost many jobs that store created...all because the people who live there are so short sighted they can't understand what one does to the other. And of course if the police intervene, they get called out for being hostile and too brutal.
You really can't make this stuff up.
In my opinion, a bigger reason why theft is so high in some areas is because there's no repercussions even when the police are called and press charges. Unless it's a felony amount you aren't even getting arrested because jails don't have room for lower level crimes. You can go plead guilty and you'll get probation and told not to do it again. Same punishment over and over. If you see there's no punishment then why not?
Good commentary by Mike McConnell today. Brought up two major cities where major store chains were closing stores due to stealing. San Francisco / Whole Foods and Chicago closing 4 Wal Mart stores.
Here's the situation, people live in poor neighborhoods complain because they don't have anywhere to shop and get their food and clothes ( they don't have cars) so the options are limited.
City leaders crumble and give in, build nice new stores and the people in the neighborhood steal from that store because that's what the poor do. Then when stores have to close because.... why --- They can't make money because their customers steal so much there are no profits.
So A. you have the problem of no place to shop, and B. you have lost many jobs that store created...all because the people who live there are so short sighted they can't understand what one does to the other. And of course if the police intervene, they get called out for being hostile and too brutal.
You really can't make this stuff up.
No big loss, WalMart sucks and is the biggest takers of government tax funds. Large amount of employees on Medicaid because they don’t pay living wages. I never shop there.
In my opinion, a bigger reason why theft is so high in some areas is because there's no repercussions even when the police are called and press charges. Unless it's a felony amount you aren't even getting arrested because jails don't have room for lower level crimes. You can go plead guilty and you'll get probation and told not to do it again. Same punishment over and over. If you see there's no punishment then why not?
Agree. I have often thought a little Saudi Arabia justice would curb the desire to steal. Of course, few people blame someone who is stealing to simply survive, but with our social network today, no one is in such position unless they are outside of the system. Cut off a few hands and word would get around that stealing that game system may not be a good idea unless you plan on learning to play it with your feet.

Really enjoyed Mike's story today about the Target manager who faced off with the 37 year old seeking race reparations.
Its getting obvious Willy is just about finished as a full timer. Will Mike move to the 12:00-3:00 slot? I would like to see that happen, as many people can do the early hours, but filling that midday slot takes more talent, Mike would be a great replacement for Willy's audience IMO.
No big loss, WalMart sucks and is the biggest takers of government tax funds. Large amount of employees on Medicaid because they don’t pay living wages. I never shop there.
Ok, you're completely missing the point. The point is those people in poorer communities still need to get groceries and other items, AND they need jobs in those areas for people who don't have transportation.
Regardless of your personal opinion on Wal Mart's, they employ people, my guess is one store probably employs 60-70 people minimum. Those jobs just POOF - go away.
Like McDonald's, many jobs at WalMart are not expected to support a family of 4 or 5 and definitely not ENTRY level. That's why they are called ENTRY level.
In my opinion, a bigger reason why theft is so high in some areas is because there's no repercussions even when the police are called and press charges. Unless it's a felony amount you aren't even getting arrested because jails don't have room for lower level crimes. You can go plead guilty and you'll get probation and told not to do it again. Same punishment over and over. If you see there's no punishment then why not?
Absolutely. The stores are scared to get sued if they try to stop someone, and you're right, the jails are overcrowded with violent offenders and other bigger crimes.
But here the thing, you HAVE to get people in these communities to see what they are doing to themselves. There's always been this thought int he poorer communities to "do what you have to, to survive". Almost making it ok? Why is this belief espoused? I mean the excuse that there are not jobs is gone. There are jobs jobs jobs everywhere. If you don't have money, you have a spending problem, not an earning problem. We have way too many people today who wake up with nothing to do that day. They are on some kind of assistance where they don't feel the need to work. That needs to end.